300字范文 > 多元系统论 Polysystem Theory英语短句 例句大全

多元系统论 Polysystem Theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 12:43:48


多元系统论 Polysystem Theory英语短句 例句大全

多元系统论,Polysystem Theory

1)Polysystem Theory多元系统论

1.Translation or Transfer—That is the Question:—Reflection on the Concept and Research Range of Translation from the Perspective ofPolysystem Theory;翻译还是迁移,这是一个问题——从多元系统论的角度对翻译概念和研究范围的思考

2.Query, Deconstruction, or Subversion?——On the Self-contradiction, Misreading and Misuse ofPolysystem Theory;质疑,解构,颠覆?——论多元系统论的悖谬、误读与误用

3.Translated Literature & Original Literature in the Perspective ofPolysystem Theory;多元系统论观照下的翻译文学和原创文学


1.On the Translator s Subjectivity from the Views of the Theory of Complementary Multi-Criteria and Poly-System Hypothesis;从多元互补论和多元系统论谈译者的主体性

2.A Polysystem Approach to the Chinese Translations of the Walden;从多元系统论看《瓦尔登湖》的译介

3.On Limitations of Polysystem Theory from Aspect of Translator"s Subjectivity从译者主体性看多元系统论的局限性

4.On Lu Xun s Translation Theory about Foreignization from Polysystem Perspective;多元系统论视角下的鲁迅异化翻译理论

5.Query, Deconstruction, or Subversion?--On the Self-contradiction, Misreading and Misuse of Polysystem Theory;质疑,解构,颠覆?——论多元系统论的悖谬、误读与误用

6.A Study on Lu Xun s Translation Theory and Practice of Literature as Viewed from the Perspective of "Polysystem Theory";从多元系统论角度看鲁迅的文学翻译观

7.Translated Literature & Original Literature in the Perspective of Polysystem Theory;多元系统论观照下的翻译文学和原创文学

8.Polysystem Perspective:The Diachronic Alternation of Domestication and Foreignization in the Transitional Period of Literature;从多元系统论看文学转型期的归化异化

9.The “Nationality” of Translated Literature from a Polysystemic Perspective;从多元系统论的观点看翻译文学的“国籍”

10.Poly System Studies as Viewed From Different Translated Versions of Jane Eyre从《简爱》的不同译本看多元系统理论

11.The Study of Chinese Bible Translation from the Perspective of Polysystem Theory;多元系统理论观照下的圣经汉译研究

12.An Exploration on Polysystem Theory from the Coexistence of Two Translation Strategies;从两种翻译策略并存看多元系统理论

13.Analysis of Different Translated Versions of Jane Eyre from Polysystem Theory;从多元系统理论看《简·爱》的不同译本

14.Polysystem Theory: A New Approach to Translation Studies;多元系统理论:翻译研究领域的拓展

15.On Lin Shu"s Translation in the Light of Polysystem Theory林纾翻译的多元系统理论阐释(英文)

16.On Novel Transiation in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China (1898-1919): A Polysystem Perspective;论多元系统理论观照下的清末民初小说翻译

17.On Retranslation of Children s Literature from the Perspective of Rewriting and Polysystem Theory;从改写与多元系统视角论儿童文学的复译

18.A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of Gone with the Wind from the Perspective of Polysystem Theory;多元系统理论视角下《飘》两个中译本的对比研究


polysystem theory多元系统理论

1.On the Non-adequacy of Polysystem Theory inExplaining Literary Translation;论多元系统理论对文学翻译的解释力的不充分性

2.The Study of Chinese Bible Translation from the Perspective of Polysystem Theory;多元系统理论观照下的圣经汉译研究

3.This thesis aims to analyze the two different translation strategies,one of which is foreignization adopted by Yang Xianyi and his wife and the other one domestication adopted by David Hawks,of the two versions of Hong Lou Meng from the perspective ofpolysystem theory.从佐哈尔的多元系统理论,来分析杨宪益夫妇及霍克斯翻译《红楼梦》时所选用的不同翻译策略———异化和归化的原因,可以发现:译者对汉语文化的认同、翻译目的、中国传统文化在英美文学系统中的位置、赞助商等诸多因素,会影响霍克斯和杨宪益夫妇对《红楼梦》翻译版本在英美文学系统中位置的确认。

3)polysystem theory and norm theory多元系统论和规范理论

4)Even-Zohar"s Polysystem theory佐哈的多元系统论


1.APolysystem Approach to the Chinese Translations of the Walden;从多元系统论看《瓦尔登湖》的译介

2.On limitation of polysystem theory in its application to the modern translated literature of China;从中国近代翻译文学看多元系统理论的局限性

6)Polysystem Theory多系统论

1.A Comparison ofPolysystem Theory by Even-Zohar with Plural Complementarism of Translation Standard by Gu Zhengkun;埃文佐哈尔“多系统论”与辜正坤“多元互补论”之比较


多元犯罪原因论多元犯罪原因论plural aetiology towards crime多元犯罪原因论(plural aetiology to-wards crime)也称犯罪的多因素论。主要认为犯罪心理的形成和犯罪行为的发生,并非某一种因素导致的结果,而是身体的、精神的、心理的、社会的多方面因素促成的,或者强调这些因素的某种结合。早期社会学派的代表人物李斯特(Liszt,F.)提出了所谓“二元”的犯罪原因论。认为犯罪是个人体质的和后天社会环境两方面的因素决定的。菲利(Ferri,E.)主张犯罪的“三要素论”,认为犯罪是个人体质的、社会环境的和地理环境三方面因素相互作用的结果。后来一些犯罪学家对青少年犯罪进行研究,指出与青少年犯罪有关的各种不同的因素和条’件有170种之多。美国犯罪学家格卢克夫妇(Glueek,5.and Glueek,E.)通过对比调查研究,发现犯罪少年在体质、气质、情感、智力、家庭教育、居住环境等方面与非犯罪青少年存在差异。美国当代犯罪学家杰弗利(Jeffery,e.)认为犯罪行为的形成,乃是社会因素及心理因素交互作用所致。他认为研究犯罪,必须运用多学科的理论,进行整合研究。多元的犯罪原因论比单一因素论是一个进步。这一理论在西方广为流行。但这一理论并未分清本质的和非本质的因素,有一定的局限性。(解玉教撰何为民审)
