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应用文写作 practical writing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-03 12:47:29


应用文写作 practical writing英语短句 例句大全

应用文写作,practical writing

1)practical writing应用文写作

1.The teaching research ofpractical writing in vocational colleges;高职应用文写作课程教学探索

2.Teaching Ponder over Practical Writing Class in Higher Vocational College;关于高职高专院校应用文写作课的教学思考

3.Thoughts of Teaching Practical Writing应用文写作教学心得浅谈


1.WRITING WISDOM AND WISE WRITING--Researches on Strategies of Contemporary Practical Writing;写作智慧与智慧写作——现代应用文写作策略初探

2.The Teaching Strategy and Writing Skill of English Applicant Composition;英语应用文写作教学策略与写作技巧

3.Caring About Readers Psychological Demands in Appling Documents Writing;应用文写作应关注写作受体的心理需求

4.The Use of Games Teaching Method in Practical Writing Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges“游戏”在高职应用文写作教学中的应用

5.Thoughts on Teaching Practical Writing in Higher Vocational Colleges;关于高职应用文写作教学的几点思考

6.A Probe on the Principles of Practical Writing on Searching Documents;通缉令等寻找类应用文写作规律探索

7.On the Pattern Ways of Thinking and Innovative Ways of Thinking in Practical Writing;应用文写作的模式化思维与创新思维

8.Training Strategies of English Practical Writing in PRETCO;由PRETCO谈英语应用文写作训练

9.On Practical Writing and Comprehensive Quality of College Students;浅谈应用文写作与大学生的综合素质

10.Thoughts on Reforms in Teaching Practical Writing;关于应用文写作教学改革的几点思考

11.On the Teaching Present Conditions of Finance and Economics Practical Writing and Countermeasures;财经应用文写作教学现状及对策浅谈

12.Teaching practical writing at tertiary level -Experiments and proposals;高校英语应用文写作教学实验和构想

13.On the Principle of Teaching Practical Writing to Adults;浅谈成人应用文写作教学的基本原则

14.An Analytical Study of Modern Practical Writing Culture;时运交移,质文代变——现代应用文写作文化初探

15.Try Discussing How to Realize the Combination between Humanistic and Economic Knowledge on the Writing of Economic and Financial Applied Article;试论财经应用文写作如何实现“文”与“商”结合

16.On Higher Vocational Practical Writing from View of Han Yu Practical Writing;从韩愈的应用文体写作看高职应用写作教学

17.The apply of EndNote in Document Management and Paper WritingEndNote在文献管理和论文写作中的应用

18.An Introduction to Computer Use in English Writing;浅谈计算机在英语写作中的应用(英文)


applied writing应用文写作

1.From the perspective of organization art of classroom,teaching methods and good teaching environment creation,teaching ofapplied writing should design class teaching methods in order to get good teaching results.应用文写作的教学应该从课堂教学的组织艺术、教学方法、创设良好的课堂气氛等方面进行课堂教学方法设计,才能起到良好的教学效果。

3)practical English writing英语应用文写作

1.Finally it analyses why LCA is better than other approaches inpractical English writing class: a) it can make most students in vocational colleges start writing.结合高职院校大学英语写作教学中存在的语言基础知识掌握不好的现状,介绍了词汇组块教学途径的基本观点——词汇组块是人类语言交际的最小单位,提出把词汇组块作为整体语言输入单位是解决英语应用文写作中最突出的问题的有效途径。

2.From the differences in thoughts and cultures between the West and China,the paper analyzes problems inpractical English writing of higher vocational college students,such as the English expressions,the form ofpractical English writing and so on.对于高职学生在英语应用文写作中,如英语表达、应用文格式等问题,从中西方文化、思维差异以及学生等方面进行了分析,并提出从基础知识着手,强化英语应用文知识的输入以及读写、译写相结合的教学方法,以此来培养学生的英语应用文写作水平。

3.In the teaching ofpractical English writing,students think that they are very poor in using English to express themselves,which affects the quality ofpractical English writing.针对这一问题,本文初步总结出了以词块为基础的英语应用文写作教学模式。

4)teaching of Practical Writing应用文写作教学

5)practical writing英语应用文写作

1.Teachingpractical writing at tertiary level -Experiments and proposals;高校英语应用文写作教学实验和构想

6)English practical writing英语应用文写作

1.Starting from the meaning of theEnglish practical writing,this article mainly analyses the problems that appear in the studentsEnglish practical writing who are studying in the higher vocational technical colleges and the ways to solve them.文章从论述英语应用文写作的意义出发,着重分析了高职学生在英语应用文写作中常出现的问题及解决途径。

2.Higher vocational college students are inevitable influenced by Chinese thinking modes inEnglish practical writing.语言和思维相互影响,相互作用,高职学生在英语应用文写作时不可避免地受到汉语思维方式的影响。


应用文1.指骈体文。 2.指日常生活或工作中经常需用的文体,如公文﹑契约﹑条据等。
