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《应用写作》 Practical Writing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-08 14:39:25


《应用写作》 Practical Writing英语短句 例句大全

《应用写作》,"Practical Writing"

1)"Practical Writing"《应用写作》

1.“Practical Writing” Course Book Needs Revising Urgently;《应用写作》教材亟待修订

2)Practical writing应用写作

1.Analysis and Strategy on Current Situation of Teaching Practical Writing inTechnical Institutes of higher-learning;工科高校应用写作教学的现状分析及对策

2.Teachers Self- cultivation and Leading Role in Practical Writing Teaching;应用写作教学中的教师修养及主导作用


1.Financial Applied Writing Should Follow the Way ofComprehensive and Innovative Writing;财经应用写作教学应走大写作和新写作之路

2.Writing in Application and Application in Writing--Also on Effectiveness of Teaching Applied Writing;应用中的写作与写作中的应用——兼论应用写作教学的实效性

3.An Integration of Practicing,Thinking,Writing and Applying in the Teaching of Practical Writing;应用写作教学实、思、写、用四维一体初探

4.On Higher Vocational Practical Writing from View of Han Yu Practical Writing;从韩愈的应用文体写作看高职应用写作教学

5.Applied Science Research and Applied Writing Science Development;应用科学的研究与应用写作学的发展

6.Recuring to the Fundamental Objective of Writing Laying Emphasis on Practical Training--A Brief Discussion on the Reform of the Teaching Material and Teaching Method of Applied Writing;回归写作本位 注重应用训练——应用写作教材和教学改革刍议

7.Application of the simulation teaching method in the applied composition courses;模拟教学方法在应用写作课中的运用

8.WRITING WISDOM AND WISE WRITING--Researches on Strategies of Contemporary Practical Writing;写作智慧与智慧写作——现代应用文写作策略初探

9.The Teaching Strategy and Writing Skill of English Applicant Composition;英语应用文写作教学策略与写作技巧

10.Teaching between the Lines --How to Apply Process-composing Strategies to University Students;过程写作法在英语写作教学中的应用

11.Caring About Readers Psychological Demands in Appling Documents Writing;应用文写作应关注写作受体的心理需求

12.Application of Cooperative Writing in Senior One English Writing Teaching;合作写作在高一英语写作教学中的应用

13.The Use of Games Teaching Method in Practical Writing Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges“游戏”在高职应用文写作教学中的应用

14.Writing Planning in English Writing Teaching at Junior School Level;写作构思在初中英语写作教学中的应用

15.The Process Writing Method in the English Writing Class in Senior High Schools;过程写作法在高中英语写作课堂上的应用

16.Application Research of Process Approach to English Writing Teaching in Secondary Specialized School;过程写作法在中专英语写作教学中的应用研究

17.Application of "Process Writing" in Senior High School Writing-Teaching;“过程写作”在高中英语写作教学中的应用

18.The Application of the Process Approach to College English Writing Teaching;过程写作法在大学英语写作教学中的应用


Practical writing应用写作

1.Analysis and Strategy on Current Situation of Teaching Practical Writing inTechnical Institutes of higher-learning;工科高校应用写作教学的现状分析及对策

2.Teachers Self- cultivation and Leading Role in Practical Writing Teaching;应用写作教学中的教师修养及主导作用

3)Applied writing应用写作

1.Writing in Application and Application in Writing——Also on Effectiveness of Teaching Applied Writing;应用中的写作与写作中的应用——兼论应用写作教学的实效性

2.On the ways of improving the collages abilities of applied writing;提高大学生应用写作能力方法论

4)applied composition应用写作

1.Application of the simulation teaching method in theapplied composition courses;模拟教学方法在应用写作课中的运用

2.This paper attempted to discuss the affection ofapplied composition which caused by different creative thinking, it figured out that a right logos could present the scientificity of thinking and guide meaning.本文讨论了思维创造品质对应用写作水平的影响,认为正确的思维理念呈现了思维科学性及对提高写作技能的指导意义。

3.Theapplied composition teaching is a key link to train qualified personnel who have the capacity ofapplied composition.高校应用写作教学是培养具备应用写作能力人才的至关重要的环节,但目前高校应用写作教学现状却不容乐观。

5)Application writing应用写作

1.Cultivating students interesting for application writing;试论培养中专学生应用写作的兴趣

2.Application writing belongs to the humanities.应用写作属人文学科,应用写作的目的是为人处理公务私务服务,应用写作的模式由人创制使用,应用写作写给人看,达到应用的效应。

3.The 21th century is an era of information, which provides the most appropriate surrounding for the development of application writing.二十一世纪是信息化时代,为应用写作这一学科的发展提供了最适宜的背景。

6)practical writing应用文写作

1.The teaching research ofpractical writing in vocational colleges;高职应用文写作课程教学探索

2.Teaching Ponder over Practical Writing Class in Higher Vocational College;关于高职高专院校应用文写作课的教学思考

3.Thoughts of Teaching Practical Writing应用文写作教学心得浅谈


第三条道路写作1999年“知识分子写作”和“民间写作”之间的矛盾在在平谷县的盘峰诗会上爆发,他们之间的对立使得相当一批数量的诗人转向其他的中立立场,第三条道路写作概念因此提了出来。1999年12月莫非、树才和谯达摩等在提出了第三条道路写作的诗歌概念之后,出版了《九人诗选》。他们认为,诗歌创作需要一种新的理论来指导个人的写作实践,建立起自由的多元的创作活动,推动中国现代诗歌的发展。2002年《第三条道路》诗报创刊,标志着第三条道路写作进入一个新的阶段。[编辑]相关连接中国诗歌库中国诗歌史[编辑]参见现代诗歌现代诗人诗人列表Image:Organization template.gif 这是一个与组织相关的小作品,您可以帮助维库扩充其内容。
