300字范文 > 组织分离培养 Tissue isolating culture英语短句 例句大全

组织分离培养 Tissue isolating culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-04-01 02:38:54


组织分离培养 Tissue isolating culture英语短句 例句大全

组织分离培养,Tissue isolating culture

1)Tissue isolating culture组织分离培养

2)Tissue culture离体组织培养

1.The report is about studying of the tissue culture and rapid propagation ofcooking banana.采用煮食香蕉(Cooking banana)中的华贸香蕉的吸芽苗顶端生长组织作为外植体,建立香蕉无病毒体系进行离体组织培养的研究,经诱导分化、增殖、生根而完成其规模化生产流程。


1.Studies on Inducement Callus and Shoot-tip Seedling of Pugionium Comutum in Tissue Culture;沙芥离体组织培养诱导愈伤组织及茎尖苗的研究

2.Study on Cotyledon culture of Bulgaria Capsicum in Vitro and Establishment of Plant Regeneration保加利亚尖辣椒子叶离体组织培养与植株再生的研究

3.Study on tissue culture and propagation of Maroco polo in vitro马可波罗百合的组织培养和离体快繁

4.The study of tissue culture and rapid propagation of cherry tomato樱桃番茄的组织培养与离体快繁研究

5.Discussion on Tracheal Organ Culture in Vitro of Chicken Embryo鸡胚气管环组织体外分离培养的探讨

6.Studies on Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Hosta Ventricosa (Salisb.) Stearn.;紫萼玉簪组织培养及离体再生体系的建立

7.Tissue Cultuae in vitro of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv.variegata银边落地生根不同组织和器官的离体培养(简报)

8.Study on Resistance Methods of Brown Discoloration in Soybean Explants Culture大豆组织离体培养有效防止褐变的方法探讨

9.Study on Multiplication and Conservation of Ginger in Vitro;生姜组织培养快繁及离体保存技术研究

10.Research on the Technology of Tissue Culture and Vitro Rapid Micropropagation of the Rare Plant Liridendron Chinense;珍稀植物鹅掌楸组织培养与离体快繁技术研究

11.Study on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation in Vitro of Limonium bicolor二色补血草的组织培养和离体快繁研究

12.Study on Tissue Culture and Propagation of White Heaven in Vitro白天堂百合的组织培养和离体快繁技术

13.Study on Tissue Culture and In vitro Preservation at Normal Temperature of Zuo Fu 3 Hao Hawthorn(C.brettschneideri Schneid.)左伏3号山楂的组织培养和常温离体保存研究

14.The Tissue Culture of Two Kinds of Lilies and the Chromosomal Deed During Tissue Culture;百合组织培养及组织培养过程中的染色体行为

15.Cloning culture of submandibular gland stem/progenitor cells in vitro isolated from damaged gland tissue腺体组织损伤后体外分离下颌下腺干/祖细胞后的克隆化培养

16.Study on Bud and Wound Callus Inducement of Isolated Culture of Daphne odora var. marginata金边瑞香离体培养中芽和愈伤组织诱导初步研究

17.Studies on Tissue Culture and the Callus s UV-B Irradiation of ‘Red Globe Grape (Visit Vinifera.‘Red Globe );红地球葡萄的茎段离体培养及愈伤组织的紫外线照射试验

18.Electromechanical Behavior of Bone Tissue and Numerical Analysis for Osteoblast in Vitro;骨组织力电效应及成骨细胞离体培养的数值分析


Tissue culture离体组织培养

1.The report is about studying of the tissue culture and rapid propagation ofcooking banana.采用煮食香蕉(Cooking banana)中的华贸香蕉的吸芽苗顶端生长组织作为外植体,建立香蕉无病毒体系进行离体组织培养的研究,经诱导分化、增殖、生根而完成其规模化生产流程。

3)Tissue-cultured secretion组织培养分泌物

4)meristem culture分生组织培养

5)Tissue culture组织培养

1.The effect of disinfectors on triticum aestivum tissue culture;消毒剂对小麦组织培养的影响

2.The technique of tissue culture for Schisandra chinensis;五味子组织培养技术初探

3.In vitro chemosensitivity test of glioma cells in tissue culture;脑胶质瘤组织培养化疗药物敏感性的研究


1.Study on influncing factors of tissue culture and biolistic bombardment in wheat;小麦组织培养和基因枪轰击影响因素探讨

2.The Study on TissueCulture of Cyclamen Plumule;仙客来幼芽组织培养的研究


