300字范文 > 信息意识教育 information consciousness education英语短句 例句大全

信息意识教育 information consciousness education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-15 13:29:37


信息意识教育 information consciousness education英语短句 例句大全

信息意识教育,information consciousness education

1)information consciousness education信息意识教育

2)On education of information awareness in colleges and universities高校信息意识教育

3)consciousness of sport information体育信息意识

1.Theconsciousness of sport information is the summation about the relationship between human being and sport concept And how to improve it is an important part of information literacy.体育信息意识是人与体育信息关系所反映的体育观念形态的总和。


1.The Investigation and Study on the Students" Consciousness of Sport Information of Colleges in Northern Jiangsu Province苏北地区大学生体育信息意识状况的调查与研究

2.Information Consciousness and Information Behavior of Undergraduate Students of Physical Education in Shanxi Province Investigation and Study on Current Status山西省体育教育专业本科生信息意识及信息行为现状调查研究

3.On the Fostering of Ego C onsciousness of Physical Education Students in Information Age;信息化社会中体育大学生自我意识的培养

4.the Research on the Sense of Information and Countermeasures of Physical Education Majors from Jiangxi Province;江西高师体育教育专业学生信息意识现状与对策研究

5.These subconscious scents might be related to pheromones, chemical signals produced by the body to communicate reproductive quality.这些下意识的体味可能与信息素有关,信息素是人体分泌的传达生育质量的化学信号。

6.The Study on the Amareness and belief and the activity of Physical Education about the College Students;大学生体育意识、信念及体育行动的调查分析

7.Elementary exposit about the prestige effect of sports teachersand the sports consciousness training to college students;体育教师的威信效应与大学生体育意识的培养

8.The Key of Carrying out the Information Literacy Education Strategy Is Strengthening the Information Consciousness;实施信息素质教育战略关键在于信息意识的提高

9.The reflection on training of information awareness of middle school and primary school students;关于中小学生信息意识培育问题的思考

10.On The Cultivation of Educational Technology Consciousness of The University Teachers in The Informatization Age;信息化时代高校教师教育技术意识的培养

11.An inquiry into the undergraduates sports information quality under the era of intellectual economy;知识经济时代大学生体育信息素质探析

12.Discussion on the Network Environment and the Knowledge Structure of the Special Personnel in Sports Information;初探网络环境与体育信息专业人员的知识结构

13.On Effect of Knowledge Economy on CMnese Physical Educational Information Work;试析知识经济对我国体育信息工作的影响

14.Sports Information Centre [Sports Institute]体育信息中心〔体育学院〕

15.Analysis on the Interdynamic Relation between Information Consciousness and Information Policy;信息意识与信息政策的互动关系分析

16.Discusion on the Inherent Cultural Information and Teaching Significance of the Physical Education Curriculum Content;论体育课程内容的内在文化信息及教学意义

17.To Establish Awareness and Strengthen Education of Sports Ecology;树立体育生态意识加强体育生态教育

18.Cultivation on Lifelong P.E Consciousness in College;高校体育教育中终身体育意识的培养


On education of information awareness in colleges and universities高校信息意识教育

3)consciousness of sport information体育信息意识

1.Theconsciousness of sport information is the summation about the relationship between human being and sport concept And how to improve it is an important part of information literacy.体育信息意识是人与体育信息关系所反映的体育观念形态的总和。

4)information awareness信息意识

1.Information Awareness Investigation of Poor College Students: Taking Guangxi University of Technology as Background;贫困大学生信息意识的调查与研究——以广西工学院为背景

5)information consciousness信息意识

1.Discussing theinformation consciousness through soliciting the contributions on SARS;从SARS论文的组稿看编辑的信息意识

2.Information literacy includes five aspects:information consciousness,information acquisition,information processing,information application and information evaluation.信息时代,教师的专业发展与教育教学能力的提高,与教师个人的信息素养是密不可分的,信息素养包括了信息意识、信息获取、信息处理、信息应用和信息评价等五个方面,这五方面是相辅相成,缺一不可的。

6)consciousness information意识信息

1.Check and statistics methods ofconsciousness information are presented.提出意识信息的检验、统计方法,并进一步提出综合自然信息和意识信息的统计方法。

2.In this connection, a new concept ofconsciousness information is presented in this paper, demonstrating its use value and discussing also its description and collection.本文为此提出意识信息的概念,指出其使用价值,并探讨它的描述和采集问题。


