300字范文 > 音质缺陷 acoustical disfigurement英语短句 例句大全

音质缺陷 acoustical disfigurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-09 06:18:08


音质缺陷 acoustical disfigurement英语短句 例句大全

音质缺陷,acoustical disfigurement

1)acoustical disfigurement音质缺陷

2)the defects of sound声音缺陷

1.The article analyses the reasons ofthe defects of sound and puts forward the means to solve these problems.分析产生声音缺陷原因,并提出了解决问题的方法。

3)phonetic defect语音缺陷

1.As far as the marking criterion is concerned,it is generally assumed that in Putonghua Level Testing it is considered a "phonetic defect" if the third-tone monosyllable or a third-tone charcter in a disyllable is pronounced with a phonetic indicator of "21" or "211" in stead of "214".在普通话水平测试(PSC)中,读单音节字词部分的上声音节及双音节词语后一上声音节时,调值应为214,如读作21或211值,即判为"语音缺陷"。


ment on judgement principle and detailed Grading Regulations Putonghua s Pronunciation Defect;论普通话语音缺陷的判断原则与评分细则


3.The Common Phonetic Defects in Mandarin Teaching and Test of Lianyungang Dialect;连云港方言区普通话教学与测试中常见的语音缺陷分析

4.Clinical characteristics and speech therapy of lingua- apical articulation disorder舌尖音发音缺陷的临床特征和语音治疗

5.Objection of Visual Information Structure of Hanyu Pinyin Morphology in Cognition;汉语拼音词形的视觉信息结构在认知中的缺陷

6.On the Correctness and Defects of Phonetics Test in PSC;论普通话水平测试中的语音正误和缺陷

7.defective of speech发音器官有缺陷的人

8.Surface defect termsGB/T15757-1995表面缺陷术语

9.The Legal and Policy Defects in Bilingual Teaching;“双语教学”的法律缺失与政策缺陷

10.Terms used of defects of domestic ceramic wareGB/T3303-1982日用陶瓷器缺陷术语

11.The symbol of the logs defect termsGB/T17662-1999原木缺陷术语符号

12.Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability.在巴黎不讲法语实在是一个缺陷。

13.His high school English teacher said young Chou had a learning disability.高中英语老师说他有学习方面的缺陷。

14.Your English essay is seriously flawed.你的英语作文有严重的缺陷(错误很多)。

15.On Disadvantages and Ways to Improve the Communicative Approach to English Teaching;论交际法英语教学的缺陷及改进方法

16.The Deficiencies of "Chinese dictionary" on the Retrieval and the Index Aspect;《汉语大词典》在检索与索引方面的缺陷

17.Analysis of Educational Compensation of the Scientific Reading for Deaf Children;科学认读与聋童语言缺陷的教育补偿

18.An Introduction to the Defects of Vocabulary in English Syllabus;略谈中学英语教学大纲中词汇的缺陷


the defects of sound声音缺陷

1.The article analyses the reasons ofthe defects of sound and puts forward the means to solve these problems.分析产生声音缺陷原因,并提出了解决问题的方法。

3)phonetic defect语音缺陷

1.As far as the marking criterion is concerned,it is generally assumed that in Putonghua Level Testing it is considered a "phonetic defect" if the third-tone monosyllable or a third-tone charcter in a disyllable is pronounced with a phonetic indicator of "21" or "211" in stead of "214".在普通话水平测试(PSC)中,读单音节字词部分的上声音节及双音节词语后一上声音节时,调值应为214,如读作21或211值,即判为"语音缺陷"。

4)quality deficiency质量缺陷

1.The generate reason and prevention and cure and management measures of concretequality deficiency;混凝土质量缺陷的产生原因及防治和处理措施

2.The deficiency of flavor,sensitive evaluation,base liquor,as well as thequality deficiency of liquor made by new technology is described in detail.详细地介绍了白酒的香味缺陷,感官鉴评中的缺陷,基酒的缺陷及新工艺白酒的质量缺陷,重点介绍了感官缺陷和新工艺白酒质量缺陷的成因和解决方法。

5)Quality Defects质量缺陷

1.The quality defects and precautionary measures of post-prestressed concrete component;后张拉预应力砼构件质量缺陷原因及预控措施

2.Analysis & handling on quality defects of hole-digging grouting pile of bridge;桥梁钻孔灌注桩质量缺陷的分析与处治

3.Application of quality defects analysis symposium in management of medical quality;质量缺陷分析讨论会在持续改进医疗服务质量中的作用

6)quality defect质量缺陷

1.Constructionquality defect and improved measures case on long auger CFG pile;长螺旋CFG桩施工质量缺陷及改进措施实例

2.Study on constructionquality defect of shield tunnel;盾构隧道施工质量缺陷浅谈

3.Analysis and treatment of commonquality defects in concrete construction of hydropower station;水电站混凝土施工常见质量缺陷产生原因分析及处理技术


音质缺陷在厅堂音质设计中因违反声学设计的基本原理而造成的听闻欠佳的现象(见室内声学)。缺陷现象 主要表现为:①环境噪声过高。噪声干扰听闻,使清晰度下降。环境噪声包括建筑物外交通噪声、风雨噪声;建筑物内部的空调系统噪声、舞台机械噪声、后台排练厅的噪声和观众噪声等。②不恰当的混响时间。过长的混响时间使话音的清晰度下降;过短的混响时间则使音乐声干涩。③回声的干扰。有时在厅堂观众席的某些区域或舞台上的演出区能听到回声,干扰人们的听闻(见图)。有些场合甚至能听到一连串的回声,称为颤动回声。④声聚焦。由于厅堂体型设计的不合理,在平面或剖面设计中某些曲率较大的凹面,使声场分布不均匀。在声焦点处,声能过于集中,声音过响,而有些听众区声音又过弱,并导致声象移动。⑤耦合空间。大厅通过门洞或舞台口与其他混响时间较长的空间(如休息厅、走廊、布景很少的舞台等)相连时,往往形成耦合空间,使厅堂中的混响时间加长,音质变坏。⑥声失真与共振。当厅堂尤其是演播室的体型、比例不恰当,或使用的吸声材料对某一频带的声音吸收过强时,会使听到的声音与声源的音色不一致,称为声失真。当厅堂对某些频率的声音产生共振时,也会使听到的声音增强而失真。消除方法 消除音质缺陷的主要方法有:①合理地规定厅堂的混响时间。在设计多功能厅堂时,应按音乐演出的要求设计,使其具有较长的混响时间。当作报告时,采用方向性较强的扩声系统,可提高语言清晰度;当放映电影需要较短的混响时间时,最好采用机械的办法改变室内表面总吸声量,也可采用方向性较强的扩声系统。②设计厅堂时要选用合宜的体型,避免凹面过高或过低的反射面。必要时可在声源与远距离反射面之间插入一反射面,以消除回声。或在产生回声的界面上铺放吸声系数大于0.8的吸声结构。为了避免声音失真,在设计小型演播室时,应注意其长、宽、高之间的比例。③建筑结构材料的选择应考虑对各种噪声源有足够的隔声量,以降低环境噪声的影响(见建筑环境噪声控制)。
