300字范文 > 教师培训制度 system of teacher training英语短句 例句大全

教师培训制度 system of teacher training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-26 08:16:52


教师培训制度 system of teacher training英语短句 例句大全

教师培训制度,system of teacher training

1)system of teacher training教师培训制度

1.With regard to enhancing the quality of teacher training,this paper introduces the following four major methods: perfecting thesystem of teacher training;establishing diverse modes of teacher training;strengthening the evaluation of teacher training and improving the curriculum design for teacher training.而健全教师培训制度、建立多元化的教师培训模式、加大教师培训考核评价的力度、完善教师培训课程设计是提升教师培训质量的主要途径。


1.Historical Research into Primary and Middle School Teachers Training System in China;我国中小学教师培训制度的历史研究

2.Construct the University Alliance Training System of the Key Members of Elementary and Secondary School Teachers构建大学联盟的中小学骨干教师培训制度

3.Conception Renew and Institution Construct of Teacher Training--Summary of The 1st Forum on Teacher Training in China;教师培训的理念更新与制度保障——首届“中国教师培训论坛”综述

4.The Workshop Mentorship of the Training Course to Would-be Faculty Members in Colleges and Universities;论高校青年教师岗前培训的班导师制度

5.To Establish Scientific and Reasonable Training System for Young teachers;建立科学合理的青年教师教学能力培训制度

6.The teacher-training system is being run down as fewer teachers are needed.因对教师的需求量越来越小,故对教师进行培训的制度正在萎缩。

7.Enhance the training,improve the teachers culture of educational technique;加大培训力度,提高教师教育技术素养

8.Government′s Responsibility in the Financial System of Teacher Training;教师教育培训财政体制中的政府职责

9.On How to Improve China"s Clinical Graduate Education by Examining the Surgical Residency Training System in the United States从美国外科住院医师培训制度看如何改进我国临床研究生教育

10.Some Reflections on Perfecting Teacher Training System;对完善高校师资培训制度的几点思考

11.Innovating Teacher Training Concepts to Raising Training Effects;创新教师培训理念 提高教师培训绩效

12.A survey of degree of satisfaction on pre-job-training from specialist doctor trainees专科医师培训入训教育满意度的调查分析

13.Research on the Construction of School-based Mechanism of Training Teachers in the Primary and Middle Schools;中小学教师校本培训机制的构建研究

14.Modern Apprentice-system: The Important Way of Teachers Training in China;现代学徒制:我国教师培训的重要途径

15.teacher trainee接受师资培训的准教师

16.The Change of Teacher Training System:from Normal Education to Teacher Education;教师培养制度的变革:从师范教育到教师教育

17.Multicultural: Music Teachers Attitudes and Training;多元文化背景下的音乐教师态度与师资培训

18.The Necessity Analysis of the book for Training Those Guiders on Practice of the Walk Orientation Program for the Blind;编制盲人定向行走训练指导师培训教材之我见


teacher training voucher institution教师培训券制度

3)teachers training教师培训

1.Analysis of individual needs of collegeteachers training;高校教师培训个体需求探析

2.As information technology has been applied in every aspect of education,teachers training becomes extremely important.文章分析了信息技术环境下教师角色的变化情况,对教师培训的现状进行了调查,尝试性地提出了教师培训的模式和方法。

3.In order to ensure the quality of education and promote the healthy and rapid development of higher vocational colleges,the key lies in a highly effectiveteachers training.高职院校教师培训是高职院校创新与发展的重要因素,是提高高职院校教师综合素质的最有效的途径。

4)teacher training教师培训

1.The Construction of Electronic Performance System Function Model Based on Informational Technique and Course Conformity for Teacher Training;信息技术与课程整合教师培训电子绩效系统功能模型的构建

2.Co-teaching andteacher training;联合教学和教师培训(英文)

3.The Strategic Thinking of Teacher Training Back-Feeding Normal School Students Teaching;职后教师培训反哺职前师范生培养的策略性思考

5)Teaching training教师培训

6)training of teachers教师培训

1.Analysis of thetraining of teachers;对教师培训的认识和思考

2.EPSS is one choice of thetraining of teachers in higher school;电子绩效支持系统:高校教师培训的一种选择

3.Based on the realization of the importance of on-jobtraining of teachers and administrators in elementary and secondary schools in Liaozhong County and the practice,it is pointed out that the key to implementing the training is to plan well,to have it carried out,to have someone responsible for it,to perfect the system,and to strengthen the process management.结合师干训工作的重要性和辽中县开展师干训工作的实践,提出了制定规划,组织落实,责任到位,完善制度,强化过程管理是开展培训师干训工作的关键;介绍了辽中县教师学校组织开展全员培训、校本培训、骨干教师培训、学历提高培训、中小学教师教育技术应用能力的培训、短急学科的培训、中小学校长提高培训的具体做法。


