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The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之六

时间:2020-08-10 06:11:21


The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之六



CLARISSE: I"ve been thinking about it a great deal and the truth is I think you"d make a very fine princess. You know, people think princesses are supposed to wear tiaras, marry the prince, always look pretty and live happily ever after but it"s so much more than that. It"s a real job.

MIA: You are an extraordinary person, Grandma. But I don"t think I"m meant to do this. I, I would be so afraid that I would disappoint the people of Genovia and I couldn’t bear to disappoint you again.

CLARISSE: Well, as I said Ihave faith inyou.

MAN: I"m a writer.

JOE: Ah!

MAN: I write soaps--soap opera.

JOE: Mm-hmm.

MAN: Did you ever see ""Middle House Road""?

JOE: No. No, no.

MAN: It"s a big hit. I wrote a character just like you once. He was a spy.

JOE: I"m not a spy.

MAN: That"s what the character said.

MIA: I’ll see you tonight, then.


MIA: Hahh!

CLARISSE:I do have one favor to ask.I need you to formally renounce your title for the press at the ball, you know?

MIA: You- make a speech?


MIA: Oh, wh- Do you think that maybe- considering my history with the press it would be better if you did it?

CLARISSE: Amelia, you wouldn’t stop driving your Mustang just because a couple of insects hit the windshield, would you? Besides, look how far you"ve come and I’ll be right there with you.

MIA: Come on, Fat Louie. Time to pack. Let"s get your things. Louie, what have you got there? Come on, Louie. We"re going on a trip. We"re going to Colorado where we can climb some real rocks.We are so out of here, Louie. ""My dearest daughter, today is your sixteenth birthday. Congratulations. I present you with this diary to fill the pages with your special thoughts--special thoughts of your wonderful life. ""

PHILLIPE"S VOICE: “It is a custom in my family to pass on a piece of wisdom when one reaches this age. I pass it on to you as my father passed it on to me. Amelia, courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all. From now on, you"ll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey. I also want you to know I loved your mother very much and still think of her often. Happy birthday, my Mia. All my love, your father. ""

MIA:The trip is off, Louie.


1. Have faith in

说到“信心”,大家都知道confidence和confident,也知道“对……有信心”是have confidence in … 和 be confident of …,faith 也有“信任、信心”的意思,have faith in 就是“信任……,对……有信心”了,比如:

He has faith in my ability. 他对我的能力有信心。

I have faith in you; I am sure you will do well. 我相信你,我肯定你会做好的。

2. I do have one favor to ask.

意思就是“我想请你帮个忙”。“请别人帮忙”还可以说 Could you do me a favor?

3. We’re so out of here.

Out of here 大家都能明白是什么意思,加上一个 so 就是表示一种强调的语气。Mia 已经描述了种种 Colorado 的好处,意在劝说 Fat Louie 和她一起走(尽管猫听不懂)。这句话的意思就是 Let’s go。

4. The trip is off.

Off 在这里的意思是“不再发生;取消的”,例如:The wedding is off. 婚礼取消了。


The Princess Diaries 受欢迎的公主传记

The Princess Diaries is a series of novels by Meg Cabot in the chick-lit genre, and the title of the first volume, published in 2000. The Princess Diaries novels are divided into journal entries of varying lengths, not chapters as in most novels.

Meg Cabot as pictured at a British book signing for The Princess Diaries. The series has enjoyed international success since its original release in 2000.

The series spent 38 weeks on the New York Times Children"s Series Best Sellers List and has been sold to publishers in 37 foreign countries. As of January eight books in the series have been published.

The story of Mia"s adventures as an average teenager who happens to be a princess of royal descent are chronicled in Mia"s ongoing journals. Themes of teenage angst, love, betrayal, are explored through her very opinionated eyes.

Main characters

Her Royal Highness, Princess Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Crown Princess of Genovia - Mia is a vegetarian and animal-rights activist who cares deeply about the environment. She often laments her looks; she says she has triangular, "dishwater blond" hair, "a really big mouth and no breasts and feet that look like skis," and that at 5"9" she is the tallest girl in her class, which she does not appreciate. According to her outspoken best friend Lilly Moscovitz, her "only attractive feature" is her grey eyes. Mia often struggles to understand her new role in the world as princess of Genovia. She prefers to wear combat boots and overalls, though she wears a uniform to school. She speaks French very well due to speaking it with her grandmère from a very young age, though she sometimes humorously mistakes synonymous words for one another, such as poulet ("chicken"/"prostitute"). Though Mia often does something inappropriate or mortifying, in the end she learns from her mistakes. She is known for biting her nails, obsessing over her cat "Fat Louie" (whom she admits to loving the most in the world, over her mother and friends), being concerned about her life to an exaggerated degree, and writing in her diary whenever she can. After receiving the news about being a princess, she also receives her own bodyguard, Lars, who is friends with Wahim, Tina"s bodyguard. She feels she is not self-actualized and lives on take out from Number One Noodle Son.

Lilly Moscovitz

- Mia often feels inadequate compared to Lilly, who is a slightly overweight feminist with an IQ of 170. Regardless, they have been best friends since kindergarten; Mia lists her as one of her heroes. She is portrayed as having a "squished" visage and brown curls. She frequently talks down to Mia and uses an extensive vocabulary that Mia cannot always understand. She always says what is on her mind and has a very loud voice. She hosts her own public access television show, Lilly Tells it Like it Is, financed by her psychoanalyst parents, the Drs. Ruth and Morty Moscovitz. They rescind their financing after Lilly baits Norman, the stalker who has repeatedly asked for her to remove her shoes on camera. She finds a new producer in Tina Hakim Baba, who has been receiving an allowance of fifty dollars per week.

Michael Moscovitz - Lilly"s older brother, a senior. With high intelligence and an extensive vocabulary, he sometimes steps in with his own well-formulated argument to stop Lilly from intimidating someone. He is the treasurer of the computer club and co-valedictorian, and he spends a lot of time in his room. Mia notes that he has a "surprisingly" well-defined chest. He is a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Star Wars. Mia has a crush on Michael until Princess in Love, when they become boyfriend and girlfriend the night before Mia has to leave to spend her Christmas in Genovia. They remain a couple until the end of Volume Eight, where Mia breaks up with him on account of dishonesty, the night before he is to fly to Japan for a year, where a company has expressed interest in his robotic arm prototype that will replace open heart surgery.

Clarisse Renaldo - Clarisse Marie Grimaldi Renaldo, the dowager Princess of Genovia and Mia"s paternal grandmother. She speaks French most of the time; though she can speak English, she considers it vulgar - she refuses to be called grandma by Mia. She perceives herself as superior to many, and often dresses in purple to flaunt her royalty. As a young woman she married King Rupert Renaldo and had one son, Phillipe. Clarisse is a disdainful and manipulative woman who constantly scolds Mia, drinks Sidecars, and smokes French filterless cigarettes. She is usually indifferent towards Mia"s feelings. When using Mia"s full name, she habitually leaves out Thermopolis, Mia"s mother"s maiden name, which annoys Mia. Nevertheless, Clarisse sometimes offers profound advice to Mia that surprisingly eases Mia"s pain at being her granddaughter. She is very short, and in the eighties, she had black eyeliner tattooed on her eyelids in "a brief manic phase shortly after Princess Grace died."

Helen Thermopolis

- Mia"s mother, a 36-year-old Greek-American painter who begins dating the high school algebra teacher, Mr. Frank Gianini. She is rather scatterbrained, but Mia notes that "she always keeps track of Mia." With black curly hair, Mia thinks she"s very pretty, like Carmen Sandiego (minus the trench coat). Like Lilly, she is a feminist and most of her friends are very outspoken performance artists who tend to be on the wild side. She"s an extremely laid back parent who doesn"t believe in much punishment.

Josh Richter - The most popular senior at Albert Einstein, on whom Mia has a huge crush, though he is dating Lana Weinberger. He is on the crew team and is valedictorian. Mia believes he is the most attractive boy in school; he is very tall and muscular and has "electric" blue eyes. She also believes that Josh is the most sensitive boy in school. At the end of the first book, Josh Richter uses Mia for a chance to be in the media spotlight by taking her to the "Cultural Diversity Dance" dance and kisses her on the steps leading to the entrance of her school. Mia realizes Josh used her, and so avoids and dislikes him; this is difficult due to their adjacent lockers.

Lana Weinberger - A popular cheerleader and freshman at Albert Einstein who is very spiteful towards Mia. She has long blonde hair, a peaches-and-cream complexion, baby blue eyes, large breasts, and regularly Brazilian waxes. She dates Josh Richter, with whom she has slept, if the scrawl on the bathroom wall is true. She breaks up with him between the fifth and sixth books, due to the four-mile distance that tears them apart over summer break and his leaving to go to college. She has a younger sister Gretchen, who starts at AEHS in Volume Eight.

Volumes in The Princess Diaries series include:

The Princess Diaries, October 2000

The Princess Diaries, Volume II: Princess in the Spotlight, June 2001

The Princess Diaries, Volume III: Princess in Love, March 2002

The Princess Diaries, Volume IV: Princess in Waiting, April

The Princess Diaries, Volume IV and 1/2: Project Princess, August

The Princess Diaries, Volume V: Princess in Pink, March

The Princess Diaries, Volume VI: Princess in Training, March

The Princess Diaries, Volume VI and 1/2: The Princess Present, October

The Princess Diaries, Volume VII: Party Princess, March

The Princess Diaries, Volume VII and 1/2: Sweet Sixteen Princess, May

The Princess Diaries, Volume VII and 3/4: Valentine Princess, December

The Princess Diaries, Volume VIII: Princess on the Brink, January

The Princess Diaries, Volume IX: Princess Mia (tentative), January

The Princess Diaries, Volume X: Forever Princess, January

In the United Kingdoms and Australian editions of the books, the titles differ from the US release. Instead of referring to the plot line, the titles are puns on the book number. They are: The Princess Diaries, The Princess Diaries: Take Two, The Princess Diaries: Third Time Lucky, The Princess Diaries: Mia Goes Fourth, The Princess Diaries: Give Me Five, The Princess Diaries: Sixsational, The Princess Diaries: Seventh Heaven, and The Princess Diaries: After Eight. ()



Amelia, courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all. From now on, you"ll be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey.

The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之五 考考你 参考答案

1. Well, not to put too fine a point on it, it"s entirely your fault.


2. Now, if you"ll excuse me, Mr. Butler is our guest.


3. In the age of internet, everyone can get 15 minutes of fame.


4. Young golfer plays beyond her years.

