300字范文 > 城乡劳动力市场一体化 Urban-rural labor market integration英语短句 例句大全

城乡劳动力市场一体化 Urban-rural labor market integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-10 13:06:50


城乡劳动力市场一体化 Urban-rural labor market integration英语短句 例句大全

城乡劳动力市场一体化,Urban-rural labor market integration

1)Urban-rural labor market integration城乡劳动力市场一体化


1.A Study on Urban-Rural Labor Market Integraion in the Perspective of Institutional Change制度变迁视角下的城乡劳动力市场一体化研究

2.Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of the Rural-urban Labor Market Integration in Jiangxi江西城乡劳动力市场一体化的问题与对策研究

3.The Chineses Characteristics of Lewis Turning Point and the Way to the Integration of Urban and Rural Labor in the Labor Market;中国特色的刘易斯转折点与城乡劳动力市场一体化的路径选择

4.Plan the Development of Rural And City As a Whole, and Establish Unified Labor Force Market Between Rural and City;统筹城乡发展,建立城乡统一的劳动力市场

5.On Establishing a Unified Labor Force Market in Urban and Rural Areas;关于建立城乡统一劳动力市场的思考

6.-- Establish a unified and standardized labor market, make a unified plan for rural and urban employment, and ameliorate the employment service system.———建立统一、规范的劳动力市场,统筹城乡就业,完善就业服务体系。

7.Establish a unified and standardized labor market, make a unified plan for rural and urban employment, and ameliorate the employment service system.建立统一、规范的劳动力市场,统筹城乡就业,完善就业服务体系。

8.Research on Several Issues of Constructing Jiangxi s Urban and Rural Labor Market System;构建江西城乡劳动力市场体系若干问题的研究

9.A Study on the Impetus Mechanism for the Integration between Rural and Urban Labor Markets;城乡劳动力市场融合的动力机制研究

10.An Analysis of the Difficulties for Setting up A Unified Urban-kural Labor market in Yunnan;构建云南城乡统一劳动力市场的难点问题分析

11.An Analysis on the Impact of Segmented Labor Market in Urban and Rural Areas on the Welfare城乡劳动力市场分割的福利影响研究

12.Labor Market Segmentation, Hukou and Urban-Rural Difference in Employment劳动力市场分割、户口与城乡就业差异

13.Transfer of Surplus Labour Force from Rural Area and Urbanization ofRural Area农村剩余劳动力的转移和乡村城市化

14.Article V bis Labour Markets Integration Agreements第5条之二 劳动力市场一体化协定

15.On Urban and Rural Labor Force Transfer Market in Xinjiang;新疆城乡劳动力流转市场培育障碍与对策

16.An Analysis on the Segmented Labor Market in Urban and Rural Areas Views from Contracting;劳动力市场城乡二元分割:缔约视角的分析

17.Analysis of China s Labor Market Based on Household Registrat ion System;城乡二元户籍制度下的我国劳动力市场分析

18.The Urban-Rural Separation in China s Labour Market and Its Influence on the Operating Mechanism of Labour Market;劳动力市场城乡分隔及对其运行机制的影响


urban-rural intergrated labour market城乡一体的劳动力市场

3)market between urban and rural areas城乡统一劳动力市场

4)urban and rural labor markets城乡劳动力市场

1.The integration betweenurban and rural labor markets is an inevitable tendency of social development.城乡劳动力市场一体化是社会发展的必然趋势。

5)the integration of urban and rural market城乡市场一体化

6)urban and rural labor market城乡二元劳动力市场


劳动力人数和劳动力参与率劳动力人数和劳动力参与率劳动力人数和劳动力参与率劳动力人数,一般指达到一定年龄的人口中,已参加或要求参加工作的人数。亦称经济活动人口,即能供应劳动力市场的劳动力人数。在实际统计中,通常只包括民用劳动力的人数,不包括军队人数在内。因此,具体地讲,劳动力人数,一般只包括全部就业人数(或在业人口)和失业人数两部分。在计算劳动力的起始年龄上,各国规定不尽相同。如菲律宾规定从10岁开始,英国、日本规定从15岁开始,美国规定从16岁开始。联合国组织要求从巧岁开始统计。将劳动力人数同达到一定年龄的人口总数进行对比,称之为劳动力参与率,或叫经济活动人口比率。这个指标大体上能反映一个国家或一个地区劳动力资源的利用状况。计算公式为:劳动力参与率-巧岁(或16岁)以上劳动力人数15岁(或16岁)以上人口总数又100%例如,美国1955年16岁以上的人口总数为179 922 000人,其中就业人数为108 856 000人,失业人数为8 312 000人。将上述数据代入公式,即得美国1985年的劳动力参与率为:108 856 000+8 312 000179 912 000又100%=65.1%
