300字范文 > 城乡一体化程度 urban-rural integration level英语短句 例句大全

城乡一体化程度 urban-rural integration level英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-02 19:11:33


城乡一体化程度 urban-rural integration level英语短句 例句大全

城乡一体化程度,urban-rural integration level

1)urban-rural integration level城乡一体化程度

2)urban-rural integration process城乡一体化进程

1.During theurban-rural integration process, many students from country schools are enrolled into middle schools in cities and towns, enjoying much higher teaching level with better teachers and facilities.在城乡一体化进程中,很多乡村中学的学生转到城市中学就读,就读学校的教学水平、师资力量、教学设施等有了质的提升。


1.Discard the Barrier of Dualistic Urban-rural Structure,Promote the Process of Urban-rural Integration破除城乡二元结构壁垒,推动城乡一体化进程

2.A Discussion on Statistic Monitoring Methods in the Integration of Urban and Rural Development Process;城乡一体化进程的统计监测方法探讨

3.Evaluation of Urban and Rural Integration Process in Chengdu City;成都市区域城乡一体化进程评价研究

4.On Reconstruction of Government Functions in the Process of Urban-rural Integration论城乡一体化进程中的政府功能重构

5.Research on the Planning Method of Public Transit between Town and Country;城乡一体化进程中城镇公交规划方法研究

6.A Consideration on Speeding up the Integration of Urban and Rural Areas in Xifeng District加快推进西峰区城乡一体化进程的新思考

7.The Innovation of Government s Administrative System in the Process of Integrating the Urban and Rural Districts;城乡一体化进程中的政府行政管理体制创新


9.Inevitability and Effective Approaches of the Development of Urban and Rural Integration in Shandong Province山东省统筹城乡发展、加快城乡一体化进程的必然性及有效途径

10.Research on Intensive Land Utilization during the Urban-rural Integration Process in China;我国城乡一体化进程中土地集约利用研究

11.An Empirical Study on the Progress of Rural-Urban Integration in Shanghai;上海城乡一体化进程的实证研究与对策分析

12.Development and Innovation on Property Rights of Land for Agriculture Based on Integration between Urban and Rural;城乡一体化进程中农地产权改革的发展与创新

13.Appraisal and Analysis on the Urban and Rural Integration Process of Shihezi Reclamation Area;新疆石河子垦区城乡一体化进程评价及分析

14.Landless Farmer"s Development in Urban-rural Integration Process城乡一体化进程中失地农民发展问题研究

15.Countermeasures Researching on the Circulation of Rural Land in the Process of Urban-Rural Integration in China城乡一体化进程中农村土地流转的对策

16.Appraisal and analysis on the urban and rural integration process of northeast in Chongqing渝东北地区城乡一体化进程评价与分析

17.Study On Development Strategy of Integration of Urban-Rural Areas--Preliminary Verification of Wuhan Urban Agglomeration城乡一体化进程中区域发展战略问题研究——以武汉城市圈为例

18.On the Rural Finance System Innovation in the Course of Urban and Rural Integration;城乡一体化进程中农村金融体系创新——基于成都市的分析


urban-rural integration process城乡一体化进程

1.During theurban-rural integration process, many students from country schools are enrolled into middle schools in cities and towns, enjoying much higher teaching level with better teachers and facilities.在城乡一体化进程中,很多乡村中学的学生转到城市中学就读,就读学校的教学水平、师资力量、教学设施等有了质的提升。

3)the urban-rural integration system城乡一体化制度

1.To establishthe urban-rural integration system systematically and promote urban-rural integration wholly are the specific forms of implementing the scientific development concept and making the consolidated development in urban and rural areas.统筹建立城乡一体化制度,整体推进城乡一体化是落实科学发展观、实现城乡统筹发展的具体形式,对加快社会主义新农村建设和全面建设小康社会具有十分重要的意义。

4)the integration target systerm城乡一体化程度评价指标体系

5)integration of urban and rural areas城乡一体化

1.Integrated value flow of circulation system of water resources forintegration of urban and rural areas in western part of China:Taking Chongqing as an example西部地区城乡一体化水资源循环系统整合价值流分析——以重庆市为例

2.According to the development object of health service "integration of urban and rural areas" and the trend of urban health net of "community and hospital",the responsibilities of three organization of rural health service system become clearer than before.依据卫生服务"城乡一体化"的发展目标和城市"社区—医院"二级网络的发展趋势,农村卫生系统虽保持"县—乡镇—村"三级网络模式,但分工更加明确,其中,乡镇卫生院主要承担农村"社区"的职能。

6)urban-rural integration城乡一体化

1.The thoughts of environmental protection inurban-rural integration;城乡一体化中的环境保护思路

2.Study on water supply and sewer system planning ofurban-rural integration.;城乡一体化的供排水系统规划初探

3.Development and innovation of rural land use right in the process ofurban-rural integration;城乡一体化进程中农地使用权创新


