300字范文 > 假定高程 assumed elevation英语短句 例句大全

假定高程 assumed elevation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-19 04:38:44


假定高程 assumed elevation英语短句 例句大全

假定高程,assumed elevation

1)assumed elevation假定高程

2)assumed ground elevation假定地面高程

3)height positioning高程定位

1.Application of sinusoidal bar code in the distance andheight positioning over long distance;正弦条码在远距高程定位中的应用




1.To assert as a hypothesis.假设,假定作为一个假设提出

2.a working definition, hypothesis, theory暂定的定义、 假设、 理论

3.to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds.在一个不确定的假设性的基础上提出的假设。

4.hypothesis testing theory假设检验说 假设检验说

5.on the assumption that...在…的假定之下,假想…

6.Assume that the program counter is set to location300.假设程序计数器被设定为单元300。

7.Acceptance or belief based on reasonable evidence;assumption or supposition.推定以合理的证据为基础的接受和信任;假设或假定

8.An Empirical Study of Effects of Noticing Hypothesis and Output Hypothesis on the Acquisition of the English Attributive Clause;注意假设与输出假设对定语从句语言形式习得影响的实证研究

9.The perfume consumer presumably assumes that the volume is resumed.香水消费者假定地设想音量已恢复.

10.Digital Library:Definition,Assumption and Some Analyses数字图书馆:定义、假设及若干分析

11.A study of a rigid assumption in designing the round slab foundation of a chimney烟囱圆板基础设计中刚性假定的研究

12.Establishing a Scientific Hypothesis Quality Scale for Secondary School Students;中学生科学假设质量评价量表的制定

13.To Define Audit Supposing,Auditting Criterion andAuditting Responsibility;审计假设、审计准则与审计责任的界定

14.The Third Law of Thermodynamics of Black Hole and Coamic Censorship Hypothesis;黑洞热力学第三定律与宇宙监督假设

15.Discussion on the Original Hypothesis and Checking Hypothesis in the Hypothesis Testing;关于"假设检验"中原假设与备择假设的讨论

16.A hypothetical case argued by law students as an exercise.案例;假设案被法律系学生用作练习辩论的假定案件

17.The Ptolemaic hypothesis could be discarded in favor of a completely new hypothesis bases on different assumptions.放弃托勒密体系以利于根据不同假定而形成完全新的假设。

18.an erroneous assumption错误的前提 [假定]


assumed ground elevation假定地面高程

3)height positioning高程定位

1.Application of sinusoidal bar code in the distance andheight positioning over long distance;正弦条码在远距高程定位中的应用




1.Second displacementassumption method in structural approximation analysis;结构近似分析中的二次位移假定

2.Scholars have been debating over the realism ofassumptions for more than half-century.学者们对假定现实性问题的长达半个世纪的争论,其根源在于对假定基本类型界定不清。

3."F-first thesis" means that the more meaningful the theory seems, the more unrealistic itsassumption becomes; "F-second thesis" means that the only relevant standard to test a theory or hypothesis is comparison of its prediction with experiment ofassumption.弗里德曼的“实证经济学方法论”是一篇经典经济学方法论论文,其中内含两个经济哲学命题,“F第一命题”:理论越有意义,其假定就越不现实:“F第二命题”:与一个假说有效性的唯一相关的检验是其预测与经验的比较。


