300字范文 > 政府壁垒 the Barriers of the Government英语短句 例句大全

政府壁垒 the Barriers of the Government英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-05 18:24:42


政府壁垒 the Barriers of the Government英语短句 例句大全

政府壁垒,the Barriers of the Government

1)the Barriers of the Government政府壁垒

2)policy barrier政策壁垒

1.Based on the interpretation of farmer and citi-zen and the reference of existing theory home and abroad,this article tries to analysis thepolicy barrier and system obstacle of the urbanization of farmers,and then tries to put forward some suggestions for it.本文拟在全面解读农民和市民的含义的基础上,借鉴国内外已有的理论研究,分析现行政策壁垒和制度障碍,为探索解决我国城镇化进程中的农民市民化问题提出可行性建议。

3)administrative bulwark行政壁垒

1.Theadministrative bulwark increases the circulation cost of the economic element and reduces the economic vigor.长三角16个城市在推进一体化的过程中,在受行政区划及区域经济管理权力和责任的共同作用下产生的行政壁垒已经成为长三角经济深度融合的瓶颈。


1.The Flow of Financial Resources and the Restraint of Administrative Barriers金融资源的流动与行政壁垒的约束

2.Local protection and administrative barriers have severely hindered the integration process of the Pan-Pearl River Delta.地方保护和行政壁垒严重阻碍了泛珠三角经济区市场一体化进程。

3.a government order imposing a trade barrier.施行贸易壁垒的政府法令。

4.The Impact of Government Behavior on the Forming of TBT;政府行为对技术性贸易壁垒形成的影响

5.Barriers to Entry,Regulation on Entry and Industrial Statutory Monopoly in China;市场进入壁垒、进入管制与中国产业的行政垄断

6.Research on Barriers and Competition Policy of China s Private Enterprises Entry into Natural Monopolistic Industries;我国私营企业进入自然垄断行业的壁垒与竞争政策研究

7.Scope of Judicial Assistance in Interregions and Mode of Law Regulation in the Country;非政府机构技术规范行为与技术贸易壁垒:法律现状与评价

8.The government decided to raise tariff walls against foreign goods.政府决定提高关税壁垒以抵制外国货。

9.Research on the Functions of Local Government Across Foreign Non-tariff Barriers of Trade;地方政府应对非关税壁垒的职能探析

10.Discussion on the Game Problem Among the Countries Practicing Trade Barrier Policy;贸易壁垒政策的国家间博弈问题探讨

11.tariff and non-tariff barrier关税壁垒和非关税壁垒

12.A Comparison Between " China s Investigating Interim Rules on Barriers to Foreign Trade" and "EC Regulation on Barriers to Trade";我国《对外贸易壁垒调查暂行规则》与欧共体《贸易壁垒条例》之比较

13.Entry Barriers,Exit Barriers,Competition Strategy and Peasant Household Behavior Analysis;进入壁垒、退出壁垒和竞争战略理论的农户行为分析

14.Government should also institute feasible policies and measures, gradually reduce and abolish unnecessary trade and investment barriers;政府应该制定具体可行的政策和措施,逐步减少和消除不必要的贸易和投资壁垒;

15.Code of Conduct for Preventing Technical Barriers to Trade防止技术性贸易壁垒行动守则

16.Analysis and Thoughts on Barriers to Entry Market of Bank;对银行业市场进入壁垒的分析与思考

17.The Aquatic Products Quality Management for Free-Custom Barrier;从非关税壁垒看水产行业的质量管理

18.Industrial Associations of the Developed Countries and the Technical Trade Barrier;发达国家行业协会与技术性贸易壁垒


policy barrier政策壁垒

1.Based on the interpretation of farmer and citi-zen and the reference of existing theory home and abroad,this article tries to analysis thepolicy barrier and system obstacle of the urbanization of farmers,and then tries to put forward some suggestions for it.本文拟在全面解读农民和市民的含义的基础上,借鉴国内外已有的理论研究,分析现行政策壁垒和制度障碍,为探索解决我国城镇化进程中的农民市民化问题提出可行性建议。

3)administrative bulwark行政壁垒

1.Theadministrative bulwark increases the circulation cost of the economic element and reduces the economic vigor.长三角16个城市在推进一体化的过程中,在受行政区划及区域经济管理权力和责任的共同作用下产生的行政壁垒已经成为长三角经济深度融合的瓶颈。

4)the gap in the policies for rural and urban areas城乡政策壁垒


1.On theBarriers of Requiste Capital in Pharmaceutical Industry Market;试论医药产业市场的必要资本量壁垒

2.The System of TechnicalBarriers to Trade andChina s Foreign Trade Development;技术贸易壁垒体系与我国对外贸易的发展

3.International logistics is promoted by economy global and supply chain management, but it is confronted with the marketing entrance restrict、 finance barriers and delivery channel.经济全球化、供应链理念促进了国际物流的发展;而市场进入限制、金融壁垒和配送渠道阻碍国际物流发展。


1.The Impact of the Green Trade Barrier on Our Country s Foreign Trade and the Countermeasures;绿色贸易壁垒对我国对外贸易的影响与对策

2.A Research on the Economic Effects of Barriers to the International Trade in Services;国际服务贸易壁垒的经济效应研究


