300字范文 > 建筑装饰专业 architectural decorating specialty英语短句 例句大全

建筑装饰专业 architectural decorating specialty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-12 08:41:30


建筑装饰专业 architectural decorating specialty英语短句 例句大全

建筑装饰专业,architectural decorating specialty

1)architectural decorating specialty建筑装饰专业

1.The fundamental thinking of the individuality establishment inarchitectural decorating specialty;建筑装饰专业特色建设的基本思路


1.Courses Offering and Reform for Specialty of Building Decoration Technology in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职建筑装饰专业的课程设置与改革

2.Naught Adaptation"Teaching Mode in Architectural Decoration Major;建筑装饰专业“零适应”教学模式研究

3.Explorations on Sketch Teaching at Faculty of Building Decoration in Adult Higher Learning;成人高校建筑装饰专业素描教学初探

4.Exploration and Thinking about the Teaching Reform in Architectural Decorating Specialty建筑装饰专业教学改革的探索与思考

5.Research and Suggestion to Improve the Professional Architectural Design Program at Secondary Vocational Schools;对中职学校建筑装饰专业课程体系构建的思考

6.On Experimenting Teaching Methods of Architectural Decoration Specialty Course;建筑装饰专业课程实训的教学方式思考

7.Some Ideas on the Reforms of the Practical Teaching in Architectural Ornament Major in the Professional Colleges;关于高职建筑装饰专业实践教学的思考

8.A Study of Cartographic Curriculum Reform of Architectural Decoration in the Teritary Vocational Colleges;高职院校建筑装饰专业制图课程改革探索

9.Problems and Countermeasures in the Practice of Architecture Ornament Specialty Understanding建筑装饰专业认识实习中的问题与对策探究

10.On Innovating Practical Teaching Ideas to Improve Architectural and Interior Design Curriculum within Higher Vocational Education Framework高职教育建筑装饰专业实践教学改革初探

11.Establishment and Practice of "4321 Work Method" in Graduation Design of Architectural Decoration Specialty;建筑装饰专业毕业设计指导“4321工作法”创建与实践

12.Simple Discussion on Current Situation and Reform of Teaching of "Three-Dimensional Constitutes" Courses in Architectural Decoration Major浅谈建筑装饰专业《立体构成》课程教学的现状与改革

13.Reform in the teaching of architectural design and decoration speciality in college;专科建筑设计与装饰专业的教学改革

14.The Practice of the individuality establishment in architectural eecorating and computer technology specialty;建筑装饰与计算机技术特色专业建设实践

15.Shanghai Haozhi Architecture Upholstery Engineering Co.上海好质建筑装饰工程有限公司是一家专业。

16.Reforms of the teaching of the specialty of architecture decoration engineering;建筑装饰工程专业教学体系的改革与思考

17.A Brief Discussion on the Teaching System Reforms of "The Technique of Architecture Decoration";“建筑装饰技术”专业教学体系改革方案初探

18.On Practice Teaching Reform of Architecture Decoration Specialty in Higher Vocational College;对建筑装饰技术专业实践教学改革的思考


architecture and decoration major建筑学装饰专业

1.The important roles of drawing skills of students inarchitecture and decoration major are analyzed.分析了绘图基础技能对建筑与装饰专业学生所起的重要作用 ,针对加强学生徒手画练习功底、美术课与建筑绘画课内容的衔接等问题 ,提出了对建筑学装饰专业学生绘图教学的几点认

3)specialty of building decoration technology建筑装饰技术专业

4)building decoration industry建筑装饰业

1.This paper makes use of industrial organization theory to analyze the market structure, conduct and performance of Chinesebuilding decoration industry.本文利用产业组织理论分析了中国建筑装饰业的市场结构、企业行为和市场绩效,结论表明我国建筑装饰行业的市场集中度极低,过低的市场集中度造成了建筑装饰企业激烈的市场竞争;建筑装饰行业工程质量问题突出,建筑装饰市场实行最低价中标办法后,由于缺乏相应的政策环境,在执行过程中容易形成恶性竞争等问题;建筑装饰业行业整体利润率水平低,处于微利状态,行业亏损面严重。

5)architectural ornament enterprise建筑装饰企业

1.Some suggestions about the technical management in thearchitectural ornament enterprises;关于对建筑装饰企业技术管理的几点建议

6)architectural ornament建筑装饰

1.Analyses the characteristics of the veneers ofarchitectural ornament,such as that veneers are too heavy,are easy to drop and the effect of ornament is influenced by the construction technology,put forwards that the development of veneers must be adapted to the construction technology and application,the veneers must to be maked technological innovation.分析建筑装饰陶瓷饰面砖的装饰特点,针对陶瓷饰面砖自重大、易脱落、装饰效果受装饰施工技术及质量的影响等问题,提出陶瓷饰面砖的发展应注重适应装饰施工技术及应用而进行产品的技术创新。

2.The paper is divided into seven chapters, in which the author introduced about the geography survey of North Shaanxi, the form ofarchitectural ornament art.陕北民居建筑装饰艺术是中国传统美学的一个重要组成部分,研究它有助于理解传统文化的艺术内涵。


