300字范文 > 数字档案资源 Digital archival resources英语短句 例句大全

数字档案资源 Digital archival resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-11 21:15:29


数字档案资源 Digital archival resources英语短句 例句大全

数字档案资源,Digital archival resources

1)Digital archival resources数字档案资源


1.A Study on Copyright in Constructing Digital Archival Resources;数字档案资源建设中的著作权问题研究

2.Digital Archives Resource Platform Based on E-government基于电子政务信息门户的数字档案资源建设

3.Archive resource sharing and Intellectual Property Protection in Digital Era;数字时代档案资源共享和知识产权保护

4.Development and Utilization of Archives Resources in Information Age;浅谈数字化时代档案信息资源的开发与利用

5.Input HR relevant data, file documents.记录人力资源相关数据,档案文件.

6.Digital Archives Management Based on Archives Information Security基于档案信息安全的档案数字化管理

7.On the Technique of Managing Digital Information Base on Metadata;试论数字资源著录的元数据解决方案

8.To strengthen archival resources construction and standardize special-topic archives management加强档案资源建设,规范专题档案管理

9.To Disscuss How to Identify the Urban Gonstruction Archives fo Digitalization城建档案馆馆藏档案数字化鉴定工作探讨

10.Survey of information construction of archive resourses in Minxi Comprehensive archives and reflection;闽西综合档案馆档案资源信息化建设的思考

11.On the Development and Utilization of Archive Information Resources at Basic Archive Establishments;基层档案馆(室)档案信息资源的开发与利用

12.Strengthen the Construction of Archives Informanization and Realize the sharing Archive Resources among the whole society;加强档案信息化建设 实现档案资源社会共享

13.Recognizing the Characteristics of Filing Information and Giving Energetic Development of the Resources of Filing Information;认识档案信息特性,大力开发档案信息资源

14.The Establishment of Forest Resource Inventory Management System and the Study of Data Update Method;森林资源档案管理系统的研建与数据更新方法的研究

15.Approaches on Renewal Methods of Hunan Forest Resource Archive Data which Based on GIS基于GIS技术的湖南森林资源档案数据更新方法探讨

16.A Case Study on the Application Effectiveness of Junior Middle School English Digitization Teaching Resources;初中英语数字化教学资源有效应用的个案研究

17.The Project of Resource Scheme and the Key Technology in Digital Campus;数字化校园的资源配置方案及其关键技术

18.The Copyright Solutions of the Digitalized Use of Library Resources图书馆馆藏资源数字化利用的著作权解决方案


archives resource档案资源

3)archive resource档案资源

1.This paper expounded knowledge innovation and the relations with thearchive resource,analyzed the status quo on the information construction ofarchive resource,and put forward the main ways to realize the information construction of thearchive resource on the basis of knowledge innovation in colleges and universities.阐释知识创新概念及与高校档案资源的关系,分析了高校档案资源信息化建设的现状,提出了在知识创新理念基础之上实现高校档案资源信息化建设的主要途径。

4)archives resources档案资源

1.Depending upon the needs of market economy development,how to establish and perfect the archives management and how to make full use of the S/Marchives resources so as to serve the economic construction are described.根据市场经济发展的需求 ,本文就如何建立健全档案管理机制 ,充分利用测绘资料档案资源 ,为经济建设发展提供服务作了阐述。

5)archive resources档案资源

1.This paper aims to expound the necessity of making archives informanized, approach the reasons affecting thearchive resources shared by the whole society and think further about informanizing archives and sharingarchive resources among the whole society.实现档案资源社会共享是时代发展的需要,全文论述了档案信息化的必要性,探讨了影响档案资源社会共享的原因,并对档案信息化、档案资源社会共享进行了若干思考。

2.Based on the current situation ofarchive resources in university libraries,this paper has expounded the thinking on the necessities and ways in developing and making use of thearchive resources in the university library in a reasonable manner.从高职院校图书馆档案资源利用的现状出发 ,论述图书馆合理开发利用档案资源的拨要性及开发利用的思路。

3.It is a key research task fot the archive workers to conduct the relationship between the construction of harmonious campus and the access and development of thearchive resources at present.建设和谐校园和档案资源开发利用研究是新时期高校档案工作者的重要课题。

6)file resources档案资源

1.On tapping collegefile resources to better serve local economy;充分挖掘高校档案资源 更好地为地方经济服务

2.vocational colleges should search for new thinking methods for the development and utilization offile resources in the perfection of inspirational system,in meeting the demands of various professions,in the praltice of modern information technolgy,and in the strengt.职业院校应从完善激励机制、满足事业需要、应用现代信息技术、加强队伍建设等方面探索档案资源开发利用的新思路。

3.In the current practice in the file, however, there is still a gap between the construction offile resources on the people\"s livelihood and the "two systems" .但是,在目前的档案工作实践中,民生档案资源建设与"两个体系"还存在着差距。


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
