300字范文 > 教师主导性 magistral quality of teachers英语短句 例句大全

教师主导性 magistral quality of teachers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-26 11:41:02


教师主导性 magistral quality of teachers英语短句 例句大全

教师主导性,magistral quality of teachers

1)magistral quality of teachers教师主导性

bination ofmagistral quality of teachers and main-body quality of students and promotion of teaching reform强化教师主导性与学生主体性有机结合深化寄生虫学教学改革


1.Analysis on the Relationship between Teacher s Dominance and Students Subjectivity;教师主导性与学生主体性的关系辨析

2.Discussion on the main role of students and the leading character of teachers in the construction of academic atmosphere;论学风建设中的学生主体性和教师主导性

3.Study on Integrating the Guiding Function of the Teacher withIndependent Spirit of the Student in Teaching Reform of theCommon Psychology Course in TeachersUniversity;论高师心理学教学改革中教师主导性与学生自主性的统一

4.Teachers Leading Role in Aesthethetic Education in Chinese Teaching;试论中学语文教学中审美教育的教师主导性

5.Talk About the Leading Character of P.E.Teacher According to the New Course Standard;浅论新课程标准下体育教学的教师主导性

bination of magistral quality of teachers and main-body quality of students and promotion of teaching reform强化教师主导性与学生主体性有机结合深化寄生虫学教学改革

7.An Empirical Research on the Interaction Between Behavior and Effect in P.E Teaching体育教学中教师主导性教学行为与教学效果的实证研究

8.The Predominant Role of Teachers in Middle School Subjectivity Composition Teaching;中学主体性作文教学中教师的主导作用

9.Teaching Regulation of Combining Teacher s Main Guidance Function and Students Initiative;教师主导作用与学生主动性相结合的教学原则

10.An Initial Comment on the Teacher s Leading Role and the Student s Learning of His Own--Taking the Audio-Visual-Speaking Instruction as a Case;试论教师的主导作用与学生自主性学习

11.The Efficiency of Teachers Predominoff function in Athletics Teaching;体育课堂教学中教师主导作用的有效性

12.On the Leading Role of Teachers’ Personality Charm;教师个性魅力在教学中的主导作用分析

13.Teachers Guiding Role and Students Dominent Role--On Multimedia College English Teaching at Colleges and Universities in National Areas;教师的主导性与学生的主体性——谈民族院校大学英语多媒体教学

14.On Improving the Effectiveness of P.E Teaching from the View of Exerting Teacher"s Leading Role and Student"s Subjectivity从发挥教师主导作用与学生主体性谈如何提高体育教学的有效性

15.On English Teacher s Guiding Role in On-line Intercultural Communicative Activities;论英语教师在网络跨文化交际活动中的主导性

16.Research-based Learning and Teacher’s Guiding Functions;略论研究性学习中教师主导作用的发挥

17.Probe that leads the mainly harmonious educational Pattern,Train Teachers And Students Development to Study Strength;探索“导主和谐”教育模式,培养师生发展性学力

18.Children is principal part,Teachers act as leading part, to promote Children to study on their own initiative;以幼儿为主体 教师为主导 促进幼儿学习的主动性



1.Studying of dialectical relationship betweenteacher-leading-factor and student-subject-position in higher vocational college, is in favor of building good interactive relationship between teacher and student, inspiriting participation consciousness of student and embodying idea of running a school of higher vocational education.通过高职教育教学中教师主导性作用与学生主体性地位辩证关系的研究,有利于建立良好的师生互动关系,有利于调动师生教与学的参与意识,有利于体现高职教育与时俱进的办学理念。

3)Teachers Leading教师主导


5)teacher led教师主导型

6)teacher autonomy教师自主性

1.Reviewing the evolu- tion of learner autonomy andteacher autonomy,we conclude the main content of the two autonomies.从研究发展学生和教师自主性概念的沿革出发,总结出两种自主性分别所包含的内容,并在此基础上指出了两种自主性的发展并不会相互排斥,而是存在内在的密切联系,有着良性的互动关系。

2.With the rise of learner autonomy as an important goal in second/foreign language education, the idea ofteacher autonomy has recently come to the fore.在二语(外语)教育领域,随着学习者自主性研究的不断深入,教师自主性在过去的十年也逐渐成为研究的一个焦点。

3.While the teacher education literature tend to equateteacher autonomy with professional freedom,the second/ foreign language education literature views professional freedom as one but by no means the most important element in a conception ofteacher autonomy.广域教师教育研究倾向于把教师自主性等同于教师的专业自由。


