300字范文 > 教师品质 quality of teacher英语短句 例句大全

教师品质 quality of teacher英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-04 06:08:58


教师品质 quality of teacher英语短句 例句大全

教师品质,quality of teacher

1)quality of teacher教师品质

1.Physical teaching is different from the others How to create good relation between teachers and students is important fact on teaching effect This study tries to use survey and visit to find whichquality of teacher effect on the relation between teachers and students It shows there is different between teachers and students in recognize; there is different from age and sex among student调查表明 ,在对影响师生关系的教师品质的评价中 ,教师和学生之间存在一定的认知差异 ;学生之间存在性别和年龄的差异。


1.What Qualities Primary and Middle School Students Want Their Teachers to Have --An Analysis Based on the Investigation;“中小学生对教师品质要求”调查结果与分析

2.On Students Expectation of Teachers Characters;学生对体育教师品质的心理期望值研究

3.Teacher Education:The Cultivation of the Quality of Teacher Professional Awareness--The Theoretical Construction of Teacher Development School教师教育:教师专业意识品质的养成——教师发展学校的理论建设

4.What personal qualities should a teacher have?一名教师应具备什么样的个人品质呢?

5.Reflection:the Core Quality for Research-minded Teachers;反思——研究型教师必备的核心品质

6.Psychological characters of teachers in elementary and middle schools for 21st century;新时期中小学教师应具备的心理品质

7.Education and Cultivation of Personality of Female Students in Normal Colleges;高师女生个性心理品质的教育和培养

8.The Influence of the Psychological Quality of P.E Teacher On the P.Q.of the Students;体育教师心理品质及其对学生的影响

9.Discussion about the Function of Teachers Personal Moral Quality in Teachers Virtue;试析教师的个人精神品质在师德中的地位

10.Investigation of Chemistry Teachers Quality and Moral Character and Its Inspiration;化学教师素质与品质要求的调查与启示

11.The Impacts And Strategies of The Teachers Negative Psychological Quality;教师消极心理品质对课堂教学的影响及对策

12.Tries to Discuss Gym Instructor s Psychological Quality and the Teaching Relations;试论体育教师的心理品质与教学的关系

13.An Inquiry Into the Teaching of the Ideological and Moral Course and the Development of the Teacher Self-Qualities;思想品德课教学与教师自身素质培养探析

14.On Teacher s Professional Quality in the Reform of the Fundamental Education Cou rses;论基础教育课程改革中的教师专业品质

15.Foster Teachers" Voluntary Pursuit for High Quality Class Teaching培育教师对高品质课堂教学的自觉追求

16.Professional Quality of "Scholar-teacher":Based on the Perspective of Ordinary Middle School Teachers;论学者型教师的核心品质——基于中学教师视角的因素分析

17.On The Improvement of College Foreign Language Teachers’ Personal Qualities;高校外语教师的个人品质的完善与发展

18.On Reasonable Construction of a Teacher’s Quality by Improving Three Qualities;提升三大品位 构建合理的教师素质结构


the psychological features of high school teachers教师心理品质

3)The Personal Qualities of a Teacher教师的个人品质

4)high-quality teacher品牌教师

5)teacher"s moral character教师品格

6)the teachers taste教师品位

1.What s more it has direct influence to the effect of campus culture thatthe teachers taste.研究性校园文化活动具有多方面的功能,而教师品位的高低直接影响着校园文化活动的质量。


白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea)白茶品质特征(quality characteristics of white tea)在色、香、味、形方面显示白茶品质特点的性状。白茶白色芽毫多,汤浅黄,毫香显,毫味重。按芽叶嫩度和鲜叶的茶树品种分为白毫银针、白牡丹和贡眉三种。白毫银针纯为毫芽,不带梗蒂,肥壮长大,形状如针,色泽银白,香气清鲜,毫香浓。汤浅杏黄色。白牡丹、贡眉(寿眉)外形毫芽多而肥壮,叶张肥嫩,叶态平伏舒展,叶缘垂卷,叶面有隆起波纹,叶尖微翘、芽叶相连而稍并拢。叶面色泽灰绿、墨绿或翠绿,叶背银白色、叶脉微红。香气毫香浓显,滋味鲜爽醇厚清甜,汤色橙黄明亮。叶底匀亮,灰绿到黄绿,梗及叶脉微红。白牡丹毫芽特别肥壮长大,两叶抱芽,遍披白色茸毛,毫香特显,滋味醇厚,品质胜贡胥。
