300字范文 > 幼儿基本体操 infant basic gymnastics英语短句 例句大全

幼儿基本体操 infant basic gymnastics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-26 04:32:14


幼儿基本体操 infant basic gymnastics英语短句 例句大全

幼儿基本体操,infant basic gymnastics

1)infant basic gymnastics幼儿基本体操

1.Theinfant basic gymnastics is a type of body mechanics aiming at promoting the infant growth.幼儿基本体操是以幼儿为对象,以增强体质为目的的大众健身体操。


1.Exploration on How the Babies Basic Gymnastics Strengthens the Babies Constitution;对幼儿基本体操增强幼儿体质的探讨

2.Effect of the Basic Gymnastic Exercises for the Baby on the Development of Baby S Psychology and Physique;幼儿基本体操对幼儿身心发展的作用

3.Utilization of Kids Basic Gym in the Kids Physical Activities;幼儿基本体操在幼儿体育活动中的运用

4.The Effect of Infant Basic Gymnastics in promoting the infant growth;浅谈幼儿基本体操对幼儿发育的促进作用

5.Current situation of infant basic performing gymnastics coaches in China;我国表演性幼儿基本体操教练员现状

6.Discussion of Several Problems in Development of Infant Basic Gymnastics;探究幼儿基本体操发展中的若干问题

7.The Research on Heart Rate Affected by the Training of Basic Gymnastics for Children nationwide from 1992~1998;幼儿基本体操训练对心率影响的研究

8.On the Layout of Set Moves of Preliminary Nursling Gym;幼儿基本体操成套动作编排方式探蹊

9.The Practice and Research on the Kids Basic Gymnastics Teaching开展幼儿基本体操教学的实践与研究

10.The Training of the Editing Ability of the Children s BasicGym for the Students at the Preschool Education College;谈如何培养幼师生幼儿基本体操的创编能力

11.Investigating and Researching on the Status of Outcarrying of Infants Basic Gymnastics in Chendu s Kindergartens;成都市幼儿基本体操开展现状的调查与研究

12.Motivating and Cultivating the Emotion Quotient of the Young Children in Basic Gymnastic Training;试论幼儿基本体操训练中情商的激发与培养

13.Present situation of children elemental gymnastics performing character in Shanddong province;山东省幼儿基本体操表演现状特点探折

14.Research on the Situation of Infant Basic Gymnastic in Nanjing;对南京市幼儿基本体操开展现状的调查与分析

15.Research on the sustainable development of infant s basic gymnastics in Kaifeng City;开封市幼儿基本体操运动的可持续发展研究

16.Some points of comment on the continuable development of infants basic gymnastics activity;关于我国幼儿基本体操可持续发展的几点思考

17.Research on Present Situation of Performing Child ElementalGymnastics in China;对我国表演性幼儿基本体操开展现状的研究

18.The Current Situation and Countermeasure of Basic Gymnastic Exercise for Children;山东省幼儿基本体操开展状况与对策研究


Children"s Basic Gymnastics幼儿基本体操锻炼

3)Kindergarten group callisthenics幼儿团体操

1.Kindergarten group callisthenics is a branch of the infants gymnastics.幼儿团体操是幼儿体操的一个分支,具有突出的健身、健美、健心和娱乐价值。

4)basic gymnastics基本体操

1.Research on the sustainable development of infant sbasic gymnastics in Kaifeng City;开封市幼儿基本体操运动的可持续发展研究

2.Some points of comment on the continuable development of infantsbasic gymnastics activity;关于我国幼儿基本体操可持续发展的几点思考

3.Research on Basic Gymnastics Teaching to Improve Teaching Ability;基本体操教学对提高学生教学能力的研究

5)basic gymnastic基本体操

1.Thebasic gymnastic exercises can improve the infant moral character,self-system development,emotion and sensibility development greatly.通过基本体操锻炼,能对幼儿的品德发展、自我系统发展、情绪情感发展、社会交往发展起到较大的促进作用。

2.Through the research and summary of teaching practice,propose the basic principles and methods of creation and compilation of childbasic gymnastic,including fit for age characteristics,adaptation to seasonal changes,choice of music,and rational design of action.通过对教学实践的研究和总结,提出了创编幼儿基本体操要适合幼儿年龄特点、适应季节变化,要精选音乐、合理设计动作的基本原则和方法。

6)the basic gymnastic exercises基本体操

1.Discussion onthe basic gymnastic exercises for the baby and the children s socialization;幼儿基本体操与儿童社会化初探

2.Analyzingthe basic gymnastic exercises for the baby and health degree of only-child thatthe basic gymnastic exercises for the baby not only can promote the development of baby抯 physical quality, but also be propitious to strengthen the baby抯 psychological quality and help the baby form the fine personality .通过对现在独生子女幼儿健康状况和心理素质的分析,阐述了幼儿基本体操训练不仅能促进幼儿身体素质的发展,而且有利于幼儿心理素质的发展,帮助其形成健全的个性。


