300字范文 > 牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 A new house house 第一课时_小学五年级英语教案

牛津小学英语5A Unit 2 A new house house 第一课时_小学五年级英语教案

时间:2020-03-10 15:50:20


牛津小学英语5A  Unit 2 A new house house 第一课时_小学五年级英语教案

一、 教学内容:b. look, read and learn c. ask and answer

二、 教学目标:

1.四会句型 what’s …in/on/under/behind…?

there’s a … in/on/under/behind…

there’re some…in/on/under/behind…

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写: behind, under. a bed, a sofa,a telephone,a lamp

三、 教学重点和难点:

1.正确使用四个介词in, on, under, behind.


四、 课前准备: 录音机、磁带、实物(道具),卡片。

五、 教学过程


a.free talk:

t: good morning/afternoon.

s: good morning/afternoon.

t:is there a playground in the school?

s: yes, there is .

t: are there any classrooms in the building?

s: yes, there are.(利用谈话导入法,利用学生周边的环境与学生对话,就已学过的句型以旧带新,导入新课。)


1. 教师拿出一张卧室图片,展示给全班看。

t: what"s this?

s: it"s a bedroom.

t: good. it"s a bedroom. look, this is my bedroom. now, it is empty.

guess, what"s in it?

s1: is there a tv?

t: yes, there is.

s2: is there a bed?

t: yes, there is .

ok,now read after me : bed.

s: bed.

t: bed, b-e-d, bed.

s: bed, b-e-d, bed.

t ask a group to read and spell the word: bed.

t:anything else?

s3: is there a desk?

t: yes, there is .

s4: is there a chair?

t: yes, there is.

s5: is there a sofa?

t: yes,you"re right.ok,now read after me : sofa.

s: sofa.

t: sofa, s-o-f-a,sofa.

s: sofa, s-o-f-a,sofa.

t ask a group to read and spell the word: sofa.


t: what"s this in english?

s6:it"s a lamp.

t: good, read after me : lamp.

s: lamp.

t: lamp, l-a-m-p,lamp.

s: lamp, l-a-m-p,lamp.

t ask a group to read and spell the word: lamp.


t: what"s that?

is it a telephone?

s: yes.

t: ok. read after me : telephone.

s: telephone.

t: we can divide the word telephone into two parts: tele and phone.

tele means tv .phone is short for telephone.

我们可以把这个单词一分为二,分为tele和phone,tele的意思是电视, phone是电话telephone的缩会写。

ok,read after me, tele,t-e-l-e,tele.

s: tele,t-e-l-e,tele.

t: phone,p-h-o-n-e,phone.

s: phone,p-h-o-n-e,phone.

t: telephone, t-e-l-e-p-h-o-n-e, telephone.

s: telephone, t-e-l-e-p-h-o-n-e, telephone.

4.t: ok, now in my bedroom there is a bed ,a sofa, a lamp and a telephone.so, what"s in your bedroom?

s7: there is a bed and a tv.

t: good. guess, what"s in his bedroom?
