300字范文 > 媒介识读能力 media literacy英语短句 例句大全

媒介识读能力 media literacy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-25 01:35:27


媒介识读能力 media literacy英语短句 例句大全

媒介识读能力,media literacy

1)media literacy媒介识读能力

1.Purposes (1) This research designed a suit of childrenmedia literacy educationcurriculum which presented our mainland feature.(2)探讨儿童媒介识读教育对提高儿童媒介识读能力的影响。


1.A Study on Developing the Questionnaire of Media Literacy in the Senior Grades of Primary School and Its Application小学高年级学生媒介识读能力问卷的编制及应用

2.The Medium Authority and the Medium Intellectuals’Identity媒介权力与媒介知识分子的身份认同

3.The Rise of Media Literacy in Japan and Its Context Analysis;日本媒介识读教育的兴起及其背景分析

4."The requested media is unrecognizable and cannot be read."无法识别并不能读取要求的媒体。

5.The Invented Media of Art Propagation -- Network Propagation;解读艺术传播的虚拟媒介——网络媒介

6.On Rural Audiences" Media Literacy Education从媒介使用能力考察农村受众媒介素养——以江西中部吉安为例

7.Chinese manufacturers have waken up to the strength of media promotion.中国制造商已经认识到媒介促销的力量。

8.Narrative Discourse and Ideology: Interpretation of the Female Media Communication Strategies叙事话语与意识形态——对女性媒介传播策略的解读

9.A Critical Interpretation of the Reading Predicament in the Age of Electronic Media;电子媒介时代阅读困境的批判性解读

10.The Raises of the Official Media Literacy and the Governmental Ability in Power Construction官员媒介素养的提高与政府执政能力的建设

11.The Practice and Research of Multimedia Technique Cultivating Ability of Reading Graphs;多媒体技术培养学生读图能力的实践与研究

12.The condition or quality of being literate, especially the ability to read and write.读写能力识字、尤指会读写的状态或性质

13.Several Steps to Improve Students’ Reading Ability;阅读知识 方法 训练并重切 实提高学生阅读能力

14.love, the most powerful ferment;爱,最有力的改变媒介;

15.On the Cultivation of the Immaturity"s Social Functional Consciousness试论未成年人大众传播媒介社会功能意识的培养

16.Influence of"Gramsci Shift"of Cultural Studies on Ideological Functions of Mass Media文化研究的“葛兰西转向”对大众媒介意识形态功能研究的影响

17.A Study of the Relation between Phonological Awareness and Reading Ability;语音意识和阅读能力相关性实验研究

18.The Relationship Between Children’s Syntactic Awareness and Reading Ability;儿童句法意识与阅读能力发展的关系


media literacy education媒介识读教育

1.Purposes (1) This research designed a suit of childrenmedia literacy educationcurriculum which presented our mainland feature.目的(1)设计一套具有本土特色的儿童媒介识读教育课程。

3)reading media阅读媒介

1.Based on the great changes in the reading of the mass in the past 30 years of opening up,the paper analyzes the changes ofreading media and reading contents,and discusses the main characteristics of reading behavior of the mass at present.着眼改革开放30年大众阅读的深刻变化,分析阅读媒介、阅读内容的变迁,探讨当前大众阅读行为的主要特点。

4)knowledge about medium媒介知识


6)Television Literacy电视识读能力


