300字范文 > 媒介识读教育 media literacy education英语短句 例句大全

媒介识读教育 media literacy education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-17 11:38:59


媒介识读教育 media literacy education英语短句 例句大全

媒介识读教育,media literacy education

1)media literacy education媒介识读教育

1.Purposes (1) This research designed a suit of childrenmedia literacy educationcurriculum which presented our mainland feature.目的(1)设计一套具有本土特色的儿童媒介识读教育课程。


1.The Rise of Media Literacy in Japan and Its Context Analysis;日本媒介识读教育的兴起及其背景分析

2.Transformation of higher engineering education through general education;以通识教育为媒介 实施高等工程教育转型

3.Reading Buckingham s Media Education Viewpoint of Beyond Protectionism;帕金翰“超越保护主义”媒介教育观点解读

4.Discussion about the 《News Reading and Practice》 Elective Course for the Purpose of Media Education媒介教育指向的《新闻阅读与实践》选修课程探讨

5.Primary Analysis of Media Literacy Education on Network Original Literature in the Trend of Light Reading“浅阅读”潮流下网络原创文学的媒介素养教育

6.Interpretation of Language Features of the Mass Media and the New Task Posed on Language Education;解读传媒时代大众媒介语言特色及其赋予语言教育的新任务

7.On the Western Theory for Children"s Media Literacy Education国外儿童媒体识读教育理论范式的发展

8.Media Competence Education in Journalism and Communication in New Media Age;新媒介时代的新闻传播专业媒介素养教育

9.Investigation on Competence of China"s Colleges Students to Cognize/Utilize Media Literature and Relevant Education Policy大学生媒介素养现状调查及媒介素养教育策略

10.Media Quality Education in University Ideological and Political Education;高校思想政治教育中的媒介素养教育

11.Media Education :New Trend in China s Education Development;媒介素养教育:中国教育发展的新动向

12.Educational Media:Educational Methodology of Chinese Traditional Martial Arts教育媒介:中国传统武术教育方法论

13.On Communicating Arts and Media Education from the Media Attainable Viewpoint;媒介素养教育理论下的传播艺术和传媒教育

14.Chinese Media Attainment Before 1949--Indigenous Course of Media qualification;1949年以前的中国媒介素养教育萌芽——媒介素养教育的本土化考察

15.Instructional Strategies Design of Media Literacy Education for College Students;大学生媒介素养教育之教学策略设计

16.The Transformation of Media Resources in Distance Higher Education;远程高等教育教学中媒介资源的变革

17.German Sports Newspapers and Magazines(SNMs)Market:From the Perspective of Media Economics德国专业体育报刊市场的媒介经济学解读

18.Media literacy education for university students under the background of mass media entertainment;大众传媒娱乐化背景下的大学生媒介素养教育


media education媒介教育

1.Media education is one of quality education that identify media reappearances in themedia education circumstances so that the active media user who is with better critical view may be cultivated.媒介教育是一种在媒体教育环境中对媒体再现进行识别的素养教育,目的在于培养更主动和更有批判性的媒介使用者。

2.It not only needs good information communication environment,but also good policy settings and a great number of holymedia education workers.媒介教育能够帮助学生明智地、批判性地解读大众媒介的本质、媒介常用的手法及这些手法所产生的效果。

3.Due to the development of modern media,the paradigm ofmedia education will change from "Protectionism" to "Not-injurism".媒介教育从“保护主义”范式走向“不伤害主义”范式是现代媒介发展的必然。

3)education medium教育媒介

4)media literacy媒介识读能力

1.Purposes (1) This research designed a suit of childrenmedia literacy educationcurriculum which presented our mainland feature.(2)探讨儿童媒介识读教育对提高儿童媒介识读能力的影响。

5)media quality education媒介素质教育

1.Describe the definition of media quality andmedia quality education,as well as the significance of cultivatingmedia quality education among college students and the approaches ofmedia quality education for higher vocational college students.叙述媒介素质和媒介素质教育的含义,对高职大学生开展媒介素质教育的重要意义,以及对开展高职大学生媒介素质教育的措施及途径进行了探讨。

2.Themedia quality education derives from the inner worries about the relief of the young from the violence in TVs.美国人是倾向于未来的人民,媒介素质教育只缘于内忧,其诉求在于如何解救青少年于电视媒介性与暴力的染缸;媒体的私营性和商业化运作,使得美国的媒介素质教育疾呼,限于学界和民间的除暴要求,缺乏业界自律。

3.Media quality andmedia quality education is a new research and practice field for the international communication and education sectors.媒介素质和媒介素质教育是国际传播学界和教育界的一个新的研究课题和实践领域。

6)media literacy education媒介素养教育

1.Take a View of Media Literacy Education from the Point of Instruction of Flash;从Flash教学谈媒介素养教育

2.20 Characteristic Analysis and Reference Significance of Media Literacy Education in Britain;英国媒介素养教育特色分析与借鉴意义

3.Take a view of Media Literacy Education for College Students from the point of Web2.0;从Web2.0看高校媒介素养教育


