300字范文 > 经济分析 economic analysis英语短句 例句大全

经济分析 economic analysis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-26 02:41:57


经济分析 economic analysis英语短句 例句大全

经济分析,economic analysis

1)economic analysis经济分析

1.New technology andeconomic analysis of preparation of aluminum fluoride by wet process;湿法制取氟化铝新工艺及经济分析

2.Aneconomic analysis of reservoir natural production in middle and later stages;开发中后期油藏自然生产的经济分析

3.Aneconomic analysis of xylanase application in pulp bleaching;木聚糖酶在漂白中应用的经济分析


1.Economic Theory and Analysis经济学理论与经济分析

2.Economic Jurisprudence:Economic Analysis Of Law & Legal Analysis Of Economy;法经济学:法律的经济分析和经济的法律分析

3.Economic Analysis Division [Financial Services Bureau]经济分析部〔财经事务局〕

4.Economic Analysis of the Financial Supporting Policy in the Economic Development Zones;经济开发区财政扶持政策的经济分析

5.Economic Analysis on Economic System and Economic and Measures......;经济制度与经济手段的经济理论分析

6.analysis of economic size distribution经济规模分配的分析

7.business cycle analysis经济循环分析;经济循环分析;经济周期分析;经济周期分析;商业循环分析

8.The Economical Analysis about the Influence of the Network Economy Act on the National Economy;网络经济对国民经济影响的经济学分析

9.An Analysis of Economic Power of Xinjiang and Other Economic Bodies in "Xinjiang Economic Circle";新疆与“环新疆经济圈”各经济体经济实力分析

10.Transition from Economy of Administrative Zone to Economy of Economic Zone:An Analysis from Game Theory;行政区经济向经济区经济的转化:一个博弈分析

11.Analysis of Economic Effect and Economic Life of Port Machinery港口机械的经济效益及经济寿命分析

12.An Analysis of Economic Globalization from the Perspective of Marxist Economics;经济全球化的马克思主义经济学分析

13.Analysis of Economic Growth Affected Foreign Economic Aid;国外经济援助对经济增长的影响分析

14.Economic Analysis of the Impact of High Oil Prices on Chinese Economy;高油价对我国经济影响的经济学分析

15.System Analysis of Economic Development in the Northern Tianshan Slope Economic Belt;天山北坡经济带经济发展的系统分析

16.Institutional Economics Analysis of Chinese Private Economic Development;中国私营经济发展的制度经济学分析

17.The global economy:Economic analysis of imbalance and equilibrium (Ⅱ);全球经济:失衡与均衡的经济学分析(下)

18.The global economy:conomic analysis of imbalance and equilibrium(Ⅰ);全球经济:失衡与均衡的经济学分析(上)


economical analysis经济分析

1.Design andeconomical analysis of gas-gas heat pipe heat exchanger for WFGD in thermal power plant;火电厂湿法脱硫系统热管式GGH的设计与经济分析

2.Study oneconomical analysis on scale of key steel enterprises in China;中国重点钢铁企业的规模经济分析

3.Asphalt stable gross roots construction technology andeconomical analysis;沥青稳定基层施工工艺及经济分析

3)economy analysis经济分析

1.The Beginning of the Integration of Human Analysis and Economy Analysis——On the Essence of The Manuscript Discussing with Zhang Yibing;人本分析与经济分析有机结合的开端——关于《手稿》的基本性质兼与张一兵等商榷

2.The Economy Analysis of Urban Spatial Structure Formation, Evolvement and Optimization;城市空间结构形成、演变与优化的经济分析

3.From the angle of quality economics the quality"s economic property,economy analysis, cost management and etc.从质量经济学的角度综合论述了质量的经济性、质量经济分析、质量成本管理等问题,详尽阐明了质量成本管理是统筹全局、做好全面质量管理工作强有力的方法和保障,同时提出了钢铁行业全面质量管理工作中一些行之有效的具体做法。

4)economics analysis经济分析

1.In this article, from the designed experiments , we describe the main facilities and showeconomics analysis in the progress of shoyu production from cerevisiae waste yeast.在设计基础上叙述了啤酒废酵母在生产酱油中的主要设备和经济分析。

prehensiveeconomics analysis is made on wet limestone/gypsum smoke desulfuration equipment which is provided to 2×300 MW fire electric generating set in a certain power plant.对某电厂2×300MW火力发电机组所配湿法石灰石/石膏烟气脱硫装置进行综合经济分析,说明采用湿法石灰石/石膏烟气脱硫技术可取得经济效益和良好的社会效益。

3.In order to analyze the policy of drug control from the point of economy, first of all the objects and presuppositions ofeconomics analysis must be made clear.对毒品控制政策进行经济分析 ,首先需要明确经济分析的对象和前提。

5)economic analyses经济分析

1.Practical Application of Nuclear Project Economic Analyses;核工程项目经济分析实证研究

2.To introduce the production process of thick galvanizing for steel wire To doeconomic analyses of production technology and analyses of products quality of steel wire galvanized by dipping,put forward it should strengthen process control,raise the rate of qualification of steel wire,do technological improvement and develop market under market economy conditio对热镀锌钢丝进行生产技术经济分析、产品质量分析,提出应加强工序控制,提高热镀锌钢丝合格率,在市场经济条件下进行技术改进,拓展产品市场。

3.In this paper, the correspondingeconomic analyses are given to the economic dynamical model of consumption, capital and money and to its dynamical properties.对基于消费、资本和货币的宏观经济动力学提出的模型及其动力学性质给予了相应的经济分析 ,获得了如下有现实意义的结论 :为保证经济的稳定运行 ,保持较低的货币增长率是必要的 ;人均消费水平过低不利于经济的稳定和快速发展 ;为保证我国资本市场的稳定与发展 ,应采取加快培养机构投资者、建立投资基金等措施 。

6)economic analysis经济性分析

1.Theeconomic analysis of the heating-up system on the hot oil de-wax vehicle;热油清蜡车双燃料加热系统的经济性分析

2.System construction andeconomic analysis of heat pump driven by biogas engine;沼气机压缩式热泵系统的构建与经济性分析

3.Economic Analysis of Multi-story Light-gauge Steel Residential Building;多层轻钢住宅结构体系的经济性分析


