300字范文 > 医学信息 medical information英语短句 例句大全

医学信息 medical information英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-16 07:25:41


医学信息 medical information英语短句 例句大全

医学信息,medical information

1)medical information医学信息

1.Study on Virtual Reference Service System of Medical Information Based on ;基于的医学信息虚拟参考咨询服务平台研究

2.The role of E-mail inmedical information activities;医学信息活动中E-mail的应用

3.Medical information development in the new period;新时期医学信息开发的探讨


1.International Medical Informatics Association国际医学信息学协会

2.ference on Medical Informatics (MEDINFO)国际医学信息学会议

3.Information user-oriented medical information service以信息用户为中心,开展医学信息服务

4.Definition of information in theoretical informatics and its understanding in medical informatics论理论信息学中的信息定义及其在医学信息学中的理解

5.Bibliometric Analysis on Medical Informatics Research Papers in China我国医学信息学研究论文的计量分析

6.Some ideas on the class establishment of medical information and its arrangement关于“医学信息学”立类、列类的构想

7.Bibliometric analysis of 5 medical information journals5种医学信息学期刊的文献计量研究

8.Curriculum of Information Management and Information System(Medical Orientation) Specialty;信息管理与信息系统(医学信息方向)专业课程体系的构建

9.Hospital library is the center and academic organization which spreads the newest medical information and knowledge of related course.医院图书馆是传播最新医学信息的中心。

10.The Application of Medical Information in Hospital Management;医学信息在医院管理中的应用策略研究

11.C Language & Biomedical Information Processingc语言与生物医学信息处理

12.Study on Medical Information Service Baced on Internet;基于Internet的医学信息服务研究

13.Management of Network Graphic-writing Information System for Med-stadio in Hospital医院医学摄影室网络化图文信息管理

14.Digital information resource needs of undergraduates in medical university and their information literacy training医学大学生数字信息资源需求与信息素质培养

15.Striving Direction for Strengthening Teaching of Information Technology in Medical Specialty from the Development of Medical Informationization;从医疗信息化的进展看加强医学类专业信息技术教学的努力方向

16.Hospital Pharmacy Information Service and Integration Manage医院药学信息服务与信息集成化管理方案

17.Medical College and University Libraries and Information Literacy Training of Medical Students;医学院校图书馆与医学生信息素养的培养

18.The relation between information seeking on the Internet and personality traits of Medical college students医学大学生网络信息查寻与人格特征


information medicine信息医学

1.Application of systems biology andinformation medicine to integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine;系统生物学和信息医学在中西医结合中的应用

3)medical information医学信息学

4)Medical informatics医学信息学

1.Research fields of medical informatics and cultivation of talents;医学信息学的研究领域及人才培养

2.The Establishment of Medical Informatics Subject-based Website;医学信息学专题网站的建立


6)hospital informatics医院信息学


