300字范文 > 医学信息教育 Medical information education英语短句 例句大全

医学信息教育 Medical information education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-21 19:51:33


医学信息教育 Medical information education英语短句 例句大全

医学信息教育,Medical information education

1)Medical information education医学信息教育

1.Medical information education in China may date back to the early 1960s,and the normal education began in the middle 1980s.我国医学信息教育可以追溯至20世纪60年代初,正规教育始于20世纪80年代中期。


1.Innovation and Development:retrospection and prospection of medical information education in China我国医学信息教育改革与发展的回顾与展望

2.ISchools Education in North America and Its Inspiration to Medical Informatics Education in China北美iSchools教育及其对我国医学信息学教育的启示

3.Study on the Curricular System of Medical Students Information Literacy Education;医学生信息素养教育课程体系的研究

4.Exploring Information Literacy Education for The Science Research Governor;适应医学科研管理者的信息素质教育

5.The Information Literacy Training Model Study Based on GMER基于GMER的医学信息素养教育模式研究

6.To Strengthen Information Analysis and Evaluation Competency--On the Education of Information Literacy of Medical Students;加强信息分析与评价教育——对医学生信息素养教育的一点思考

7.Important Trends in the Development of Medical Education: Important Messages from the Asian-Pacific Medical Education Conference (II);医学教育未来发展重要趋势——亚太国际医学教育之重要信息(下)

8.Important Trends in the Development of Medical Education: Important Messages from the 4th Asian Pacific Medical Education Conference (Part I);医学教育未来发展重要趋势──亚太国际医学教育之重要信息(上)

9.Reflections on Specialized Development of Medical Teachers in the Context of Educational Technology教育信息化下医学院校教师专业化发展的思考

10.The Reference Value of the Education Modes of Medical Informatics in America for China;美国医学信息学教育模式对我国的借鉴意义

11.A Preliminary Study of Education of Informative Qualities for Undergraduate Students of Medical Colleges and Universities;浅谈高等医学院校学生的信息素质教育

12.Adapt to the Development of Information Technology Push Forward the Modernization of Higher Medical Education适应信息技术发展 推进高等医学教育现代化

13.Study on Information Literacy Education for Medical Undergraduates in Medical Institutions of Higher Learning in China;我国高等医学院校本科生信息素质教育研究

14.Construction and Application of Distance Medical Education Network Information Platform;远程医学教育信息网络系统平台的构建与应用

15.Development and Trend of Educational Information Technology at Medical Colleges and Universities;医学类高等院校教育信息化的发展与趋势

16.Study on the system of medical multimedia educational information resources express description;医学教育多媒体信息资源表征体系研究

17.Adapt to the Development of Information Technology Push Forward the Modernization of Higher Medical Education;适应信息技术发展 推进高等医学教育现代化

18.The Framework System Construction of Online Information Literacy Instruction Network platform of the Medical Students医学生信息素质教育网络平台框架体系的构建


education of medical informatics医学信息学教育

3)Medical information teaching医学信息学教学

4)medical teaching information医学教学信息

1.Design and development ofmedical teaching information intelligence system;医学教学信息智能系统的设计与开发

5)information on chemistry education化学教育信息

6)education of Pharmaceutical Information药学信息教育


