300字范文 > 犯罪收益 Proceeds of Crime英语短句 例句大全

犯罪收益 Proceeds of Crime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-07 11:09:20


犯罪收益 Proceeds of Crime英语短句 例句大全

犯罪收益,Proceeds of Crime

1)Proceeds of Crime犯罪收益

1.On the Civil Consfiscation forProceeds of Crime论对犯罪收益的民事没收


1.Transnational Crime and Proceeds of Crime Sectio跨国犯罪和犯罪收益科

2.Study on the Crime of Shielding or Concealing the Illegal Gain or the Income of Illegal Gain论掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪收益罪

3.Summit of the Americas Conference concerning the Laundering of Proceeds and Instrumentalities of Crime美洲犯罪收益和犯罪工具清洗问题首脑会议

4.International Conference on Laundering and Controlling Proceeds of Crime犯罪收益的清洗和控制问题国际会议

5.Analysis About The System Of Confiscating Criminal Earnings In Roman Statute-Comparison & Enlightenment《罗马规约》中的犯罪收益没收制度:比较与借鉴

6.Convention on Laundering,Search,Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime关于犯罪收益的清洗、搜查、扣押和没收问题的公约

7.The Opinion about the Charge of Covering up or Concealing Criminal Gains or Criminal Benefits;论掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益罪

8.On the Crime of the Covering up and the Concealment Crime Obtained and the Income of Crime Obtained;论“掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益罪”

9.The crime that produces illicit income belongs to upper crimes, while money laundering is a part of lower crime.产生非法收益的犯罪属于上游犯罪,而洗钱犯罪则属于下游犯罪。

10.Expert Group on the Forfeiture of the Proceeds of Drug Crimes没收毒品犯罪活动收益问题专家组

11.On the Remedy of the Article of Money Laundering by theAmendment of Concealing,Disguising and Booty Articles;论掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得、犯罪所得收益罪对洗钱罪的补漏

12.Analysis on Behavior and State of Crime for Covering up Hiding illegal Earnings;掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得及其收益罪的行为样态分析

13.Property which was lawfully obtained before a criminal"s imprisonment is protected under the law. A convicted criminal has the right to collect his earnings and dispose of his property.罪犯入狱前的合法财产,依法受到保护,罪犯有行使收益、处分的权利。

14.How to Prevent Bribery and Corruption Of fence by Cost and Profit Theory of Criminal Economics;利用犯罪经济学成本与收益理论预防贪污贿赂犯罪

15.Research on the Prevention of Corruption-Bribe Crime on the Base of Crime-Economic Cost and Income Theory;从犯罪经济学的成本与收益理论谈贪污贿赂犯罪的预防

16.A Survey of Revenue from Investigating and Dealing with Public Order Cases from the Perspective of Criminal Economics;从犯罪经济学视角审视治安案件查处收益

17.But, In the condition of coincidence of law, one of the accusal can make comprehensive criminal estimate for legal interests, Continuous offence absorbed offence and continuous offence should adopt the principle of punishments for plural crimes.由于连续犯、连犯和吸收犯侵犯的都是数法益,从全面评价法益的角度讲,应当实行数罪并罚。

18.The weak position in income, rights and competence account heavily for the criminal offense of civil labourers.收入、益、力等多方面的弱势地位是目前城市民工犯罪的重要根源。


the criminal control earnings犯罪控制收益

3)the revenue of computer crimes计算机犯罪收益

4)the cost and benefit of crime犯罪成本与收益

5)crime proceeds犯罪得益

6)crime benefit犯罪效益

1.As expected penalty cost is higher than anticipatedcrime benefit, and the sum of materiality cost and psychology experience is higher than anticipatedcrime benefit, the potential crime person may not decide to commit a crime; otherwise, he may decide to commit a crime .当预期刑罚成本高于预期犯罪效益,犯罪物质性成本、心理感受之和高于预期犯罪效益时,潜在犯罪人不选择犯罪;反之,则可能选择犯罪。


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