300字范文 > 游戏创作 game creation英语短句 例句大全

游戏创作 game creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-21 21:34:00


游戏创作 game creation英语短句 例句大全

游戏创作,game creation

1)game creation游戏创作


1.Exploring the creative process of Flash-based RPG games探索基于Flash技术的RPG游戏创作过程

2.The Using of Folk Culture Element in the Computer Game Production;民间文化元素在电脑游戏创作中的运用

3.Create a play to demonstrate the importance of one of the rules.创作一个游戏来证明规章的重要性。

4.Create an interactive game that employs a strong narrative pulse.创作带有强烈叙述节奏的互动游戏。

5.The Sense of making poems as Amusements in the Qi and Liang Dynasties;从限韵赋诗看齐梁诗歌创作的游戏化

6.On Relation between Children s Literature Creation and Recreation Spirit;儿童文学创作实践与游戏精神的关系

7.Art is a game! Artists from the Brewery Art Garden are producing works of art.艺术即游戏!酒厂艺术家正在工作室里创作。

8.A View of the Greation of Humorous Style in Lu You s Poetries;从陆游的“戏作”看其诗歌创作的幽默调侃风格

9.On the Game School ofthe Pre-modernism Hasnot BeenMet Demandsof SocialistArtPrinciples;后现代游戏说不符合社会主义美术创作的原则

10.Earnest Word Games--A Tentative Analysis of the Contemporary Chinese Literature认真的游戏——浅析当下文学创作的一种倾向

11.Somebody makes up the TV shows and movies you see, and the video and computer games you play.你所看的电视节目、影、影带、电玩游戏,是由“某些人”所创造、作出来的。

12.See what will result if you don’t take the existing rules of the game and do something different.看看如果不照现有的游戏规则,采取不同的作法,能创造出什么结果。

13.Ceativity is the key element of a good game , but not for technique factor.创作力是一个好游戏的基本关键,而不是技术因素。

14.Language Games,Fragmented Narratives,and Collage:The Postmodernist Writing Techniques in Beautiful Losers;语言游戏、叙事零散、拼贴——论《大大方方的输家》的后现代创作技巧

15.Metaphor and Bixing --Taking The Book of Songs as the Central Exploration;虚无的游戏——从王国维的人生态度看《人间词话》的创作精神

16.A trademark used for a board game based on the ancient game of pachisi.巴棋戏一种用作基于古代巴棋戏游戏的棋盘游戏的商标名

17.Some people say, people are animals that love to play, games create people; in games people create the world.有人说﹐人类是爱玩的动物﹐游戏创造了人﹐人在游戏中创造了世界。

18.Freak out on playwriting在戏剧创作上标新立异


developing P.E game游戏创编

3)game innovation游戏创新

1.Thegame innovation needs the .幼儿园游戏创新是一个值得永远探索的命题,它的特质是与时俱进,游戏创新需要家庭、社区、幼儿园三位一体的联动。

4)Dramatic Creation戏剧创作

1.Tian Han s complex of "night"--A tentative discussion on image and contributing factor of Tian Ha n s dramatic creation in the twenties;田汉的“夜”情结——试析田汉代戏剧创作中的“夜”意象及其成因

5)Drama writing戏剧创作

6)drama creation戏剧创作

1.As a technique ofdrama creation, the tracing type has experienced a history of evolution from tradition to modernity."追溯式"是戏剧创作的一种手法,经历了一个从传统到现代的历史演变过程。

2.Lutefula·Mutalifu s style indrama creation is full of modern flavor, optimistic spirit militant passion with variety in both subject and form.鲁特甫拉·穆塔里甫的戏剧创作体裁、形式多样 ,富有时代气息 ,充满乐观主义精神和战斗的激情 ;并且善于以行动写人 ,喜剧色彩浓郁 ,民族特色、地方色彩突出 ,风格独特 ,对维吾尔现代戏剧创作产生了一定的影响。


