300字范文 > 创编 creation英语短句 例句大全

创编 creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-13 14:05:28


创编 creation英语短句 例句大全



1.Studying of the group callistheniccreation and designing in China;我国团体操创编设计的研究现状

2.From the angle of the pedagogy and athletics,the article elaborates thecreation principle,function and the application methods of the athletics games systematically.本文从教育学和体育学的角度,系统阐述了体育游戏的创编原则、作用和运用方法。

3.Thecreation of the comlete set of movemouts of the aerobics dancing which based on Humanism is aimed at body-building, reducing fat and modeling bodily form; for doing this,, a certain quantity of load is needed.“以人为本”的大众健美操成套动作的创编不仅要有一定的运动负荷 ,起到强身健体、减脂和塑造形体的作用 ,而且要因人而异能够调动人们的积极性 ,调节人们的情绪 ,使人们自觉、主动地参加健美操的锻炼。


1.Characteristic Inquisition on the Artistic Innovation Psychological System of The Aerobics Movement Composing;健美操动作创编的艺术创新心理系统特征探析

2.On the Advantage and Disadvantage of the Integration of Edition and Writing“编创一体化”编辑机制的优劣分析

3.On Academic & Practical Innovation of Editing;论编辑学领域的学术创新与实践创新

4.Creates and edits drawings, and displays and edits scanned photos.创建并编辑绘图,显示并编辑已扫描的照片。

5.The composition or arranging of psalms for singing.赞美诗音乐改编创作和改编赞美诗用于歌唱

6.The league spirit of editors through the re-creation in editorial work;从编辑活动的再创造看编辑部的团队精神

7.A Version in hand, The Whole Yuan Qu Through;一编在手 元曲通融——论《全元曲》编撰体例的创新

8.Rich Content,Creative Compilation--Comment on New Compiled Adult English;内容丰富 编纂创新——评新编《成人英语》教材

9.Innovation:Modern Editing Communication’s Core:on Editing Innovation & Modern Communication;创新:现代编辑传播的核心——读《编辑创新与现代传播》

10.On the Thinking Creation of Editors in the Creation of News Report;编辑的思维创新是创新新闻报道的基础

11.Periodical editor"s practice embodies innovative spirit, while the editor"s Creativeness is the roots of the periodical"s development and growth.期刊编辑实践体现着期刊编辑的创新精神,编辑的创造性是期刊发展壮大的源泉。

12.Creates, edits, marks up, and manages notes and documents.创建、编辑、标注和管理便笺和文档。

13.Editor for creating short memos and documents可以创建简短备忘以及文档的编辑器

14.An error has occurred trying to create the image edit control.试图创建图像编辑控制时产生错误。

15.Script the steps to create this pull subscription编写创建该请求订阅的步骤的脚本

16.Script object to Clipboard as Create在剪贴板中编写用作“创建”的对象脚本

17.Script object to this window as Create在此窗口中编写用作“创建”的对象脚本

18.Publishing editor access (includes create folders)发布编辑者访问权限(包括创建文件夹)



1.This article through to affects aerobics tocompose the ability 3 factors the analyses and the aerobicscomposes the principle and the step elaboration,provided the related aerobics tocompose the aspect the elementary theory and the skill,proposed the raise aerobicscomposed consciousness,enhances the aerobics tocompose ability the method and the suggestion.本文通过对影响健美操创编能力3个因素的分析及健美操创编原则与步骤的阐述,提供了有关健美操创编方面的基本理论与技巧,提出培养健美操创编意识、提高健美操创编能力的方法与建议。

2.When imparting basic knowledge and basic skills in body building exercise teaching, the fostering of students innovation sense, abilities tocompose and to study by themselves should be emphasized in order to establish foundations of lifelong body building.健美操教学在传授基本知识和基本功的同时 ,应把教学重点放在培养大学生的创新意识、创编能力和自学能力上 ,为终生健身奠定基础。

3.After the 30 years of reform-and-opening policy,the drama workers havecomposed plenty of new pieces.改革开放30年来,戏曲工作者创编了大量新戏,然而舞台和荧屏竟较少复演和转播。


1.Research on thecomposition of complete set of movements in performing cheering squad;表演性啦啦队成套动作创编研究

2.This essay studies deeply on thecomposition of a complete set of fitness exercises matches actions and gives the three main principles and the four kinds of skills to thecomposition for the purpose of offering consultation and guidance to the composers of fitness exercises.阐述了比赛性健身健美操动作创编的三大要素和三大要点,提出了健身健美操创编的四大技巧,可为健美操创编者提供参考与指导。


1.This paper puts forward the goals , steps and check-up methods of fostering college studentsdesign ability in callisthenics course.提出了培养大学生健美操创编能力的目标、步骤及考核方法 ,通过对比实验 ,证明对培养大学生健美操创编能力的效果是显著的 ,可大大提高大学生的创编能

2.The article, on the basis of investigation, presents a research into gymnasticsdesign in general colleges and universities.本文在调查研究的基础上 ,对普通高校健美操的创编进行了研究 。


1.New Item for National Gymnastic TheChoreography and Value of An Dai Setting-up Exercise;民族健身的新项目安代健身操的创编与价值

2.In order to promoting sunny sports,the choreography and effect of Maxrap Muqam aerobics for campus teen-agers has been studied in the respective of improvement of teen-agers health and development of minority traditional physical culture,Maxrap Muqam.为推动阳光体育运动在新疆维吾尔自治区更好的开展,从提高全疆各民族青少年体质健康状况和传承发展少数民族传统体育项目——麦西热甫—木卡姆的角度出发,对青少年校园麦西热甫—木卡姆健身操创编的理论及健身效果进行了研究,认为青少年校园麦西热甫—木卡姆健身操的创编以维吾尔麦西热甫舞蹈的经典代表性动作为基础,以木卡姆音乐为背景,将现代健美操与传统民族舞蹈有机结合,并充分考虑各民族青少年身心特点及接受能力,体现了难度适中、节奏与强度适宜的原则,深受各民族青少年喜爱,值得大力推广。

3.This paper makes research in the choreography of the Newcomers Group in Women\"s Singles of National Aerobics Championship through documentary analysis,video observation,expert interview and mathematical statistics.本文通过文献资料法、录像观察法、专家访谈法和数理统计法等方法,对健美操锦标赛女子单人操新人组比赛的成套创编进行研究。

6)compiling and creating编创

1.As a very important part of the popular novels during the Ming and Qing dynasty, the readers had strong influence on the Chinese popular novels\"compiling and creating.明清时期读者做为明清小说的重要一环,对明清通俗小说的编创产生了重要影响,而通俗小说的编创也在很大程度上迁就和培养着它的读者。


