300字范文 > 政治信任 Political trust英语短句 例句大全

政治信任 Political trust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-19 05:09:54


政治信任 Political trust英语短句 例句大全

政治信任,Political trust

1)Political trust政治信任

1.Political trust is critical concept which is different from the concept of legitimacy.政治信任不同于合法性,合法性是对统治正当性的提问,政治信任包括政治体系的信任和政府信任,也包括公民之间的信任。

2.There are many factors influencing political trust that can be divided into three levels such as:personal level,social level and governmental level.政治信任是公民与政府间的一种互动,它涉及公民、政府与特定价值之间的特定关系。

3.This article,through analysis for the relation of political trust and communication,and the functions in establishing the harmonious political relation,believes that it is necessary to set up multi-channels,unblock channels in the complicated political relations and promote and consolidate trust-mechanism of political individuals.通过分析政治信任和沟通的关系及其对于建构和谐政治关系作用,分析认为:在复杂的政治关系中建立起多渠道、畅通的沟通信道,促进和巩固政治关系主体间的信任机制,进而保证社会全体人民和谐相处局面的形成。


1.The Research of Media Effects on the Undergraduates" Political and Social Trust传媒对大学生政治信任和社会信任的影响研究

2.Trust between Politics and Society;居于社会与政治之间的信任——兼论当代中国的政治信任

3.Trust,Political Trust and Governmental Governance:the Comparative Analysis from the View of Global World信任、政治信任与政府治理:全球视野下的比较分析

4.Political Trust and Political Ecosystem Formation of Socialist Harmonious Society政治信任与社会主义和谐社会的政治生态建构

5.Political Trust in Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation;大湄公河次区域经济合作政治信任度研究

6.The Tension of Discourse:Loss of Political Trust--Speak of "Shanzhai Subculture"话语的张力:政治信任流失——从“山寨文化”说起

7.We can know that there is heterogeneity in theeconomic voting of Taiwan electorate.换言之,经济评估对投票抉择的影响并不受政治信任感的影响。

8.Third, intensifying political mutual trust and support.三、加强政治上的相互信任与支持。

9.Government Responsibility in Administering the Credit Loss of School-running in Private Colleges;民办高校办学失信治理中的政府责任

10.Trust and communication in establishing harmonious political relation;沟通与信任:和谐政治关系形成的机制

11.Confidence and Order--A Political Analysis of the Harmonious Society;信任与秩序——和谐社会的政治分析

12.Paradigm Evolution of Research on the Relation between Western Trust and Politics;西方信任与政治关系研究的范式演变

13.A Research about the Concept,Forming Factors and Political Functions of the Trust in Government;论政府信任的概念内涵、形成因素与政治功能

14.The discredited politician was consigned to a remote post寻个失去信任的政治家被打发到遥远的岗位上。

15.Situation and Reconstruction of Trust Based on The Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities高校思想政治教育的信任现状分析与重构

16.On Effect of Trust in Ideological and Political Education in Universities信任在高校思想政治理论教育中的作用

17.Second, they are cunning and deceitful; when the times are against them, they conceal their ideas to win other people"s confidence.二、他们有狡猾的政治手腕,不利时会伪装自己,骗取信任,

18.Their distrust of civilian politicians made early elections highly unlikely.因为他们不信任非军人政治家,因此极不可能很早就进行选举。


Political Credibility政治信任度

3)The political function of trust信任的政治功能

4)Structure of political trust论政治信任的结构

5)political responsibility政治责任

1.Therefore, editors in the 21st century shoulder a greatpolitical responsibility, a lofty moral responsibility; a sacred academic responsibility, a brave innovative responsibil.因此,在21世纪里编辑们肩负着重大的政治责任、高尚的道德责任、神圣的学术责任、勇敢的创新责任和无私的提挈责任,等等。

2.The author with his many years of experience in teaching Chinese language from thepolitical responsibility,educational content and professional characteristics of these three areas,and on how to make "education and the teaching of the Chinese language in education"was discussed.笔者结合自己多年的汉语言教学经验,从政治责任、教材内容、专业特点这三个方面,就如何使"教书育人,育于汉语教学之中",进行了探讨。

3.This paper focuses on thepolitical responsibility of college security department in building harmonious campus,analyses the unstable factors in colleges and also proposes some relveant solutions in the hope of building a harmonious campus.本文阐述了高校保卫部门在创建和谐校园中所担负的政治责任,客观分析了当前高校中的不安定因素,提出了相应对策,努力为创建和谐校园保驾护航。

6)responsibility politics责任政治

1.There are broad sense and narrowly defined understanding toresponsibility politics to study the science in the circle, only criticize and assume office as the presidential government inresponsibility politics on the narrow sense.责任政治,实质上是民主政治。


政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political divisionzhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
