300字范文 > 信任感 trust英语短句 例句大全

信任感 trust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-14 08:48:53


信任感 trust英语短句 例句大全



1.SARS Outbreak and the Evolvement of Trusts in the Undergraduates;SARS突发病害与大学生信任感的变化历程

2.Based on a literature review,the authors proposed a hypothesis that both tour guides service quality and tourists satisfaction with andtrust on tour guides have impact on tourists behavioral intentions.在文献研究的基础上,本文提出导游服务质量、游客对导游的满意感和信任感会影响游客行为意向的假设,并在广州市的旅行社对327名旅客进行了问卷调查,对假设进行检验。

3.Locus of control andtrust are important characters closely related to the qualification of business managers.控制点与信任感是与企业经营者任职资格密切相关的心理品质,研究采用问卷法,对297名企业管理者的控制点与信任感进行研究,结果表明:企业管理者倾向于采用个人实力控制归因而不易于采用人际间控制归因;管理者的控制点在管理者的人格类型、年龄、受教育水平、所属企业性质变量上存在显著差异。


1.Hence, we can carry out the affective education from its basis?trusting.因而,可从情感教育的基础——信任感入手。

2.I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town.说实话,我对本市内的不信任感到惊讶。

3.An inbred distrust of radicalism.激进主义与生俱来的不信任感

4.Research on the Trust Aware Resource Transaction Model in Peer-to-Peer Networks;对等网络中信任感知的资源交易模型

5.Credentials Sensitive Attribute Protection in Trust Negotiation信任协商中信任证敏感属性的保护研究

6.give [refuse] credence to...信任 [不信任] …

7.Feeling or showing doubt.不信任的,怀疑的感到或表示怀疑的

8.establish oneself in sb"s affection, confidence,etc,esp in order to deceive获得某人的好感、信任等(尤指为行骗)

9.Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me.“汤普森夫人,感谢你对我的信任。

10.Strong sense of responsibility, confident, awareness of service.强烈的责任感,自信,有服务意识。

11.A feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension.怀疑一种怀疑、不信任或害怕的感情

12.She was jolted by the betrayal of her trusted friend.她被信任的朋友出卖,感到大为震惊

13.a cynical feeling of distrust.不信任的、愤世嫉俗的感情。

14.She felt it incumbent upon her to answer the letter at once.她感到立即回信是她义不容辞的责任。

15.Don"t forget to toss in a mention of the director when you write the letter of thanks.你写感谢信时,可别忘了提一下主任。

16.I could kick myself for confiding in him.我为过分信任他而感到后悔。

17.I appreciate their trust in elderly men like me.感谢大家对我们这些老头子的信任。

18.Feel omnipotent and capable of doing almost anything.——感到无所不能,自信可以做成任何事情。


perceptual trust感性信任

1.Satisfyingperceptual trust can enhance the flexible cooperation and maintain the long-term stable of the cooperation.良好的感性信任可增强合作关系的灵活性,维护合作的长期稳定。


1.Research onTrust-aware Resource Trading Mechanism in Grid Market Environments网格市场环境中信任感知的资源交易机制研究

4)perceived trust感知信任

1.Based on the technology acceptance model, with the combination of path dependence, perceived risk,perceived trust and innovation diffusion theories, this paper refines the factors affect the user\"s acceptance and builds a "voice search service acceptance model".本论文在技术接受模型的基础上,结合路径依赖、感知风险、感知信任、创新扩散等理论,提炼影响语音搜索业务接受行为的因素,构建“语音搜索业务接受模型”。

5)customer trust顾客信任感

1.Relationship between causal attribution and service justice,and the one between service justice andcustomer trust were exmained.通过对广州市内几家餐馆的顾客进行问卷调查,探讨顾客归因、服务公平性及顾客信任感之间的关系。

6)Avoid attachment一般信任感


