300字范文 > 征地制度 Land expropriation system英语短句 例句大全

征地制度 Land expropriation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-18 00:58:41


征地制度 Land expropriation system英语短句 例句大全

征地制度,Land expropriation system

1)Land expropriation system征地制度

1.On the problems of China′s land expropriation system;我国征地制度的缺陷及其完善

2.The ambiguous definition of the public welfare,imperfect land expropriation procedure,low land expropriation compensation and its irrational distribution were main problems of the current land expropriation system.我国现行的征地制度存在着"公共利益"界定不明确、征地程序不完善、征地补偿标准偏低以及土地补偿费分配不合理等弊端,产生了失地农民心理压力增大,生活、就业、养老和健康无保障等问题,失地农民合法权益受到极大损害。

3.At present,our country s urbanization is in the stage of rapid development and the drawbacks of the traditional land expropriation system are getting increasingly noticeable,even turning into hindering factors of urbanization.目前我国城镇化正处在发展推进期,传统的征地制度日渐显现出其内在的弊端,甚至蜕变为我国城镇化发展中的障碍因素。


1.Land Expropriation System of Foreign Countries and Their Inspiration to Reform of the System in China;国外征地制度对中国征地制度改革的启示

2.Discuss on the Reform of China s Land Requisition System and the Reconstruction of Agricultural Land Property Rights System;论我国征地制度改革与农地产权制度重构

3.Theoretical Approach to Land Requisition And the Reformation of China Land Requisition System;土地征用的理论分析及我国征地制度改革

4.The Reform of Purchasing of Land by the State in China and the Building of Market of Purchasing Land;我国征地制度改革与农地征购市场的构建

5.Reforming Current Land Expropriation System and Protecting Farmer s Land Rights;改革现行征地制度,保障农民土地权益

6.Perfection of Land Expropriation System and Protection of Land-losing Farmers Rights and Interests;完善征地制度 保护失地农民权益

7.Reform of Rural Land Ownership Price and Land Acquisition System;农村土地所有权价格与征地制度改革

8.The Lssue of Managing Development Zone and the Reform of land Requisition System;开发区土地经营问题与征地制度改革

9.Prevention of Land Requisition Power Abuse and Reform of Land Requisition System in China;论征地权过度使用的防止与中国征地制度改革——国际经验对中国征地制度改革的启示

10.On the Right of Land Development Farm Land Expropriation and Compensation System;土地发展权、农地征用及征地补偿制度

11.The compensation system in land expropriation and the reform of integrated land section price;我国征地补偿制度与征地区片综合地价改革

12.Land Requisition in China:Economic Analysis and Policy Recommendation;中国征地补偿制度的经济分析及征地改革建议

13.A View on the System Reform on Property Right of Collective Land from the Course of LandAcquisition;从征地过程看集体土地产权制度改革

14.On the Improvement of Land Expropriated Policies Based on Its Changes;从我国土地征用制度的变迁论土地征用制度的完善

15.The Chance for the Change of the Land Expropriate Policy;农地征收制度的变革契机——土地承包经营权的征收补偿制度

16.Torts Due to System:Rethinking to the Legal Policy of the Expropriation of the Soil;制度性侵权:对我国土地征收法律制度的反思

17.Problems existing in the rural land requisition system and legal system to be perfect;农村土地征用制度存在的问题及法律制度完善

18.Constitution Amendment Act and perfection the institution of land expropriation and requisition;宪法修正案与我国土地征收征用制度的完善


land requisition system征地制度

1.Tentative Study on the Marketilizationland requisition system marketing process reformation studies in China;试论我国征地制度市场化改革的探索

2.The purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the social economic reasons of farmland requisition system change at different periods since the establishment of P.研究目的:通过对建国以后中国征地制度的变迁历程分析,对不同时期征地制度变迁的经济社会原因从历史视角进行分析和评价,在此基础上结合现实对征地制度改革中面临的主要命题和需要着力解决的问题进行探讨。

3.Based on summarizing the development of China sland requisition system,and analyzing the impact on the currently effected land requisition policies,the paper discussed the possible .本文在回顾我国征地制度发展历程,分析《决定》对现行土地征用制度影响的基础上,从基层工作实践出发,初步探讨了此项制度改革在实践中可能面临的困难与问题,并提出建议措施。

3)land expropriation征地制度

1.Based on real option theory,the opportunity and timing selection ofland expropriation institution reform are analyzed in this article.借用“实物期权”理论,分析了我国征地制度改革的最佳时机选择,指出我国征地制度渐进式改革要审时度势,把握恰当时机,不可盲目推进。

2.As the only means our collective land enters into the land market,land expropriation has been the focus of attention of our society.征地制度作为我国集体土地单向流转进入土地市场的唯一手段业已成为国家与社会关注的焦点。

3.The current systems ofland expropriation in our country came into being in the period of planned economic system in the 1950s, and it had played a positive role in guaranteeing national construction at that time.我国现行的征地制度是20世纪50年代在高度集中的计划经济体制时期形成的,当时对于保证国家建设起到了积极作用。

4)rural land expropriation system农地征用制度

1.The deformity ofrural land expropriation system has become a key factor that prevents farmers successful transformation into citizens.农地征用制度的残缺成为妨碍失地农民顺利城市化的关键因素。

5)The recent farmland expropriation system新一轮征地制度

6)System of land-expropriation in countryside农村征地制度


