300字范文 > 施工期隧道 tunnel in construction英语短句 例句大全

施工期隧道 tunnel in construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-11 23:25:55


施工期隧道 tunnel in construction英语短句 例句大全

施工期隧道,tunnel in construction

1)tunnel in construction施工期隧道

1.Based on the previous research,lattice girder reinforced shotcrete support is dealt with,and a method is set up to evaluate the safety of this kind of support for atunnel in construction.在过去研究成果基础上,建立施工期隧道格栅钢架喷混凝土支护的安全性评价方法。


1.Assessment on the Safety of Tunnel Lining Structures under Construction;施工期隧道衬砌结构安全性评价方法研究

2.A Method to Assess the Safety of the Primary Lining of Tunnels under Construction with Consideration of Shrinkage and Creep of Shotcrete;考虑干缩和徐变的施工期隧道初期支护安全性评估方法

3.Analysis of risk probability of construction time for Taihangshan tunnel;太行山隧道施工工期的风险概率性分析

4.Analysis and Control for Upward Movement of Shield Tunnel during Construction;软土盾构隧道施工期上浮机理分析及控制研究

5.Study on Ground Settlement Monitoring Due to Shield Construction in Metro Tunnel;地铁盾构隧道施工期地表沉降监测研究

6.Simple Talking about Construction of Spraying Wet Concrete to Support at Initial Stage in Tunnel浅谈隧道初期支护喷射混凝土湿喷施工

7.Elasto-Plasticity of Circular Tunnel Consioering Seepaye Field in the Construction Period施工期考虑渗流场影响圆形隧道的弹塑性解

8.Calculation of Ground Subsidence Caused by Shield Tunnel Construction盾构隧道施工期引起的地面沉降计算方法探析

9.On the supporting design and construction in primary period of the expansive surrounding rock along the extra-long tunnel in highly cool areas高寒地区特长隧道膨胀围岩初期支护设计施工

10.Technical code for construction of highway tunnel公路隧道施工技术规范

11.Long Tunnel Construction Period of Air Quality Control Measures and Research;长大隧道施工期空气环境质量分析及其控制措施研究

12.Study on Mechanical Characteristics of Primary Reinforcement of Single-arch Four-lane Highway Tunnels under Different Construction Methods单拱4车道公路隧道不同施工方法下初期支护力学特征研究

13.A Numerical Analysis of the Ice-wall Thickness and the Freezing Period for Guangzhou Metro Tunnel;广州某地铁隧道人工冻结法施工冻结壁厚度及冻结周期计算

14.Tunnel collapse is frequently accident in tunnel construction.隧道塌方是隧道施工中比较常见的事故。

15.Tunnel Informatization Construction on Geleshan Mountain Tunnel and Daping Light Railway in Chongqing City;歌乐山隧道与重庆轻轨大坪隧道的信息化施工

16.Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Tunneling Blasting on the Existing Tunnel;邻近隧道爆破施工对既有隧道影响的数值分析

17.Analysis for Influence of a Road Subway Construction on Metro Tunnel in Service某城市下沉隧道施工对地铁隧道的影响分析

18.Effect of Blasting in Double Line Tunnel on Existing Tunnel复线隧道施工爆破对既有隧道结构的影响分析



1.Application of image method in calculating tunneling-induced soil displacement;镜像法在隧道施工土体位移计算中的应用

2.Geological forecast beforehand tunneling of Goumowan;新建狗磨湾隧道施工超前地质预报

3.Tamping tube curtain method is a new tunneling metho d.夯管帷幕施工工法是一种全新的隧道施工工法。

3)tunnel construction隧道施工

1.Application of shed-pipe support totunnel construction of Changheba Project;管棚支护在长河坝隧道施工中的应用

2.Research on fuzzy control approach for ventilation system intunnel construction;隧道施工通风系统模糊控制方法研究

3.Application of splitting curtain grouting in ultra-shallowtunnel construction;劈裂帷幕注浆法在超浅埋隧道施工中的应用


1.In this paper,the measures for solving the problem of time limit shortage and for tunnelling in soft and weak soil are discussed.本文介绍该段重点隧道施工中如何解决工期矛盾和软弱围岩隧道施工的技术措施。

5)tunnel excavation隧道施工

1.Simulating thetunnel excavation by computer to know the geologic features of the underground rock and the distribution of the stratal configuration of the tunnel project was an important way of research at present.该方法在铁路隧道工程的虚拟开挖实际中取得良好效果,为决策隧道施工建设提供科学依据。

6)tunnel construction施工隧道

1.Analyze technology of pre-detecting geological disaster fortunnel construction;公路施工隧道地质灾害超前预报技术分析


