300字范文 > 量子交缠 quantum entanglement英语短句 例句大全

量子交缠 quantum entanglement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-23 22:40:31


量子交缠 quantum entanglement英语短句 例句大全

量子交缠,quantum entanglement

1)quantum entanglement量子交缠

1.This article treats about the status on the new scientific problems of physics and electronics in the 21st century,involving vacuum energy,negative mass of electron,quantum potential,virtual particles,superstring theory and tachyons;as well as the EPR thinking experiment,quantum entanglement ,quantum teleportation,quantum information theory and quantum computers.文章讨论了进入 2 1世纪时物理学和电子学的现状和若干前沿课题 ,涉及真空能、电子负质量、量子势、虚粒子、超弦理论、快子 ,以及EPR思维实验、量子交缠与量子远距传物、量子信息学、量子计算机等方面的最新研究进展与成

2)quantum entanglement swapping量子纠缠交换

1.Which was based on teleportation andquantum entanglement swapping in quantum optics.基于量子光学中的隐形传态原理和量子纠缠交换技术,提出一个网络中跨中心的量子身份认证方案。


1.Quantum Entanglement Swapping Through Mixed BEll-state基于混态贝尔态的量子纠缠交换(英文)

2.The Scheme for Quantum Entanglement Swapping in Driven Cavity QED;外场驱动下腔QED中实现量子纠缠交换的方案

3.Theoretical and Experimental Investigation for Quantum Entanglement Swapping and Quantum Key Distribution with Continuous Variables;连续变量量子纠缠交换及量子密钥分配的理论与实验研究

4.A scheme achieving quantum entanglement swapping between two pairs of bright EPR optical beams is theoretically proposed.文中提出一个实现明亮光场量子纠缠交换的理论方案。

5.Quantum Entanglement and Entanglement Swapping in the System of Atoms Interacting with Cavity-field;原子—腔场相互作用系统的量子纠缠与纠缠交换

6.Signature Scheme Based on Qantum Entanglement Swapping基于纠缠交换的量子信息签名方案

7.Teleportation of three-level Entangled state of two-particle via Entanglement Swapping;通过纠缠交换实现两粒子三能级纠缠态的量子隐形传输

8.The Research on Controlled Exchange of Quantum Entanglement State and Controlled Quantum Dense Coding;量子纠缠态交换控制和量子稠密编码控制研究

9.Probabilistic Teleportation and Entanglement Swapping via Cavity QED;腔QED中概率量子隐形传态和纠缠交换的研究

10.Study on Purification of Entanglement and Local Distinguishability of Orthogonal Quantum States;纠缠的提取和正交量子态的局域区分

11.Quantum Entanglement and Classification of Quantum States under Local Unitary Transformation;量子纠缠和局部幺正变换下量子态的分类

12.Quantum Entanlement and Squeezing Transfer in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Systems;电磁诱导透明系统中的量子纠缠及压缩转换

13.Entanglement Swapping and Entanglement Concentration in Bose-Einstein Condensates;玻色—爱因斯坦凝聚体中的纠缠交换与纠缠浓缩

14.Quantum Entanglement and Nonlocality of Multiphoton Entangled States;多光子纠缠态的量子纠缠与量子非局域性

15.The Influence of Yangian on Quantum Entanglement Degree;Yangian对量子纠缠度的影响

16.Preparation of Quantum Logic Gate, Generation of Entanglement States and Quantification of Thermal Entanglement;量子逻辑门的构建、纠缠态的制备和热纠缠度量

17.Quantum Thermal Entanglement and the Entanglement Teleportation in the Heisenberg Model;海森堡模型中的量子热纠缠与纠缠隐形传态

18.The expansion of orthogonal complete set and transformation operator in the teleportation of a three-particle entangled W state三粒子纠缠W态隐形传态的正交完备基展开与算符变换


quantum entanglement swapping量子纠缠交换

1.Which was based on teleportation andquantum entanglement swapping in quantum optics.基于量子光学中的隐形传态原理和量子纠缠交换技术,提出一个网络中跨中心的量子身份认证方案。

3)quantum entanglement量子纠缠

1.Thequantum entanglement of the two-photon Tavis-Cummings model;双光子Tavis-Cummings模型中的量子纠缠

2.New theory ofquantum entanglement;量子纠缠的新理论(英文)

3.Quantum Entanglement and Decoherence;量子纠缠和消相干的研究


1.The Formula of Entanglement Evaluation for Two-Electron Systems;双电子系统量子纠缠的计算公式

2.By using the concept of negativity, we investigateentanglement of (1/2,1) mixed-spin anisotropic XY model and obtain the numerical results ofentanglement of two spins in a transverse field at finite temperature.通过引入negativity的概念,研究了(1/2,1)混合自旋各向异性XY模型的量子纠缠,得到了两个自旋在外场中的有限温度时的量子纠缠的数值结果。

3.In addition to being of fundamental interest in quantum mechanics,entanglement as quantum correlations among quantum systems is a key element in rapid developing quantum informatics.首先,在三能级中,采用四波混频的方法制备出连续变量的量子纠缠态。

5)entangled state量子纠缠态

1.The fundamental principles and the main experimental advances of quantum teleportation about two_photonentangled states were reviewed.量子纠缠态是量子力学的精髓。

2.Based on the necessity and importance of the quantum information theory, this paper chooses three aspects of quantum communication to study: Von Neumann entropy of quantumentangled state, controlled exchange of quantumentangled state, controlled quantum dense coding.基于量子信息论发展的必要性及重要性,本论文选取量子通信领域中的量子纠缠态的Von Neumann熵和量子纠缠态交换控制以及量子稠密编码控制作为研究点,并从理论上进行研究。

3.First, we introduce EPRentangled state in Fock space.此外,还研究了在量子纠缠态作为量子通讯和量子计算的载体,已被广泛地应用于量子压缩理论、量子光学相算符、及量子隐形传态等领域。

6)quantum entangled state量子纠缠态

1.Universal telecloning ofquantum entangled states;量子纠缠态的普适远程克隆

2.This paper describes what is quantum bit and what isquantum entangled state, and how to realize Bell state by using quantum circuit, proposes a quantum circuit of simple structure to realize quantum teleportation based on Bell State.文章从信息论的角度描述了量子比特、量子纠缠态,如何利用量子线路实现Bell态,提出了一种利用Bell态实现隐形传态的简单结构的量子线路,证明该量子线路是可行的,为进一步研究量子密码通信奠定了基础。


