300字范文 > 中医五行理论 the Five-elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医五行理论 the Five-elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-01 06:55:46


中医五行理论 the Five-elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine英语短句 例句大全

中医五行理论,the Five-elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine

1)the Five-elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine中医五行理论

1.Objective:To investigate the relationship between traditional Chinese medical syndrome andthe Five-elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine in the NSCLC patients with different metastasis positions.目的:探索不同转移部位的非小细胞肺癌中医证型与中医五行理论的相关性。


1.The Relationship Between the Metastasis of Lung Cancer and the Five-elements Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine肺癌转移与中医五行理论相关性探讨

2.Five Zang-organs and Traditional Chinese Medicine Eye-acupuncture Therapy on Theoretical Foundation五脏与中医眼针疗法理论基础的研究

3.Thinking and analysis of objective idealism is the cornerstone of TCM theoretical system: re-recognizing "yin-yang and wuxing" of TCM客观唯心思辨是中医学理论体系的基石——重新认识中医学的“阴阳五行”

4.AANAT-melatonin-pineal gland in TCM regulation theory of five zang-visceraAANAT-褪黑素-松果腺在中医五脏调控理论中的作用

5.Regulating Entrepreneurs Qing Zhi to Harmony Based on the Five Elements of TCM;文化、情绪与企业家职业心理健康——基于中医五行学说理论调节企业家的情志和谐

6.Analysis of traditional chinese medicine five organs system by gray system theory基于灰色系统理论的中医五脏系统分析

7.The doctrine of yin yang-five elements, viscera-state, pathogenic factor, principle of treatment and method of treatment were all established on the basis of theory of relation.中医学的阴阳五行、象、因学说和治则治法学说,都是建立在关系理论基础上的。

8.Influence of Yin-Yang and Wuxing thoughts on ancient Chinese buildings;从中国古代建筑看阴阳五行系统理论

9.Is the Chinese Iatrology Pseudoscientific?什么是中医的科学性?——从阴阳五行论的解释框架说起

10.Inquiring into the Scientific Implication of Wu Xing from Meteorological Map and Geography;从气象地理学角度探讨中医五行生克制化规律的科学内涵

11.Research on the Doctrine of the Correlation of Five Viscera and Effect on Rat"s Multiplication and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Invigorating the Spleen and Tonifying Kidney;中医五脏相关理论探讨及补脾益肾法对大鼠MSCs增殖和分化的影响

12.Research on the Doctrine of the Correlation of Five Viscera Based on Structural Equation Modeling基于结构方程模型分析的中医五脏相关理论研究

13.Recognition and Prevention and Treatment of Present Type-A H_1N_1 Flu Based on TCM Five Circuit Phases and Six Atmospheric Influences Theory从中医五运六气理论谈对当前甲型H_1N_1流感的认识

14.The Analyses of Five Shen and the Unity of Body and Shen;“五神”及“形神合一”解析——论中医学情志病理论的基本内容及其与心身医学的关系

15.The application of the f ive phases-ancient ten months"calendar in the theory of Inner Canon of Huangdi上古五行十月历在《黄帝内经》理论中的应用

16.The Preliminary Study on the Difference and Similarity of Theory between TCM and Four Tower Theory in Dai Medicine中医五行学说与傣医四塔学说的比较研究

17.Remarks on the principal part nature of Chinese medicine education by "the letter from five well-known scholars";从“五老上书”论坚持中医教育的主体性

18.Discussion on Doctrine of Yin-Yang Sleep and Dream from the Medicinal Classical Theroy to Scientific Frontline从阴阳二十五度论中医阴阳睡梦学说


five-element theory/ Chinese medical theory五行学说/中医理论

3)Five elements theory五行理论

1.Five elements theory is archaic theory of philosophy.五行理论是研究五行的概念内涵、特性、事物五行属性归类及其相互关系,并用以解释宇宙万物之间广泛联系的古代哲学理论,是古人认识宇宙万物相互联系,揭示事物内在规律的世界观和方法论。

2.Five elements theory works well.祖国医学是一门伟大的科学,本人在多年的临床实践中证实了这一点,尤其是肝病的治疗中,五行理论的应用,疗效非凡。

4)TCM theory中医理论

1.Along with the tide of culture collisions and scientific development,TCM theory has been enriched by diversified academic schools, including holism, reductionism, and doctrine of complex.在多元文化碰撞与科学发展的潮流冲击下,中医理论学科出现了学术探索模式的分化,可概括为整体论、还原论和复杂性3个模式。

2.The history and current situation about the interrelationship between medicine and philosophy inTCM theory had been analyzed.通过对中医理论体系医学与哲学相互关系的历史和现状进行分析,提出将二者分化为中医自然观、中医方法论、中医学术本体;其中方法论又分化为哲学方法、横断科学方法雏形、逻辑方法、中医药学特殊方法4个层次;试图从多侧面寻找与现代科学的结合点。

5)theory of traditional Chinese medicine中医理论

1.From the historical point of view, the author conducted a study on the practical, ideological and philosophical basis of the formation of thetheory of traditional Chinese medicine and the historical inevitability of its formation.从中医学术发展史的角度,研究中医理论形成的实践基础、思想基础、哲学基础及其社会政治因素,论证中医理论形成于秦汉的历史必然性,并就其形成的历史背景,重申中医理论的特殊性,以期对目前中医医教研的发展方向有所启示。

6)Traditional Chinese medicine theory中医理论

1.This article analyzed the opportunities and challenges that traditional Chinese medicine faces in its current state of development and discussed the progressiveness of traditional Chinese medicine theory and practices.本文分析了中医发展面临的机遇和挑战,阐述了中医理论与实践的先进性,在此基础上提出“保持和发扬中医理论与实践的先进性是中医发展的重要任务”。

2.It is the thinking of holism,dynamism and humane care of the traditional Chinese medicine that shows the consistency between traditional Chinese medicine theory and system science in the perspective of theory.中医理论包含的整体论思想、动态性思想和人文关怀思想,显示了中医理论与系统科学在理论方面的一致性。


