300字范文 > 中医养生理论 Traditional Chinese medicine health care theory英语短句 例句大全

中医养生理论 Traditional Chinese medicine health care theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-09 17:21:26


中医养生理论 Traditional Chinese medicine health care theory英语短句 例句大全

中医养生理论,Traditional Chinese medicine health care theory

1)Traditional Chinese medicine health care theory中医养生理论

2)Regimen of TCM中医养生


1.The Initial Probe into the Embodiment of Taoism"s Sleep Regimen in the TCM Regimen Theory道教睡眠养生观在中医养生中的体现

2.Investigation and analysis onto health preservation education of Chinese medicine in medical schools;对医学院校开展中医养生学教育的调查与分析

3.On Characteristics of TCM Health Promotion from the"Static to Keep Spirit" Relation between Neijing and in Taoism从《内经》与道家“静以养神”的关系看中医养生特色

4.To Strengthen the Study for Healthy Characteristics of TCM and Promote the Level of Research on TCM Health Preserving加强中医养生特色研究 提升研究水平

5.Preliminary remarks on the educational modes of training non-medicine major postgraduates of Chinese medicine试论非医学专业攻读中医学研究生的培养模式

6.The Role of Medical History Education in Cutivating the Humanistic Spirit among Medical Students;试论医学史在医学生人文精神培养中的作用

7.A brief analysis on the cultivation of Chinese traditional ophthalmology postgraduate浅谈“中医有特色、西医不滞后”的临床型中医眼科研究生的培养

8.Fostering information literacy of medical students in the teaching of professional courses;浅谈专业课教学过程中医学生信息素养的培养

9.On the cultivation of psychological quality forcollege students of traditional Chinese medicine;浅谈中医院校大学生心理素质的培养

10.Developing and Motivating First-year Students in Institutes of TCM Higher Education;中医高校新生学习动机的培养与激发

11.Practice and experience in training of postgraduates of traditional Chinese medicine by means of the succession system of teachings from a teacher to his or her disciples中医师承制研究生培养的实践与体会

12.Analyzing the Way to Keep in Good Health on Intake of Ginseng in Chinese Medicine Theory用中医理论解析进补人参的养生之道

13.Cultivation of medical students"clinical thought by logical teaching论逻辑教学中医学生临床思维的培养

14.Influence of Clinical Tutors" Personality on Medical Ethics Formation of Medical Interns临床带教医生人格力量在实习生医德养成中的作用

15.The View on Educating Medical Secondary School Student, Responsibility;在中专医学生中进行责任感培养之我见

16.Ancient language development of Traditional Chinese Medicine university student and multimedia education for ancient Medical language;中医大学生语文素质的培养与医古文多媒体教学

17.The Human Qualities Education in the Criteria of China s Medical Education;从中外医学教育标准的差异看医学生的人文素质培养

18.Considerations on the training mode of clinical postgraduates of Chinese medicine;对中医药临床医学专业学位研究生培养模式的思考


Regimen of TCM中医养生

3)TCM theory中医理论

1.Along with the tide of culture collisions and scientific development,TCM theory has been enriched by diversified academic schools, including holism, reductionism, and doctrine of complex.在多元文化碰撞与科学发展的潮流冲击下,中医理论学科出现了学术探索模式的分化,可概括为整体论、还原论和复杂性3个模式。

2.The history and current situation about the interrelationship between medicine and philosophy inTCM theory had been analyzed.通过对中医理论体系医学与哲学相互关系的历史和现状进行分析,提出将二者分化为中医自然观、中医方法论、中医学术本体;其中方法论又分化为哲学方法、横断科学方法雏形、逻辑方法、中医药学特殊方法4个层次;试图从多侧面寻找与现代科学的结合点。

4)theory of traditional Chinese medicine中医理论

1.From the historical point of view, the author conducted a study on the practical, ideological and philosophical basis of the formation of thetheory of traditional Chinese medicine and the historical inevitability of its formation.从中医学术发展史的角度,研究中医理论形成的实践基础、思想基础、哲学基础及其社会政治因素,论证中医理论形成于秦汉的历史必然性,并就其形成的历史背景,重申中医理论的特殊性,以期对目前中医医教研的发展方向有所启示。

5)Traditional Chinese medicine theory中医理论

1.This article analyzed the opportunities and challenges that traditional Chinese medicine faces in its current state of development and discussed the progressiveness of traditional Chinese medicine theory and practices.本文分析了中医发展面临的机遇和挑战,阐述了中医理论与实践的先进性,在此基础上提出“保持和发扬中医理论与实践的先进性是中医发展的重要任务”。

2.It is the thinking of holism,dynamism and humane care of the traditional Chinese medicine that shows the consistency between traditional Chinese medicine theory and system science in the perspective of theory.中医理论包含的整体论思想、动态性思想和人文关怀思想,显示了中医理论与系统科学在理论方面的一致性。

6)theory of Chinese medicine中医理论

1.Taoist philosophical thought has played a guiding role in the formation of thetheory of Chinese medicine,the application of Taoist techniques has enriched the clinical practice of Chinese medicine,and Taoist classics have provided valuable data and experience for the compilation of medical records and the summary of medical experience into a modern Chinese medicine.道家的哲学思想对中医理论的形成有着重要的启发和指导作用;道术在中医医疗实践中的运用丰富了中医临床学的内容;而道教经典对民间中医临床成果的汇集和总结为现代中医的更新和发展提供了宝贵的资料和经验。

2.The theory of Chinese Medicine has long history,prior advantage and great influence in devel- oping and strengthening the mental functions.我国的中医理论博大精深,历史悠久,源渊流长,中医在智力开发增强方面优越性明显。


