300字范文 > 高职食品专业 food processing majors of higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职食品专业 food processing majors of higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-17 12:17:21


高职食品专业 food processing majors of higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职食品专业,food processing majors of higher vocational education

1)food processing majors of higher vocational education高职食品专业


1.On Training the Practical Ability of Food Science Majors in Higher Vocational College;高职食品专业学生顶岗实习的实践与思考

2.Application of CS & PBL Teaching Method in Organic Chemistry for Higher Vocational Education of Food Professional高职食品专业有机化学应用CS与PBL结合教学模式探究

3.Study on Mode of Cultivating Innovative Talents for Food Processing Specialty in Agriculture Vocational Education农科高职食品专业创新人才培养模式的研究与实践

4.Exploration and Practice of Specialty Construction Model in Food Processing Majors of Higher Vocational Education;高职食品类专业建设模式的探讨与实践

5.Constructing Course System of Food Processing Technology Major in Polytechnic College高职食品加工技术专业课程体系的构建与实施

6.Establish right Food specialty talent perspectives in the background of mass higher education高等教育大众化背景下,树立高职高专食品专业人才观

7.Discussion on the ways and mechanism of production-and-study personnel training in Food Study Specialty in higher vocational colleges;高职高专食品专业产学结合人才培养途径与机制研究

8.Discussion on Reform about the Talent Training Mode of Food Inspection Specialty of Higher Vocational Education高职高专食品检测类专业人才培养方案改革探讨

9.An Analysis of the Practical Teaching System of Green Food Process and Management in Higher Vocational Education;构建新世纪高职绿色食品加工与管理专业实践教学体系探析

10.Practice and Thinking of the Building about the Teaching Team of Food Processing Technology in Higher Vocational Technical College高职食品加工技术专业教学团队建设的实践与思考

11.Research and Practice of the Construction of High-quality PE Courses in Vocational Colleges;高职高专体育专业精品课程建设的研究与实践

12.Experimental Teaching Reform in Livestock Product Process;高校食品专业《畜产品加工学》实验教学改革探讨

13.Establishment of New Practice Teaching System about "Food Science and Project" Specialty in Colleges and Universities;高校“食品科学与工程专业”新的实践教学体系

14.Review of and Probe into Improving the Practical Skills of the Majors of Food Science;食品专业提高学生实践能力的回顾与探索

15.Teaching Consideration on Food Literature Retrieval Course in University高校食品类专业文献检索课的教学思考

16.A study of vocational certification education in the secretary major at higher vocational college;高职高专文秘专业职业资格教育探讨

17.The Construction and Ponderation of "Interpersonal Communication" the High-quality Curriculum for the Higher Professional Nursing Speciality;高职护理专业《人际沟通》精品课程的建设与思考

18.Construction of navigational route database for key programs and elite courses in vocational colleges;高职院校重点专业及精品课程导航库建设探析


food processing technology major in polytechnic college高职食品加工技术专业

1.In this paper,it was analyzed by course system offood processing technology major in polytechnic college based on skills of obtain employment station,and giving priority to skill module.分析了高职食品加工技术专业以就业岗位群设置项目课程,构建以能力模块为主的课程体系,实施"四段三循环"工学结合的人才培养模式。

3)higher vocational education of food professional高职食品

1.In order to overcome the shortage in the traditional teaching of organic chemistry forhigher vocational education of food professional.随着高职食品专业的不断发展和课程改革的深入,有机化学的教学面临着新的挑战。

4)food specialty食品专业

1.Establish right Food specialty talent perspectives in the background of mass higher education高等教育大众化背景下,树立高职高专食品专业人才观

2.Forfood specialty, familiarization exercise is a key teaching project in all of the practice courses.见习实习教学环节是食品专业实践类课程中的一项重要内容,本文根据食品专业的特点,从借鉴国内外高校成功的实践教学经验、激发学生的创新和创业意识、加强产学研合作教育、加强校外实习基地建设等方面阐述了提高食品专业见习实习教学质量的方法。

3.Connecting with the teaching practice of combination of experiment teaching with practical base teaching in Food Science and engineering college,Jishou University,this paper advances some concrete measures and teaching reform emphases for cultivating the applied talents infood specialty of university.结合吉首大学食品科学与工程学院在实验教学与实践基地教学相结合方面的教学实践,提出了高校培养应用型食品专业人才的具体做法和教改重点。

5)higher vocational specialty高职专业

6)college graduates高职高专毕业生

1.With the deepening of the reform on employment system,thecollege graduates encounter more and more challenges and setbacks.随着就业制度改革的不断深化,高职高专毕业生就业时遇到了更多的困难和挫折,这种就业挫折感对其生理、心理、行为都会产生不利影响。

2.Based on the analysis of talents structure,and the employment situation ofcollege graduates at present,this paper proposes that the location ofcollege graduates is mainly in service industry.通过对人才的结构和层次的划分及现阶段高职高专毕业生就业情况的分析,提出了高职高专毕业生的市场定位主要在服务行业观点;从人才链流层与物链流层以及服务性人才与顾客链的对接两个方面阐述了高职高专毕业生的市场在服务行业有较大的空间。


