300字范文 > 高职教育集约化 intensification of higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职教育集约化 intensification of higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-11 19:05:00


高职教育集约化 intensification of higher vocational education英语短句 例句大全

高职教育集约化,intensification of higher vocational education

1)intensification of higher vocational education高职教育集约化


1.Cause and Effect Analysis on Intensive Development of Higher-vocational Education;高职教育集约化发展的成因及效应分析

2.Intensive Development of Higher Vocational Education in Wuhan City Circle武汉城市圈中高职教育集约化发展研究

3.Analysis on Higher Vocational Education Intensive Feasibility;高等职业教育集约化发展的可行性分析

4.Research on the Jiangsu Pattern Owing to the Intensification Development of Vocational Education;基于职业教育集约化发展的江苏模式研究

5.The Higher Vocational Students Roles Transformation in Vocational Education Collectivization;高职学生在职业教育集团化中的角色转变

6.Intensive Development of Vocational Education Adapted to the New Industrialization in Jiangsu Province与新型工业化相适应的江苏职业教育集约化发展方式探析

7.Consideration on the Group Developing of the Higher Vocational Education in Jilin Province;吉林省高等职业教育集团化发展的思考

8.Discussion on Group-running Pattern of Higher Vocational Education in Yunnan;云南高等职业教育集团化办学模式探讨

9.Establishment of Party Committee Leading Mechanism in Vocational College and Group Education System;高职党委领导机制与集团化教育体系构建

10.Education Development Based on College-Enterprise Oriented Corporative Group --Take the intending establishment of “Shaanxi Aviation Higher Vocational Educational Group”as the example;论校企合作型职业教育集团化办学——以拟组建的“陕西航空高等职业教育集团”为例

11.Deepening Vocational Education Reform and Improving Vocational Education Level;深化职业教育改革 提高职业教育水平

12.Popular Higher Education and the Quality of Higher Occupational Education;高等教育大众化与高职高专教育质量

13.Probe into higher learning in vocational schools and vocational education in institutions of higher learning;职业教育高等化与高等教育职业化探讨

14.The Factors Restricting the Development of Higher Vocational Education in China and Countermeasures;我国高职教育发展的制约因素和对策

15.Better Model of Vocational Education Resources Integration-Collectivization职业教育资源整合的优化模式—集团化

16.Deepening the Reform of the High Vocational Education and Extending the Developing Thought of High Vocational Development;深化高职教育改革 拓展高职发展思路

17.Restricting Factors to Higher Vocational Education Teaching Quality;对高职高专教育教学质量制约因素的思考

18.Benign Adaptation of Higher Vocational Education and Industry Cluster;高等职业教育与产业集群的良性适配


High vocational education group高职教育集团

3)vocational education collectivization职业教育集团化

1.Students role change mode in foreignvocational education collectivization can be classified in to two modes: "student → apprentice → student",taking school as the subjective;and "apprentice → student → apprentice",taking enterprise as the subjective.国外职业教育集团化中学生的角色转变,分为以学校为主体的"学生→学徒→学生"和以企业为主体的"学徒→学生→学徒"两种模式。

2.Invocational education collectivization and school-business cooperation,the students roles transformation can be divided into three patterns,"student -student -employee","student -employee -student" and "employee -student -employee ".高职学生在职业教育集团化校企合作中的角色转变,分为"学生→学生→员工"、"学生→员工→学生"和"员工→学生→员工"的转变模式。

4)Higher learning in vocational school职业教育高等化

1.Higher learning in vocational schools and vocational education in institutions of higher learning are two trends of current education reform.职业教育高等化和高等教育职业化是当今教育改革的两种趋势,在思考二者各自的发展课题时,把关注投向职业教育高等化与高等教育职业化之间的结合点,寻找他们的共同优先选择,指出高等职业教育在两种变化趋势中的排头军身份,探讨提升高职教育能级和开拓其发展前景的方法。

5)vocational education in institutions of higher learning高等教育职业化

1.Probe into higher learning in vocational schools andvocational education in institutions of higher learning;职业教育高等化与高等教育职业化探讨

6)internationalization of higher vocational education高职教育国际化

1.In recent years, theinternationalization of higher vocational education in Jiangsu has been developing quickly by various modes of independent school-running, cooperative school-running with foreign countries, curriculum cooperation and certificate training.通过独立学校、中外合作办学、课程合作、证书培训等多种形式,近年来,江苏高职教育国际化获得了较大发展。


