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堆场 yard英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-25 10:20:09


堆场 yard英语短句 例句大全



1.Dynamic crane deployment in container storageyard;集装箱港口堆场轮胎式龙门起重机的动态优化配置

2.Crane dynamic deployment model of container storageyard;码头堆场龙门起重机动态配置优化模型

3.Deployment ofyard cranes at port containeryard;集装箱港口堆场起重机的配置确定


1.CY [container yard]货柜堆场、货柜集散场[

2.The Structural Design with Analysis of the φ102m Stacker-Reclaimer of Circular Storage;φ102m圆形堆场堆取料机结构设计与分析

3.Modeling and Algorithm on Piling Outbound for Container Terminal;集装箱堆场出口箱堆存模型及其算法

4.Assign problem of container yard section based on mixed storage model基于混堆模式的集装箱堆场区段分配

5.CFR or CIFCY or CFS at the Named Inland Station of Destination of Importatio进口国国内堆场交货价

6.Research on dynamic storage space allocation based on mixture storage基于混堆的集装箱堆场动态箱位分配研究

7.The design specification of the ground and storehouse for chemical solid materia化工固体物料堆场及仓库设计规定

8.Code for design and construction of pavements of roads and stack-yards in ports港口道路堆场铺面设计与施工规范

9.Test Study on Windproof Net for Coal Storage Yard of Qinhuangdao Harbor秦皇岛港煤堆场防风网风洞试验研究

10.A Study on Soft Soil Treatment Methods at Qianwan;青岛港前湾堆场区软基处理工艺研究

11.The Research on Container Yard on the Management of Dangerous Goods;关于集装箱堆场危险品库管理的研究

12.A Study on Transforming from Yuanfang Container Yard to Distribution Center;远方集装箱堆场向配送中心转型研究

13.The Application of the Electricity-Saving Unit for the Fridge Container in the Container Yard;冷藏箱节电装置在集装箱堆场的应用

14.The Real-Time Positioning & Controlling System for RTG in Container Terminal;集装箱堆场轮胎吊实时定位控制系统

15.Blurred Algorithm of Container Yard Area in Logistics Park;物流园区集装箱堆场面积的模糊计算

16.Research on Strategies of Reducing Container Terminal Yard Area;减少集装箱码头堆场面积的策略探讨

17.A fierce explosion turned the building into a pile of rubble.一场大爆炸使这幢大楼成了一堆瓦砾。

18.and below the planks and timbers in the yard,以及堆放在场地上的木材、板材底下,


storage yard堆场

1.Project Scope and Option Selection of Refurbishment Project for Storage Yard of Rizhao Coal Terminal;日照港煤码头堆场扩建工程规模及方案选定

2.Based on the analysis of the causes of cracks from all structural courses of concrete road andstorage yard, this paper expounds corresponding preventive measures and explains the repairing methods.从混凝土道路、堆场的各个结构层分析裂缝产生的原因,并针对性地说明预防措施,阐述裂缝维修方法。

3.A brief introduction of the design characteristics of container wharf structure,storage yard road structure and handling technology of Sanshan Port First-phase Project is presented.本文对三山港首期工程集装箱码头结构、堆场道路结构及装卸工艺设计的特点作简要的介绍。

3)container yard堆场

1.Pertaining tocontainer yard operations, the non-automatic (un)loading system is usually applied by the means of quay cranes, internal trucks and yard cranes.介绍了与集装箱堆场相关的业务,针对非自动化集装箱码头最常见的岸桥-集卡-轮胎吊装卸系统,以最复杂的出口箱场箱位分配为切入点,提出了从计划分配到动态分配的三阶段箱位分配法,给出了各阶段的优化目标。

2.Container yard isseparated into marshalling yard andcontainer yard, which its main effect is provided thetemporary place to store.集装箱码头的堆场部分可分为前方堆场和后方堆场,其主要作用是为集装箱提供临时的集中堆存。

3.The research is to find a method to make operation plans forcontainer yards automatically,which makes the use ofcontainer yards and operations more rational and well ordered.寻求能够自动生成集装箱堆场作业计划的方法,使得堆场的使用及作业更为合理有序。

4)stacking yard堆场

1.The causes of cracking are analyzed according to the various structural layers of the concrete roads andstacking yards,and corresponding preventive measures are proposed.从混凝土道路、堆场的各个结构层分析裂缝产生的原因和针对性地说明预防措施,阐述裂缝维修方法。

5)red mud disposal site赤泥堆场

1.Application of finite element method in safety assessment ofred mud disposal site;有限元数值计算方法在赤泥堆场安全评价中的应用

6)tailings stack尾矿堆场

1.Coupled simulation the effect oftailings stack on groundwater and groundwater quality;尾矿堆场对地下水及其水质影响的联合模拟研究


