300字范文 > 散货堆场 Bulk Yard英语短句 例句大全

散货堆场 Bulk Yard英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-14 20:34:21


散货堆场 Bulk Yard英语短句 例句大全

散货堆场,Bulk Yard

1)Bulk Yard散货堆场

1.Research on theBulk Yard Stockpile Methods增加散货堆场的堆存量的方法研究


1.Optimizing a Construction Scheme of Windproof Net Board for Storage Yard in Harbor Engineering港口散货堆场防风网板工艺及建设方案优化研究

2.CY [container yard]货柜堆场、货柜集散场[

3.Logistics Management and Control of Specialized Storage Yard of Modern Bulk Cargo Terminal;现代化散货码头专用堆场的物流管理与控制

4.CFR or CIFCY or CFS at the Named Inland Station of Destination of Importatio进口国国内堆场交货价

5.a junkyard full of spavined vehicles.堆满了坏损车辆的废品旧货场

6.Simulation and Research of Windbreak Shelter Effect on Material Piles under Intense Wind强风流过散堆料场的流场模拟与抑尘研究

7."Breakbulk: Cargo packed in separate packages or individual pieces of cargo, loaded, stowed and unloaded individually, as distinct from Bulk cargo."杂件货物:指分散包装或单件的货物,单个装卸、堆放,与散装货物相区别。

8.Research on Dusting and Migration Rule of the Dust at Open-air Coalyard;露天堆煤场粉尘起尘及运移扩散规律研究

9.a field where junk is collected and stored for resale.用来收集和堆放可转售的旧货的庭院或场地。

10.The shelves in the supermarket are full of items before the Christmas Rush.圣诞争购热潮前超市市场的货架堆满了商品。

11.Analysis of International Dry and Bulk Shipping Market and Research on the Development of Cosbulk.Fleet;国际干散货航运市场分析和中散船队发展研究

12.Study on the China Factor in International Dry Bulk Transportation Market;国际干散货运输市场的中国因素研究

13.Outlook on international dry bulk shipping market in ;国际干散货运输市场预测

14.Outlook on international dry bulk shipping market in ;国际干散货运输市场走势预测

15.Outlook & Analyses on International Dry Bulk Shipping Market in ;国际干散货运输市场预测分析

16.International Dry Bulk Market’s Nonabsolute Competition;国际干散货运输市场的非“完全竞争”

17.Analysis and Prospect to the Dry and Bulk Cargo Shipping Market in the World in ;国际干散货运输市场分析与展望

18.The Study on Price Discovery Function of Dry Bulk FFA Market干散货FFA市场价格发现功能的研究


CY container yard货柜堆场、货柜集散场

3)bulk stockpile散货料堆

1.Real-time three-dimensional imaging method ofbulk stockpile散货料堆的实时三维成像方法

4)bulk cargo散装货,堆货

5)freight yard堆货场

6)goods yard货物堆场


反应堆与堆内构件振动监测反应堆与堆内构件振动监测reactor and internals vibration monitoringfony旧gdu一yu du旧e一gouJ一on zhendong Jlonee反应堆与堆内构件振动监测(reactor andinternals vibration monitoring)用以监测反应堆压力容器及堆内构件的振动。安装在压力容器上的4个加速度仪(l个在容器顶盖的螺栓上,3个在容器的下封头的堆芯中子侧t的贯穿管上),其信号与容器的加速度振动成正比。通过采集堆外四个长中子电离室上部第二段和下部第五段的信号,并将其与反应堆功率成正比的平均注量率信号进行标称化处理,送噪声诊断系统,根据每个电离室各段上的差异,以测定堆内构件的振动,并监测异常情况。利用数据库中已有的数据,可以判断引起这种异常的原因。堆内构件的振型有两种:梁式和壳式。梁式振型用以监侧嫩料组件和吊篮筒体的振动,这种振动改变了堆内构件结构和中子探侧器之间水层的厚度,导致探测器上侧得的中子注量率随上述结构的振动颇率而变化。壳式振型用以监测堆内构件热屏的振动,这种振动导致堆芯筒体与热屏之间水层厚度的变化,从而影响中子撞击热屏时的能谱。由于热屏对中子的吸收与其能量有关,从而造成中子探侧器上信号的脉动。
