300字范文 > 大型国有企业 large state-owned enterprises英语短句 例句大全

大型国有企业 large state-owned enterprises英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-12 21:48:34


大型国有企业 large state-owned enterprises英语短句 例句大全

大型国有企业,large state-owned enterprises

1)large state-owned enterprises大型国有企业

1.Study on the mode of innovative qualified scientists and technicians encouragement inlarge state-owned enterprises;大型国有企业创新型科技人才激励模式探讨

2.The high barrier of withdrawal has made it difficult for thoselarge state-owned enterprises to withdraw smoothly,which according to the original law of market,should have withdrawn from the competitive trade.面临过高的退出壁垒,使原本按市场规律应该退出竞争性行业的大型国有企业,却难以顺利退出。

3.There exist serious problems on real and nominal owners of the property inlarge state-owned enterprises.对大型国有企业存在的严重的财产权利实际控制人问题和财产权利名义所有人问题进行了研究,认为实行预算监管和设计一套切实可行的预算监管组织框架是克服这些问题的有效措施。


1.Enterprises Internal Marketability and the Large NationalEnterprises External Trade Organization Models;企业内部市场化与大型国有企业外贸组织模式

2.The Research on Pnowledge Employee Motiration of National-Onmed Eneorprise;我国大型国有企业知识型员工激励研究

3.Study on the mode of innovative qualified scientists and technicians encouragement in large state-owned enterprises;大型国有企业创新型科技人才激励模式探讨

4.On Production Function Model of State-owned Large-sized Enterprises Talent Scale Control;大型国有企业人才规模控制的生产函数模型

5.revitalize large and medium-sized state owned enterprises搞活国有大中型企业

6.We have our advantages,we have the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises and the rural enterprises.我们有优势,有国营大中型企业,有乡镇企业,

7.support large state-owned enterprises and high and innovative technology companies in their efforts to seek financing by listing on the stock market支持国有大型企业和高新技术企业上市融资

8.On Culture Construction of Large State Owned Enterprise;关于国有大型企业企业文化建设的思考

9.Concentrate on rejuvenating State-owned large集中力量抓好国有大型企业和

10.Job Performance Appraisal System of Large State-Owned Steel and Iron Interprise;大型国有钢铁企业岗位绩效评价系统

11.Tactic Analysis of Capital Operating in the State-owned Shipping Enterprises with Large Scale;国有大型航运企业资本运营策略分析

12.The Research of Science and Technology Development Strategy for Large-size State-owned Shipping Enterprises;大型国有航运企业科技发展战略研究

13.Research of Optimization on Training Model of Government-Owned Large and Medium-Sized Enterprise;国有大中型企业培训模式的优化研究

14.Study on the Technical Innovation Management of Large-middle SOEs;国有大中型企业技术创新与管理研究

15.Discussion on rent equipment and management in large state-owned enterprise;浅谈国有大型企业设备租赁及其管理

16.Thought to Standardize Procurement Mode of Large-size State-owned Enterprise;对国有大型企业规范采购方式的思考

17.The Successful Road of A Large-scale State-owned Forest Industry Business;一个大型国有森工企业成功崛起之路

18.BPR of Production Management in State-owned Large-scale Store-to-extend Enterprises;国有大型存续企业生产管理的BPR研究


large state-owned enterprise大型国有企业

1.This paper analyzes and discusses the importance of financial management on shareholding system reform oflarge state-owned enterprises,how thelarge state-owned enterprises choose the feasible financial man.从财务管理对大型国有企业股份制改革的重要性、股份制改革后大型国有企业如何选择适宜的财务管理模式并予以实施、如何开展企业的投资活动等方面进行了分析和讨论。

2.The property right structure oflarge state-owned enterprises (LSE) is characterized by highly concentrated shareholding, ownership correlated to control and state-owned property right.大型国有企业的产权结构特征体现为较高的股权集中度,所有权和控制权相关联以及产权性质国有。

3)large SOEs国有大型企业

1.This paper presents the theory on core competitiveness,analyzes the essential factors in core competitiveness of the global 500 companies and brings forward the focus on fostering core competitive superiority oflarge SOEs in China.介绍了核心竞争力理论,分析了世界500强企业核心竞争力要素,提出了我国国有大型企业培育核心竞争优势的聚焦点。

4)large state-owned enterprises国有大型企业

1.Pay system is an important content of a modern enterprise system, is also a problem we should focus on solving in the process of thelarge state-owned enterprises establishing a modern enterprise system to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises.薪酬制度是现代企业制度的重要内容,也是国有大型企业在建立现代企业制度、提升企业核心竞争能力的过程中要着重解决的问题,薪酬模式的选择是企业薪酬制度建设的核心内容之一,也是目前国有大型企业和广大企业员工关注、关心的焦点问题。

5)state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises国有大中型企业

1.The establishment of effective encouraging mechanism is the prerequisite for both ensuringstate-owned large and medium-sized enterprises value maintaining and increasing and for realizing their prop role in the national economy.有效激励机制的建立是保证国有大中型企业保值、增值 ,实现其国民经济支柱作用的必要条件。

2.As the core power of China s economic,state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises especially equipment manufacturers participate in the international competition.作为我国经济核心力量的国有大中型企业特别是装备制造企业在全面参与世界竞争之际,人工成本水平既不能因垄断或保护而维持高位,也不能因调控或管理落后导致结构不合理,影响社会公平与企业运作及可持续发展。

3.State-owned large and medium-sized enterprises play a leading role in nation s economy, in order to ensurestate-owned large and medium-sized enterprises to maintain sustainable development, we must insist on the policy of technology innovation.国有大中型企业在我国经济中处于主导地位,要使国有大中型企业保持可持续性发展,必须坚持以技术创新为导向。

6)super state-owned enterprise国有特大型企业


