300字范文 > 群首 group leader英语短句 例句大全

群首 group leader英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-10 04:16:56


群首 group leader英语短句 例句大全

群首,group leader

1)group leader群首

2)primary group首属群体

1.As far as the methods of moral education of teenagers in China and the United States,theprimary group,families,plays a different role in the two countries,that is,the Chinese family takes a responsibility of inheriting Chinese traditional ethic but the US takes a responsibility of inheriting religious ethic of Christianity.在中美青少年德育的各种载体中,首属群体家庭在两国青少年德育中的职能差异较大,中国家庭承担着传承传统伦理道德的责任,美国家庭则承担着传承宗教道德观的职责。

3)Cluster Head Delegation群首委任

1.TheCluster Head Delegation mechanism is the part of work of clusting, and it is an essential part of the implementation of the hierarchical and distributed network management system.群首委任机制是分群工作的一部分,也是实现分层分布式网络管理思想的一个必不可少的环节。


1.Study and Implementation of the Cluster Head Delegation Mechanism for the Hierarchical and Distributed Network Management System分层分布式网络管理中群首委任机制的研究与实现

2.They constituted him chief adviser.他们委任他为首席顾问。

3.Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa was yesterday appointed as a delegate to the Chinese People"s Political Consultative Conference.特首董建华昨日获委任为全国政协的港区委员。

4.Important appointments are first cleared with the committee重要的任命首先须经委员会批准。

5.On the model of training the chiefs and political commissars of the county public security bureaus who take office for the first time;全国县(市)公安局长、政委首次任职培训模式探讨

6.First, it should hold itself totally responsible to the Party committee at the same level and place itself under the latter"s strict supervision.首先,对同级党委负完全责任,并接受党委的严格监督。

7.The office is headed by a Chief Executive with eight functional divisions and a staff of 128.消委会由总干事担任首长,设有八个工作部门,共有职员128人。

8."The panel of adjudicators shall consist of such eligible persons as are, from time to time, appointed to it by the Chief Justice by notice in writing."审裁员小组由首席按察司不时以书面委任之合资格人士组成。

9.First, we have appointed five Primary Dealers which have good access to the institutional investor base. The Primary Dealers will perform the role of underwriter and market maker for securities issued under the Programme.首先,我们委任了五个与机构投资者联系密切的主要交易商,他们将担任包销商和市场庄家。

10.Sit on a fund-raising committee任筹款委员会的委员

11.He sits on the committee.他担任委员会的委员。

12.be nominated to a committee被任命为委员会委员

13.Serve on the revolutionary committee担任革命委员会委员

14.The Academic Degrees Committee shall consist of a chairman, vice-chairmen and other members. The chairman, vice-chairmen and other members shall be appointed and removed by the State Council.学位委员会设主任委员一人,副主任委员和委员若干人。主任委员、主任委员和委员由国务院任免。

15.A person authorized by a commission to perform certain duties.委任的成员委任授权实施某任务的人

16.Firm faith in the majority of the masses, and first and foremost in the majority of the basic masses, the workers and peasants -- this is our fundamental point of departure.必须坚定地信任群众的多数,首先是工农基本群众的多数,这是我们的基本出发点。

17.The Audit Commission is one of Hong Kong"s oldest departments. The first Auditor-General was appointed in 1844.审计署是本港历史最悠久的政府部门之一,早于一八四四年,便委出第一任核数首长。

18.Please update all Task Delegation Request messages first, so that the database is up-to-date with all changes to the project.请首先更新所有的“任务委托要求”消息,这样数据库中将可以包含有关项目更改的最新信息。


primary group首属群体

1.As far as the methods of moral education of teenagers in China and the United States,theprimary group,families,plays a different role in the two countries,that is,the Chinese family takes a responsibility of inheriting Chinese traditional ethic but the US takes a responsibility of inheriting religious ethic of Christianity.在中美青少年德育的各种载体中,首属群体家庭在两国青少年德育中的职能差异较大,中国家庭承担着传承传统伦理道德的责任,美国家庭则承担着传承宗教道德观的职责。

3)Cluster Head Delegation群首委任

1.TheCluster Head Delegation mechanism is the part of work of clusting, and it is an essential part of the implementation of the hierarchical and distributed network management system.群首委任机制是分群工作的一部分,也是实现分层分布式网络管理思想的一个必不可少的环节。

4)leader node群首节点

1.In this scheme,new nodes obtained IP addresses from theleader node via agent nodes.在该机制中,群首节点负责维护全网节点的地址使用情况表,处理网络的分割与合并;新入网节点通过代理节点向群首节点申请地址;使用蚁群算法优化选择代理节点,利用地址表备份机制减少群首节点失效的影响。

5)Longshoushan Group龙首山岩群

1.Discussion on the Petrogenic Time ofLongshoushan Group, Gansu Province;龙首山岩群成岩时代探讨

2.TheLongshoushan Group of Paleoproterozoic age in the Dongdashan district is a metamorphic terrane composed of metamorphic rocks of amphibolite facies.东大山地区龙首山岩群形成于早元古代,是一套经角闪岩相变质改造的变质地质体。

6)First-Choice Circuit Group首选电路群


