300字范文 > 创作观念 creation idea英语短句 例句大全

创作观念 creation idea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-14 08:13:53


创作观念 creation idea英语短句 例句大全

创作观念,creation idea

1)creation idea创作观念

1.From the angle of mental factors in comic works,this article not only analyzes mental factors that have played an important role in the comic works,but also further investigatescreation ideas,makes a contrast analysis to China s national products in the meantime,points out the shortage of its existence,and puts forward a homologous suggestion.本文从成功的动漫作品所蕴涵的心理因素入手,不仅分析了心理因素在动漫作品中的重要作用,而且进一步探讨了由此而引发的创作观念问题,同时对国产动漫作品进行了对比分析,指出其存在的不足,提出了相应的建议。

2.In thecreation idea,reporter writers’ market consciousness,the realize on readers,the reality consciousness are stronger;In the literary style choice,the reporter writers choose the literature styles which are the ordinary populace can accept,does not choose the pure literature pathway.在创作观念上,报人作家的市场意识、读者意识、现实意识更强;在文体选择上,报人作家选择的是普通大众所能接受的文学样式,不走纯文学的路子。


1.New Evolving Faces Of Contemporary Novel-Creating Concept In Chinese Mainland;当代中国大陆小说创作观念的新衍变

2.Discussion on the ideological sources of Lawrence s novels;论劳伦斯小说艺术创作观念的思想渊源

3.On the relation between Song and Jin and seting up the system of literature creating idea;试论宋金关系与文学创作观念体系的构建

4.SEEKING MYSELF──The elaboration of the creative concept of American Abstract Expressionistic art;找寻自我──论美国抽象表现主义艺术的创作观念

5.A Discussion on the Philosophy in Chinese Painting Creation;体悟生命 画为心声——中国画创作观念的哲学初探

6.From Physical Self to Social Self Leap on Yu Hua s of Creation Concept;从“小我”到“大我”——余华小说创作观念的飞跃

7.On Tibetan Tangka Painting as a Kind of Conceptual Art;论作为观念艺术的唐卡绘画创作特性

8.The influence of religious ghosts-gods ideology upon the creation of Records Of Gods;宗教神鬼观念对《稽神录》创作影响浅谈

9.Influence of Western Contemporary Art Concepts on Architectural Creation;西方当代艺术观念对建筑创作的影响

10.Get rid of old ideas and provide with better services;更新观念 开创读者服务工作新局面

11.Approach to Confucian Influence of the Sense of Life - and - Death upon the Creation of Elegiac Couplet;儒家生死观念对挽联创作的影响探析

12.About the consciousness of Ci and Fu creation and essay idea of Han dynasty;试论汉代辞赋创作和“文章”观念的自觉

13.Writing style of Zong Baihua s little poetry andprimary exploration of the idea of poetry beauty;宗白华小诗创作风格与诗美观念初探

14.Bring Forth New Ideas and Take Effective Measures in Energy Saving and Emission Reduction创新节能减排观念 推进节能减排工作

15.Discuss the Relation of Humane Sexual Standards and Technological Sexual Standards in the New Media"s Artistic Creation Simply浅谈新媒体艺术创作中的人文性观念和技术性观念的关系

16.Innovation in the League s Work in Tertiary Colleges:Its Concepts,Operation and Impleme ntation;高校共青团工作创新的观念、操作、落实层面

17.after the 1980s, the artistic concept of woodblock printing changed dramatically.进入80年代后,版画创作的观念发生很大变化,

18.On active function of bringing forth new ideas in revitalizing Changchun economy论观念创新在振兴长春经济中的能动作用


Creating concept创作观念

1.On the basis of the study of oil painting idea and psychology,this paper discusses worldly tendency of creating concept in oil painting in modern China and expounds the creating source and character of oil painting.在研究新时期油画创作的理念和心态的基础上,针对当代中国油画创作观念的世俗化倾向,论述了油画创作的源泉和品格。

2.From late years of the 1990s,the novel creating concept in Chinese mainland has remarkablly changed.20世纪90年代末以来,中国大陆的小说创作观念产生了显著的变化,主要体现为:文体实验的积极延续、写作方式向极端个性化方向更迭、现实主义衍变新貌的不断深化。

3)Creation concept创作观念

1.This esthetics view is embodied in the creation of the writer, which formes Narcissusiancreation concepts and Narcissusian creation techniques.这一美学观体现在作家的创作中,形成了“纳喀索斯”式的创作观念和“纳喀索斯”式的创作技巧。

4)perception and creation观念及创作

5)the literature creating idea文学创作观念

6)artistic creation notion艺术创作观念

1.Another Form from the Consideration of Notion -theartistic creation notional deviation of "the Red Classic"revised teleplav;另一种形式的“从概念出发”——“红色经典”改编剧在艺术创作观念上的偏离与迷失


