300字范文 > 创作活动 creations英语短句 例句大全

创作活动 creations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-11 15:50:39


创作活动 creations英语短句 例句大全



1.The writing is focused on Zheng Junli screations, thinking-line and special place in one century of Chinese movie history and cultural change by exploring the significance and value of his being an actor, director and theorist.本文以实证研究方法梳理郑君里作为演员、导演、理论家的三位一体的复合形象的意义与价值,论述了郑君里在百年中国电影历史与文化流变中的创作活动、思想轨迹和特殊地位。


1.A Review of Studies on Zhou Zuoren s Literary Creative Activity after the founding of the People s Republic of China;周作人建国后文学创作活动研究述评

2.Actions about Children Sing and Melodize on Their Own Initiative;儿童自发歌唱创作活动的动因与特点

3.Creative work appeals to him wonderfully.创作活动他是非常愿意干的。

4.A Discussion of Art Language in Decoration Fresco Creation;试论装饰壁画创作活动中的艺术语言

5.On the Role of Physical Extracurricular Science and technology Creation in Training Persons for Special Abilities;物理课外科技创作活动在培养人才中的作用

6.On the Publishing & Editing Activities of the Changshu Writers Groups;常熟作家群编辑出版与文学创作活动的影响

7.Discussion of the Interactive Relationship Between Expectation View and Literature Creation;试论期待视野与文学创作活动的互动关系

8.IMPORTANT ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN BRINGING FORTHNEW IDEAS INTO TECHNOLOGY Analysis Report on Bringing Forth New Ideas into Technology in Shen Zhen City;政府在技术创新活动中的重要作用——深圳市技术创新活动分析报告

9.Creating and arranging dances are a practice process.编导创作过程是实践性的活动过程。

10.The Influence of the Intercourse on the Literature of Hou Fangyu;论交游活动对侯方域文学创作的影响

11.Research on S&T Novelty Search in Universities" S&T Innovation高校科技创新活动中的科技查新工作

12.The Role the League Organization Is Playing in the Creativity and Efficiency Activities in the Private Enterprises;非公有制企业团组织在创新创效活动中的作用

13.A Brief Discussing on the Role of the Communist Youth League in Enterprise Activities of Innovation and Benefit-making;浅谈企业创新创效活动中共青团的作用

14.Labor Union s Functions in Promoting Economic and Technological Innovation;工会工作在推进经济技术创新活动中的作用

15.On the Positive Effects of Network Interaction in Innovation;发挥网络互动在创新活动中的积极作用

16.As a social culture activity,on the one hand,design is creationary;作为一种社会文化活动,一方面,她是创造性的,类似于艺术的活动;

17.From Literary Creation to Political Activity--Try to discuss the process of the transmutation of the Xiaojinzhuang poem;从文学创作到政治活动——试论小靳庄诗歌活动嬗变过程

18.the activity of creating fine-quality and Brand-name products创优质产品、创名牌活动


Practical activities of Creation创作实践活动

1.The study found that:most of teachers of University A had clarity of purpose for the Research-based learning;Practical activities of Creation is the main Learning content:Research-based learning of the profess本文围绕高等美术院校研究性学习的开展,采用质的研究中的个案研究,以重庆A校为个案,综合采用文献法、访谈法、观查法、实物收集等多种方法,对其研究性学习的开展进行深入考察与分析,研究发现:A校大部分教师研究性学习的目的明确;研究性学习的内容以学科专业领域的创作实践活动为主;研究性学习的途径以学科专业领域内的研究性学习为主要形式;研究性学习的过程包括艺术构思和美术表达两个阶段;开展研究性学习促进了学生创作水平和创新能力的提高。

3)extracurricular science and technology creation课外科技创作活动

1.Physicalextracurricular science and technology creation is fostering the role which the talent aspect will play cannot be underestimated.物理课外科技创作活动在培养人才方面起到不可低估的作用。

4)Creative activities创造活动

5)entrepreneurial activity创业活动

1.Corporateentrepreneurial activity and organizational performance: the empirical research based on China s growing private enterprises;公司创业活动与组织绩效——基于中国成长期私营企业的实证研究

2.Research on the Impact of the Entrepreneurial Character to Entrepreneurial Activity;创业者特性对创业活动的影响研究——基于“城市创业观察”对合肥市的分析

3.By the meaning of questionnaire,Hefei and Wenzhou sentrepreneurial activity were investigated in the paper.本文采用问卷调查的方式,对合肥市和温州市的创业活动进行了研究,获得了两地创业情况的深度信息,运用方差分析法比较了两地创业者及其创业企业的异同点,探讨了其原因。

6)innovation activity创新活动


