300字范文 > 电视专题片 educational TV report on special subject英语短句 例句大全

电视专题片 educational TV report on special subject英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-16 23:30:57


电视专题片 educational TV report on special subject英语短句 例句大全

电视专题片,educational TV report on special subject

1)educational TV report on special subject电视专题片

1.Based on parts of the national award-winningeducational TV report on special subject to CCP members and TV documentary in recent years,by the analysis and contrast between TV report on special subject and TV documentary,the paper first investigates its authenticity and artistry,identical to the TV documentary,because educational TV report is one class of TV documentary.以部分近年在全国获奖的党员教育电视专题片和电视纪录片为基础,通过比较分析电视专题片相对于电视纪录片的异同特征,首先论述党员教育电视专题片作为电视专题片所具有的一般属性:真实性和艺术性;其次举例论证党员教育电视专题片不同于其它电视专题片的特殊属性;思想灌输性、典型针对性,总结出党员教育电视专题片自身的属性特征。


1.On Creation of Commentary in Television Documentary;论电视专题片中解说词的创作——兼论电视专题片中文与画的关系

2.Using EDIUS4 to Make Special Disk of the Television of High Quality巧用EDIUS4制作高质量的电视专题片

3.On the Thematic Function and Poetic Handling of the Narrationon Special Topics in TV Prigrams;论电视专题片解说主题功能与诗化处理

4.The Rationalization Apply of Music Sound on the Special Subject Telefilm;论电视专题片中音乐和声效的合理运用

5.Analysis of the Properties of Educational TV Report on Special Subject to CCP Members in the New Era浅析新时期党员教育电视专题片的属性

6.The Hometown of Siping--The Commentary of a Special TV Program Dali of 4,000 Years;思平故里 《大理上下四千年》电视专题片解说词编写课题组

7.The spreading of TV program "Hui Merchants" on National media is misgivings by all appearance.电视专题片《徽商》在国家媒体上传播错误说法显然不妥。

8.Hui Merchants was the Representative of Rising Stratum--A Discussion on TV Special Program "Hui Merchants";徽商是新兴社会阶层的代表——由电视专题片《徽商》引起的讨论之二

9."Monopoly Saying of Huizhou s Salt Merchants" Couldn t Come into Existence--A Discussion on TV Special Program;“徽州盐商垄断”说不能成立——由电视专题片《徽商》引起的讨论之一

10.Cultural Interpreation of Three-River Source,A Large Tv Culture Feature;大型电视文化专题片《三江源》的文化解读

11.Tries to discuss the historical personage topic piece the valueessential factor--Take the television movie "Green hill Newborn baby-Zhouyiqun" as anexample;试论历史人物专题片的价值要素——以电视片《青山赤子周逸群》为例

12.Television"s culture beat.电视的文化专题采访

13.CAAC Holds VideoPhone Conference on Reform民航总局召开改革专题电视电话会议

14.The pay-out from the television specials and record sales was expected to give each Beatle around $US 120 million.电视专题节目和唱片销售的收入可望使每个甲壳虫乐队成员获得大约一亿两千万美元。

15.an all night television special on the election电视上整夜的选举专题报道

16.Design of TV Edit Subject Learning Website Development“电视编辑”专题学习网站的开发设计

17.And it provides professional services of sound production involving commercials, propagandas, soap operas and entertainment shows.能从事广告片、资料片、宣传片、电视剧、文艺节目后期的声音制作,我们能提供最专业的服务。

18.There was a flood of complaints from the press about the bad language used in the special TV show.报界纷纷指责专题电视节目中使用的粗鄙语言。


documentary video materials专题型电视教材

3)English feature programs英语专题电视

4)theme inspection专题视学

5)special project film专题片

1.Application of non-linear editing technique In makingspecial project film;非线性编辑技术在水电站工程专题片制作中的应用

6)Special photo专题照片


