300字范文 > 专题 special subject英语短句 例句大全

专题 special subject英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-17 18:30:44


专题 special subject英语短句 例句大全

专题,special subject

1)special subject专题

1.Practice and exploration of constructing database onspecial subject;专题数据库研建的实践与探索

2.In the investigation ofspecial subject--″qresent dwelling state and requirements of old people in Hangzhou″,the present dwelling state and satisfaction degree of existing housing suitable for old people are described quantitatively and qualitatively,and proposals for improving old poeople s living condition are offered.通过对“杭州老年人居家养老居住现状及需求”的专题调查,采用定量与定性的方法,分析评估杭州市老年人居住的现状,及对现有住房适合养老的满意度,提出改善居家养老居住条件的建议。

3.Pointed out this question needsspecial subject and subject research, and after comprehensive ordering,we got a list of reference plants.提出了需要进行相关的主题和专题研究,以及权衡各因子后的综合排序,形成一份苗木备用表。


1.Thematic maps illustrate a particular theme or topic.专题地图图示一个专题或主题。

2.Special Topic on Socialist Economic Problems社会主义经济问题专题

3.Senior Expert Symposium on Electricity and the Environment电力与环境问题高级专家专题讨论会

4.Of all these hierarchies, only alt has many groups that are of general interest.Alt级专题组是最适合大众的专题。

5.Topic Selection and Teaching Material Utilization in Topic-based Interpreting Course“专题口译”课程的专题设置及语料选用

6.ad hoc meeting on debt renegotiation债务重新谈判专题会议

7.International Symposium on Man in Space太空人国际专题讨论会

8.occasional monograph series不定期出版的专题丛刊

9.Symposium on Population and Development人口与发展专题讨论会

10.Symposium on Population and the Family人口与家庭专题讨论会

11.Symposium on Population and Human Rights人口与人权专题讨论会

12.Q: Where does this conversation take place?第一章 短对话专题训练

13.Symposium on International Trade Law国际贸易法专题讨论会

14.Modern Power Devices ?现代电力电子器件专题

15.Special Studies on Modernization of Legal Systems法制现代化专题研究

16.Group of Experts on Customs Affecting Transport运输关税问题专家小组

17.International Meeting of Experts on the Problems of Tolerance容忍问题国际专家会议

18.Expert Meeting on Social Integration社会融合问题专家会议


special topic专题

1.The whole program has a structure ofspecial topic with various recording techniques and innovating consciousness interwoven in it.《中国侏罗纪公园》是纪录专题探索的一种创新努力的体现。

2.Secondly, the themes of the theses for reports onspecial topics in the conference were analyzed.首先简介了本届大会的基本情况 ,其次对大会专题报告论文的主题进行分析 ,再次概述了墙报与书面交流论文研究的方法学特征 ,最后对论文作者分布情况做出分析。

3.Under this background, we put forward the research study onspecial topic at Chinese teaching area.在此背景下,我们提出在语文教学领域开展专题研究性学习。


1.Research of Topic-Specific Web Resource Discovery;专题式Web信息获取技术研究

2.Based on analyzing distribution of the pages that are relevant to atopic in the Web, a new approach that provides the crawler with a good set of seeds is brought forward to improve the crawler s performance, leads to savings in hardware and network resources.飞速发展的网络给综合性的采集系统带来了巨大的挑战 ,由此小型的专题信息采集已成为近年的研究热点。

3.This paper studies comparatively on three 1990s histories of Chinese grammar, which mianly concerns in monograph,topic, discussion and several important issues about history of Chinese Grammar itself.本文拟对20世纪90年代的三部汉语语法学通史进行比较研究,主要涉及三部学史对语法专著、专题、讨论及语法学史自身理论问题评介的异同点。


1.Based on reference books and Internet database,the paper makes a statistic,analysis and study on the thesis on the publication of local literature for the nearest half century of China,so as to provide the comprehensive information of thesubject.根据有关工具书和网上数据库,对我国近半个世纪以来有关书刊刊载地方文献这一特定主题的论文,进行统计、分析和研究,以便反映这一专题领域的较全面研究情况,供大家参考。

2.Thirdly, the further research into the types of research, the exploitation and design of thesubject, the instructional strategy and the method evaluation will be presented throughout lots of examples.本文从理论角度对乡土历史探究活动的概念、理论基础及国内外实施情况进行深入探讨;对初中开展乡土历史探究活动的必要性和可能性进行详细论证;通过大量的案例,对探究活动的类型、专题的开发与设计、教师指导策略及评价方法等进行深入研究;对探究活动的实践效果进行仔细分析和反思。


1.Automatic Edge Match Technology between Subcompartment PolygonThemes and Its Application;小班多边形专题自动接边技术及其应用

2.As a distinctive resource of cultural tourism, it also has a great potential value of tourism from the perspective of tourist assessment, it is very important that the art of Chinese calligraphy was developed with themes in a systematic way.中国书法艺术历来具有撼人心魄的魅力,作为我国一种独特的文化旅游资源其自身潜藏着巨大的旅游价值,从旅游评价的角度看,对其进行系统地专题性开发意义十分重要,并具有紧迫性。

6)special subject on special shelves专题专架

1.This article discusses the superiority of open bookshelf service in a library, deals with the application of three-line serrice system and the method ofspecial subject on special shelves, puts forward the shortcomings of the system and its vemedy measure.本文探讨了图书馆开架借阅方式的优越性,论述了三线借阅制及专题专架排架方法的应用,并指出所存在的缺点及克服这些缺点的措施。


