300字范文 > 发愤著书 Fa Fen Zhu Shu英语短句 例句大全

发愤著书 Fa Fen Zhu Shu英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-19 06:58:49


发愤著书 Fa Fen Zhu Shu英语短句 例句大全

发愤著书,Fa Fen Zhu Shu

1)Fa Fen Zhu Shu发愤著书

1.Fa Fen Zhu Shu is the most important literature thought of Sima Qian.“发愤著书”说是司马迁最重要的文学思想,只有联系屈原屈作,才能全面理解“发愤著书”说的丰富内涵与深层意蕴。

2.Chinese idiom "Fa Fen Zhu Shu"(make a determined effort to write books) is often understand as the creative drive but in fact, is a necessary results from the great attention by Si Ma - qian to the lyric function of the literary.怨与愤都是指人在同不合理的社会环境发生冲突时产生的情感,司马迁肯定了这种情感对文学创作的意义,提出“发愤著书”说。


1.Some Thoughts on Si Maqian"s "FaFenZhuShu" from a Perspective of Contemporary Aesthetics司马迁“发愤著书说”的当代美学诠释

2.Some Thoughts on "FaFenZhuShu"-The Theory of Chinese Acient Dynamics of Literary Works;“发愤著书”—中国古代文艺创作动力理论研究

3.Probing Essence of Psychological Aesthetics about Sima Qian s "Writing Books out of Determined Effort";司马迁“发愤著书说”的心理美学内涵探析

4.Embodiment of Theory of Writing from Anger in Chinese Ancient Historical Dramas;论“发愤著书说”在中国古典史剧创作中的实现

5.Sima Qian on the "Shi Ji" creative, and most researchers view is "writing for grievances".关于司马迁《史记》的创作,大多研究者是持“发愤著书”的观点的。

6.The Book of Slander, a Work of Suggestions, Determination and Sentiments;《谗书》——匡政济世、发愤抒情之作

7.They looked down upon the Qing officials because of their corruption, and expressed their anger and discontent in their paintings and calligraphy.他们生活比较清苦,深知官场的腐败,借助书画抒发内心的愤懑。

8.scandalous behaviour, talk, books令人愤慨的举止、 谈话、 书.

9.Research of Juristic Questions in Copyright Law Caused by Development of Digital Library;数字图书馆发展引发的著作权法律问题研究

10.Mike clenched his hands with a wrathful spark in his eyes麦克握紧双手,眼里冒著愤怒的火花

11.Mike clench his hand with a wrathful spark in his eyes.麦克握紧双手,眼里冒著愤怒的火花。

12.On Reasonable Use of Copyright and the Development of Library Service;著作权的合理使用和图书馆事业的发展

13.The Development of Digital Library and Fair Use System;数字图书馆与著作权合理使用制度的发展

14.The Copyright Risk and Strategy in Making Use of the CD along with Book;随书光盘开发利用中的著作权风险与对策

15.The problems of copyright protection In the resources development and construction of Digital Library;数字图书馆资源开发、建设中的著作权保护问题

16.get into a fury, rage, temper, etc愤怒、 勃然大怒、 发脾气

17.a flood of anger, abuse, indignation, etc大发雷霆、 大骂、 满腔义愤

18.She is letting loose her indignation.她在发泄心头的愤怒。


writing from anger发愤著书说

1.Affected bywriting from anger in Chinese traditional poetics,Chinese ancient historical dramas written by literators had strong emotion trend which were sorrow and anger because they were frustrated in career,hadn t bosom friends,and dismissed to staying home and otherwise.受中国传统诗学发愤著书说的影响,中国古代文人创作历史剧时有着强烈的情感倾向:抒发作者科场蹭蹬、知己难遇、去位巷处的忧愤之情。

3)passion for creating writings愤书

4)expressing misanthropic mood in written form书愤


1.Aesthetic Connotations and Ideological Foundations of "Fafen Doctrine" in the Han Dynasty;汉代“发愤说”的美学内涵及思想基础

6)Compiling Books著书

1.Collecting Books,Inscribing Books andCompiling Books in Luyou Family History;陆游家世藏书、刻书与著书


