300字范文 > 艺术形式 artistic form英语短句 例句大全

艺术形式 artistic form英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-02 07:01:14


艺术形式 artistic form英语短句 例句大全

艺术形式,artistic form

1)artistic form艺术形式

1.In terms ofartistic form,Ibsen s poems also demonstrate traits of ballads such as elements of folk songs,circular sentence structure,stanzaic repetition,and folk humor.在艺术形式上体现出民间歌谣的特征:歌唱的因素、回环的句式、节与节的反复、民间的机智和幽默风趣。

2.Theirartistic forms are characterized by features of "soul stories" and "polyphony" novels.在艺术形式上,则呈现出“心灵故事”和“复调”小说的特征。


1.architecture as a kind of art form.作为艺术形式的建筑。

2.It uses traditional art forms它用传统的艺术形式

3.The Contemporary Style and Art Form of Glass Decorative Art;玻璃装饰艺术的时代风格与艺术形式

4.The motion picture is highly complex art form which combines many other arts.电影是一种熔多种艺术为一炉的综合艺术形式。

5.On the Art Form and Aesthetic Sense--Together on the Contribution of Formalism to Aesthetic Education艺术形式与美感——兼论形式主义对美育的贡献

6.Film-making is now accepted as an art-form.电影制片现已公认是一种艺术形式.

7.Cross talks are an art form people love to see and hear.相声这种艺术形式让老百姓喜闻乐见。

8.An impure art form.具有多种风格的艺术形式

9.Chinese Seal, Dancing [email protected] adopts a special form of traditional Chinese art.采用了一种特殊的传统中国艺术形式。

10.Every form of art has its limitations.每种艺术形式都有本身的局限。

11.It is agreed upon generally that the bullfight is an art form.人们普遍认为斗牛是一种艺术形式。

12.The score of such a work.歌剧配乐这种艺术形式的配乐

13.an artistic form of nonverbal communication.一种不用语言交流的艺术形式。

14.Study on the Abstract Art Theory and Its Form of Artistic Expression抽象艺术理论及其艺术表达形式研究

15.Woman has been portrayed by artists in many ways.艺术家用各种形式塑造了女性的形象.

16.Deformation and Reach - - on Form of Vanguard Art;变形与抵达——先锋艺术的形式策略

17.Aesthetic Expressions for Formal Aesthetic Perception of Art Design论艺术设计形式美感的审美表达方式

18.Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art.艺术挂毯是地毯编织艺术的最高表达形式。


art form艺术形式

1.The Aestheticism that sense organs incitement influenced The Chinese Neo-Sensationalism in the philosophy of life,literature view and over-emphasizedart formalities.感官刺激与声色享乐的唯美主义,在人生观、文艺观以及偏重艺术形式上都影响了新感觉派。

2.The thesis talks about the development and ways of the combination of poem and painting in traditional Chinese painting and enplains the combination is a goodart form of traditional Chinese painting, which we should learn and use.本文通过对传统中国画诗画结合的历史发展过程和诗与画内外部结合的方式等的分析,进一步阐释了诗画合一是传统中国画的优秀形式,这一极富民族性的艺术形式值得我们学习和借鉴。

3.The concept ofart form is an essence question concerning the existence of aesthetics and the study of art.艺术形式的概念是关系到美学和文艺学存在的本体性问题。

3)Artistic forms艺术形式

1.Archaic poesies and music were combined through interaction since they are created,their artistic forms trended to independency stage by stage in the course of development.古代诗词(辞)与音乐从诞生起是相互结合的,在发展过程中两者的艺术形式逐步趋于独立,但两者仍相互影响,相互促进,共同实现了繁荣与发展。

2.Through re-reading the famous poem "Celestial Dog" under the modernity frame of reference,this paper is supposed to disclose the distinct modernity feature in its ideological contents as well as in its artistic forms,and probes into the reasons for the formation of such a feature.无论是思想内容上,还是艺术形式上,《天狗》都已经具有鲜明的现代性特征。

3.The paper expounds the artistic success of the Qingzhen Ci poems and the necessity of seeking the artistic forms, under the background of the creating inclination in the North Song Dynasty and combining the Ci poems development with Zhou Bangyan s writings.本文以北宋后期的时代和创作倾向为背景,结合词的发展及周邦彦的具体创作,阐述了清真词的艺术成就及其对于艺术形式追求的必然性和必要性。

4)art forms艺术形式

1.By studying theart forms for periodicals format designing, the writer discusses how to understand and grasp the rules ofart forms for periodicals formatting.本文通过对版式设计艺术形式的探讨 ,从多角度、多层面论述了如何理解和把握版式设计艺术形式的规律。

2.As a conclusion,we consider that Langer s study onart forms achieves a considerable height and strength,but it is a little empty because of its metaphysical character,while Sun deepens,particularizes,reifys and operationalizes the metaphysical concepts and principles which Langer ca.朗格对艺术形式的研究达到了相当的高度与力度,但也因其形而上特质而流于空疏,而孙绍振恰恰在她无法深入之处,以其罕见的经验归纳与理论抽象能力,将原本形而上的概念与规律予以深化、细化、具体化与可操作化。

3.The imagery thoughts is the aesthetic source and center of Chinese ancientart forms.意象思维是中国古典艺术形式的审美根源和中心。

5)form of art艺术形式

1.The music in festival lantern opera and Nuo opera has an uniqueform of art and technique of expression.花灯、傩戏是湘西地方戏剧重要组成部分,花灯、傩戏中的音乐有着独特的艺术形式和表现手法,花灯、傩戏及其音乐形式在其产生与发展过程中为中国戏剧艺术发展作出了积极贡献。

6)form art形式艺术

1.Basic composition elements ofform art are introduced as well as its creative skill and features.介绍了形式艺术构成的基本要素、构成手法及其特点,并结合玛莎。


