300字范文 > 口供 Confession英语短句 例句大全

口供 Confession英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-15 14:59:07


口供 Confession英语短句 例句大全



1.On nature and probative force of confession of codefendant;论共同被告口供的性质及其证明力

2.On Outlines ofConfession Rules;刑事诉讼中口供规则体系论纲

3.The regulation of the defendant s confession in the code of criminal procedure is too abstract, less operation, and lack of complete evidence rule, so it is hard to ensure the function of confession.我国刑事诉讼法中有关被告人口供的规定过于抽象,操作性差,缺乏完备的证据规则,难以保障口供发挥应有的作用。


1.Wormed a confession out of the suspect.从嫌疑犯口中诱出口供

2.The policeman had their confession.警察得到了他们的口供。

3.The police used torture to extort a confession from me.警方用刑逼我口供。

4.a voluntary statement [confession]自动提出的口供 [自白]

5."Shall I write your deposition?“要不要我给你写口供?

6.pried a confession out of the suspect.从嫌疑犯中寻出了口供

7.Proof of Evidence (Statement) Antecedents证据之认证(口供)经历

8.Take the examination of sb.【律】讯问某人并录其口供

9.On Investigating the Confession in the Case of Defendants" Withdrawing Confession翦论被告人翻供情形下对口供的审查

10.They wrung a confession from the prisoner.他们从犯人口中逼取了口供。

11.In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime.在你的口供中,你供述曾经看到被告在犯罪现

12.In your statement you allege that the accused man was seen at the scene of the crime .在你的口供中,你供述曾经看到被告在犯罪现场。

13.End Connections– choice of flanged, threaded or socket weld ends.(13) 连接端口-可提供法兰、纹或焊接连接端口供用户选择。

14.End Connections ? choice of flanged, threaded or socket weld ends.连接端口-可提供法兰、螺纹或焊接连接端口供用户选择。

15.the act of informing by verbal report.口头提供情报的行为。

16.a drug that can be injected or taken by mouth可供注射或口服的药

17.age dependency ratio受供养人口年龄比率

18.wring a confession from a criminal从罪犯口中挤出供词


oral confession口供

1.Acquisition of Oral Confession and Protection of Human Rights in the Procedure of Investigation;侦查程序中口供获取与人权保障

2.Because the source of theoral confession——the criminal suspect and the accused——is on an inferior position in the criminal procedure,it is necessary to restrict its probative force.口供是犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的供述和辩解,包括犯罪嫌疑人、被告人承认有罪的供述,关于自己无罪、罪轻的辩解和揭发同案被告人的攀供。

3.The corroborating rule of theoral confession is a sort of evidence corroborating rule.口供补强规则是证据补强规则之一种,是指当案件主要依照口供定案的时候,法律要求必须以其它证据补充口供的证明力。


1.Attorneys excessively depend on thetestimony from criminal investigation.口供运用现状的实证调查,对于正确认识和改革完善我国的口供制度,推进刑事诉讼法的发展具有重要意义。

2.The co-defendant is gradually eligible to produce evidence and his confession can be admitted astestimony.具体来说,同案共犯之间由于存在直接利害关系,其口供在一般情况下需要补强;而同案非共犯以及非同案共犯与案件不存在利害关系,因此其口供证明力较强,无需补强即可作为定案依据。

3.Testimony retraction is the denial by the suspect or defendant of part or all of his or her former confession and is therefore his or her newtestimony or argument in a legal case.翻供是口供的一种 ,是指犯罪嫌疑人、被告人在判决确定前 ,推翻原有供述和辩解的一部或者全部 ,而作出的新的供述和辩解。


1.It is essential to set up the principles that judge an affidavit whether the evidence is of value or not in the criminal proceedings in our country.要想突破口供是证据之王的传统法律思维,在我国建立起审查口供的原则势在必行。

2.Presently in China,the interrogation process in investigation stage is characterized by its overemphasis on the defendant s affidavit.我国现行侦查讯问程序设计的一个突出特征是“口供中心主义”下的强制取供,即整个程序是以确保侦查机关“顺利”获取犯罪嫌疑人的“口供”为中心而加以设计的,为此,甚至不惜直接或间接地强制向犯罪嫌疑人取供。

3.The article attempts to talk about the meaning and history of the privilege of silence, affidavit ,criminal law restriction, and the tradition of Chinese legal system both in theory and in fact of criminal procedure law, from which it sets forth why the privilege of silence as a rule has not been brought into effect in China.通过对沉默权的含义及历史发展、沉默权与口供、沉默权与刑法制约、中国法制文化传统的描述与剖析 ,揭示了沉默权制度在中国刑事法实务中受阻的各种原因 ,主张在中国特有的国情下 ,有条件的在中国部分地区确立沉默权制

5)to revoke deposition;to retract testimony改口供; 翻供

6)demand-supply gap供需缺口

1.Based on the investigation of the factors influencing supply and demand of Chinese railway transportation, the paper estimates thedemand-supply gap of Chinese railway transportation then analyses the reasons from the angle of enterprise conduct and .在考察中国铁路运输供给和需求各自的影响因素的基础上,本文对中国铁路运输供需缺口进行了实证测算,从企业行为和市场结构的角度分析了导致中国铁路供需缺口长期存在的原因。

2.With this model,we calculate the railway saturation level,the potential railway demand and the huge railwaydemand-supply gap of China.通过这个数学模型,计算出了我国铁路路网长度的饱和水平、潜在的铁路运输需求以及铁路运输中巨大的供需缺口。


