300字范文 > 交待 voluntary confession英语短句 例句大全

交待 voluntary confession英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-13 23:47:49


交待 voluntary confession英语短句 例句大全

交待,voluntary confession

1)voluntary confession交待

1.In judicial practice,the prosecutorial organizations basically takevoluntary confession of the suspects as self-accusation in the period of double-designation.司法实践中,检察机关基本上都将犯罪嫌疑人在党的纪检部门采取“双规”措施期间的如实交待认定为自首。


1.He said to tell you to stick around.他交待说让你别走开。

2.be liable or accountable.负有责任或者有所交待。

3.Devolve upon to sb.将(工作)交待给某人,交由某人接替

4.He gave it me at Savannah, when he lay a-dying, like as if I was to now, you see.他在萨瓦纳临死时交待给了我,就像我现在要交待给你一样。

5.It"s the doctor"s mandate.这是医师的命令 [是医师交待的] 。

6.I"ll have quite a briefing to give you.到时候还有些情况要当面向你交待。

7.I"m telling you this in advance so that you won"t look on greedily."我先交待明白了,别看着眼馋。

8.Only when the head-bearer told him they had finished did he think of going home.直到“头儿”过来交待,他才想起回家。

9.A single flicker of the eyes could give you away.只消眼光一轮,就算把你给交待啦。

10.This dark assertion will be illuminated later on.这句晦涩的话,下文将有所交待。

11.The thief was surprised into confessing.小偷被弄得措手不及而被迫坦白交待。

12.What will you do for me if not found?如果找不到,你该如何对我交待?

13.The judge enjoined him from infringing on the rights of his neighbors.法官交待他不要去侵犯他邻居的权利。

14.The ownership structure should be tied into your will.拥有权结构应在遗嘱里交待清楚。

15.It is time to come clean on your dirty secret.是时候坦白交待你那肮脏的秘密了。

16.Bullies: What"s your explanation tomorrow? I want to hear now.然后你明天什么交待?我现在要听。

17.You must account for your absence to the manager.你必须向经理交待你缺席的原因。

18.She put a finger to her lips to enjoin silence.她放一根手指在她的唇上以交待安静。


for further transfer待转交

3)To confess fully.坦白交待

4)back order待交订货单

5)check for clearing待交换支票

6)waiting execution time等待成交时间

1.How to measure orderwaiting execution time is a new theoretic problem.在中国指令驱动股票市场中,限价指令需要为成交付出等待成本,如何计量限价指令的等待成交时间是金融市场流动性及微观结构理论领域崭新的研究问题。


