300字范文 > 城市河湖 urban rivers and lakes英语短句 例句大全

城市河湖 urban rivers and lakes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-30 02:31:48


城市河湖 urban rivers and lakes英语短句 例句大全

城市河湖,urban rivers and lakes

1)urban rivers and lakes城市河湖

1.Study of water quality improwement and the protective technique ofurban rivers and lakes;城市河湖水质改善与保障技术研究

2.Ecosystem health assessment ofurban rivers and lakes for six lakes in Beijing;城市河湖生态系统健康评价——以北京市“六海”为例

3.The application of traditional flocculation-air floatation technics in treatment of pollution was discussed for the pollution situation ofurban rivers and lakes in Beijing,a new integration system of flocculation-air floatation was developed on the base of the technics.针对北京城市河湖的污染状况,论述了传统絮凝-气浮工艺在污染治理中的应用研究及以该工艺为基础的集成系统的开发。


1.Studying on Eutrophication and Blue-green Algae Bloom of Urban Lakes in Beijing;北京城市河湖水体富营养化与蓝藻水华研究

2.Technology for municipal turbid water purification using self-reproduction microorganism城市河湖水域污水自繁衍微生物净化技术

3.Study on the Carrier as Carbon Source and Application on the Treatment of Urban Rivers and Lakes;供碳源载体及其在城市河湖水处理中的应用研究

4.Water Quality Assessment and Modeling of Rivers and Lakes along the Yangtze River;长江沿程河湖及城市内河水质评价与模拟研究

5.The Development of the Grand Canal, West Lake and the Hangzhou City in Ming and Qing Dyasty in Foreigners View;外国人审视中的运河、西湖与明清杭州城市的发展

6.Discussion and analysis on water-network system for urbanizing region:A case study of downtown Fenhu and the industrial zone of Wujiang城市化地区河网水系建设探析——以吴江市汾湖中心城区及产业园区为例

7.West Lake of Hangzhou, Dalian coastal area, Wuhan East Lake and Outbeach, and river beach view in Shanghai of Israel were built for representatives" urban waterfront landscape construction blew the clarion that resumed Chinese modern city waterfront landscape.京城东京艮岳、苏州沿河及杭州西湖景观的建设,推动了中国古代城市滨水景观的蓬勃发展。

8.It destroyed the city, swallowed the fertile land, stagnated the traffic, rivers and lakes, and made the disaster of drought and waterlogs, sandstorm, salt and alkali calamities worse continuously in Kaifeng.它毁灭了城市,吞没了良田,淤阻了交通、河流、湖泊,使开封旱涝、风沙、盐碱等灾害不断加剧。

9.Application of Grey Clustering Method in Eutrophication Assessment for Shallow Landscape Park of City River城市河流浅水景观公园水质的富营养化灰色聚类法评价——以龙潭湖公园为例

10.Study on the Purification Effects of River Corridor and Lakeside Zone of Jianhu Wetland on the Municipal Domestic Sewage剑湖湿地入湖河流廊道及湖滨带对城镇生活污水净化效果的研究

11.provide with a canal, as of a city.在城市中开凿一条运河。

12.The city lay astride the river.城市横跨河的两岸。

13.One Waterway of the City River and the Lake;One Integrity of the Green Willows and the City Walls:Two Aspects of Study on Shouxihu Lake of Yangzhou城河湖水一带 绿杨城郭一体——扬州瘦西湖研究二则

14.The Influence to City Transport for Utility of City Land Change in Wuhu;芜湖市城市土地利用变化对城市交通的影响

15.Anti-Leakage Technology on Artificial Lake Riverway in the Urban Section of Hutuo River at Shijiazhuang滹沱河石家庄市区段河道人工湖防渗技术研究

16.Study on Ecotourism Planning of Woniu Lake Reservoir in Heihe City;黑河市卧牛湖水库生态旅游规划研究

17.Consideration on Economic Construction of Xiliuhe Town of Xiantao City in Hubei Province;湖北省仙桃市西流河镇经济建设思考

18.Brief Report on Excavation of Eastern Dynasty Tombs at Beigang, Laohekou;湖北省老河口市北岗东汉墓发掘简报


urban river and lakes in Beijing北京城市河湖

1.Theurban river and lakes in Beijing have important action on supplying water, controlling flood and city ecosystem.—的调研结果显示,北京城市河湖(长河水系)总氮平均含量为1。

3)Qufu Urban Rivers and Lakes曲阜城市河湖

1.Survey on the Phytoplankton Community inQufu Urban Rivers and Lakes;曲阜城市河湖浮游植物调查

4)urban lakes城市湖泊

1.Migration and enrichment of mercury fromurban lakes in Wuhan;武汉城市湖泊汞的迁移与富集

2.Analysis onurban lakes eutrophication status in Beijing;北京城市湖泊富营养化评价与分析

3.Application of immobilized nitrogen cycling bacteria in water purification ofurban lakes固定化土著氮循环细菌在城市湖泊水体净化中的应用

5)lakeside city湖滨城市

6)Urban lake城市湖泊

1.Evaluation on the changes of ecosystem service of urban lakes during the degradation process: a case study of Xiannü Lake in Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province;城市湖泊退化过程中水生态系统服务功能价值演变评估——以肇庆仙女湖为例

2.An early warning approach for aquatic ecosystems in small urban lakes a case study in Hanyang District,Wuhan City;小型城市湖泊生态系统预警技术——以武汉市汉阳地区为例

3.Case study: calculation of eco-environmental water demand of urban lake;城市湖泊生态环境需水量计算——以北京市六海为例


