300字范文 > 城市河流 urban river英语短句 例句大全

城市河流 urban river英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-25 11:37:42


城市河流 urban river英语短句 例句大全

城市河流,urban river

1)urban river城市河流

1.Establishment of anurban river ecological health evaluation system;城市河流生态健康评价体系构建研究

2.Urban river improvement and water ecological environment protection;城市河流整治项目与水生态环境保护初探

3.Assessment ofurban river habitats:application and methodology;城市河流栖息地评价方法与应用


1.Studies on Habitat Assessment of Urban River in China"s Plain Water Network Region;平原河网地区城市河流生境评价研究

2.Studies on Ecological Restoration Techniques of Flinty Slope Protection of Town River;城市河流硬质护坡生态修复技术研究

3.Ecological Concept and Method in the Construction of City"s Riverarea;城市河流地区建设的生态理念与方法

4.The Explore for the Better Pattern of Ecological Effection in City River Administer;城市河流治理生态效应优化模式探索

5.A Study on Sediments Contamination and In-situ Stabilization of Urban River城市河流底泥污染与原位稳定化研究

6.Study on the Morphology Indicator System of Urban River Health城市河流健康的形态学指标体系研究

7.Review on Ecological Restoration on Flinty Riparian by Urban Rivers城市河流硬质护岸生态修复研究进展

8.Recreation area planning in river banks of cities in China我国城市河流堤岸景观规划模式初探

9.Study on Riparian Zone Habitat Assessment of Urban River in China s Plain Water Network Region;平原河网地区城市河流滨岸带生境评价研究

10.Discussion on the Management Strategy for Chongqing Urban Rivers: Using the Taohuaxi River as an Example重庆市城市河流管理对策的探讨——以桃花溪为例

11.Study on Urban River Construction Theory Prompting Man-Water Harmonization促进人水和谐的城市河流建设理论研究

12.The river flows through the city from west to east.河流从东到西穿过这座城市。

13.BOD-DO Simulation and Emulation on the River System of Chengdu Urban Region;成都市中心城区河流BOD-DO模拟与仿真

14.Total Pollution Features of Urban Runoff Outlet for Urban River城市入河径流排放口总污染特征研究

15.The Status Analysis of Heavy Metal Pollution of the Creeks in Urban Area of Siping City四平市城区河流重金属污染现状分析

16.Urban Waste Water Transporting to the River: Biologic Recovery Technologies Research on the Xinyi River;城市尾水输移河流—新沂河生态修复技术研究

17.On the functions of urban wetland featured with rivers:take Lanzhou City for example;河流主导型城市湿地的功能——以兰州市为例

18.This work will be done in the Bahe River, Qinghe River, Liangshuihe River, North-ring waterways and Wenyuhe River with a view to improving the water quality of the lower reaches of the city.继续实施市区坝河、清河、凉水河、北环水系和温榆河的综合整治,全面改善城市下游河流水质。


city river城市河流

1.On greening design ofcity rivers;浅谈城市河流的绿化设计

2.The inquiry of comprehensive plan and government of water environment ofcity river in China;我国城市河流水环境综合规划治理探讨

3.The effect of the remediation of water body by the technology of aerating sediments was studied with sediments fromcity river as material.以城市河流底泥为对象,研究了底泥曝气对水体修复的效果。

3)urban rivers城市河流

1.Inquiry into comprehensive reclamation ofurban rivers and ecological construction;城市河流综合治理与生态建设探讨

2.Research and design of theurban rivers landscape in Yan an City Ⅱ.Planning and design;延安城市河流景观研究与设计(Ⅱ)—规划设计

3.Research and design of theurban rivers landscape in Yan an City Ⅰ.Current situation and development requirement;延安城市河流景观研究与设计(Ⅰ)—现状和需求

4)urban dry rivers城市干涸河流

1.As a case study of the project of "Ecological Restoration of Hutuo River in Shijiazhuang City", the paper illuminates the Green for Water model to the problem inurban dry rivers management.以滹沱河石家庄市区段为例,针对目前我国北方城市干涸河流治理和改造存在的问题,提出"以绿代水"的生态恢复与重建模式。

5)city"s river landscape城市河流景观

6)urban river water environment城市河流水环境

1.After the existing problem and developingdirection of IDSS are introduced and the development of theurban river water environment DSS (URWEIDSS) up to now is analyzed, the idea to design the URWEIDSS based on the agent technology is proposed, and then each entity of the URWE is modeled with agent technology and the framework of the system is given.介绍了智能决策支持系统现存的问题和未来的发展方向,分析了目前城市河流水环境决策支持系统的发展现状,提出了基于Agent技术设计城市河流水环境智能决策支持系统(URWEIDSS)的思想,并对城市河流水环境中存在的实体进行了Agent建模,最后给出了URWEIDSS的结构框架。

2.In this paper, the current situation of the water pollution control scheme of urban river environment is presented briefly, and the method of systematically modelingurban river water environment using Agent technology is proposed.在简要介绍目前国内城市河流水环境治污方案制定现状的基础上,提出了使用Agent技术作为城市河流水环境系统建模的思想,并对城市河流水环境决策支持系统中存在的几类实体进行了Agent建模设计,对其中的核心实体政府部门所对应的决策Agent作了详细、深入地分析,建立了基于消息机制的多Agent城市河流水环境决策支持系统的框架结构,并给出了系统提供决策的流程。


