300字范文 > 素质教育 quality education英语短句 例句大全

素质教育 quality education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-31 19:53:07


素质教育 quality education英语短句 例句大全

素质教育,quality education

1)quality education素质教育

1.Study onquality education of students of furniture design;浅议家具设计专业学生的素质教育

2.Pattern of environmental education of non-environmental specialty in higher university based onquality education;以素质教育为纲,构建高校非环境专业环境教育模式

3.A brief discussion about developing Chinese tea culture and colleges and universities students"quality education;浅论中华茶文化的素质教育功能


1.To Emphasize Sports Quality during Current Quality Education;当前素质教育中应强化“体育素质”教育

2.Discussion on Quality Education and P.E Teaching Reform;浅谈素质教育及体育教育对素质教育的作用

3.Thinking much of diathesis education of law in school diathesis education;注重学校素质教育中的法律素质教育

4.Carry out Quality Education Appraisal to Promote Quality Education Implementation;开展素质教育评价 促进素质教育实施

5.Strengthening Sports Teachers Quality Constructure toCarrying Out Quality-oriented Education;提高体育教师素质 实施素质教育

6.The Society of Knowledge Economy: Quality Education and Education Quality;知识经济社会:素质教育与教育素质

7.The Education of Proficiency Requires a group of PE Teachers with High Level and Qualities;论素质教育对体育教师素质的新要求

8.Promoting Quality-oriented Education and Raising Teaching Quality;推进素质教育 提高教育教学质量

9.Shift the Basic education from examination-oriented education to quality oriented one基础教育由应试教育向素质教育转变

10.The Discussion on Health Education and Quality Education in Physical Education of Middle School;论素质教育、健康教育与中学体育教学

11.The view on Quality Education and Creativity Education in Higher Education;谈高等教育中的素质教育与创新教育

12.A Study on the Reconstruction of the Student s P.E Quality in the Background of Quality Education in Normal University;高师素质教育与师范生体育素质重构

13.Teachers" mental quality is the key to carry out Quality Education.教师心理素质是开展素质教育的关键。

14.On the Integrity Education and Integrity Construction for Teachers of Chinese in Middle Schools;素质教育与中学语文教师素质的构建

15.The Relationship between Quality Education and Quality Development of the Art Teachers in Middle and Primary School;素质教育与中小学美术教师素质培养

16.Improving Teachers Quality Is The Key to Pushing Ahead Quality Education;提高教师素质是推动素质教育的关键

17.Primary Discussion on English Teaching for All-round Development and Teacher s Quality;浅谈英语学科的素质教育与教师素质

18.Improving Qualities of Teachers of "Two Courses", Promoting Quality - oriented Education in Colleges;提高“两课”教师素质 推进高校素质教育


quality-oriented education素质教育

1.Realization of ultimate value in higher education and university leaders idea ofquality-oriented education;大学教育终极价值的实现与大学领导的素质教育理念——兼论医学人文素质教育

2.British & American literature courses in perspective ofquality-oriented education;素质教育视野中的英美文学课程

3.On the position and paradigm ofquality-oriented education;素质教育的地位和模式论析

3)Diathesis education素质教育

1.Actualizing diathesis education and improving teaching of medicinal chemistry;实施素质教育与改进药物化学教学

2.Discuss the college library base onDiathesis education;论素质教育下的大学图书馆

3.Diathesis Education and Reform of University Library;素质教育与高校图书馆的改革

4)Education for all-round development素质教育

1.Confucian ethics and education for all-round development in colleges&universities;儒家伦理思想与高校素质教育

2.College P.E. reform and education for all-round development;高校体育改革与素质教育

3.Positions and functions of the libraries of P.E. institutes in education for all-round development;体育院校图书馆在素质教育中的地位与作用

5)education for all-around development素质教育

1.University education of leisure under theeducation for all-around development goal素质教育视野下的大学休闲教育

2.Study on Chinese Test Style and Ability in Education for All-around Development;素质教育中语文能力考核模式的研究

3.Oneducation for all-around development of college student in new times;新时期大学生素质教育刍议

6)quality oriented education素质教育

1.The author discussed every level ofquality oriented education and practical ability in nursing students training.就如何将素质教育、实际能力的培养融于护理学生培养的各个层面进行了较为全面的探讨。

2.The paper believes that first priority should be given to ideological and political education in the development ofquality oriented education.阐述了学校加强素质教育要把对学生进行的思想政治素质教育放在首位 ,强调了思想政治素质教育的重要性。


教育案例一、 什么是教育案例1. 教育案例的定义关于教育案例的含义,许多专家学者有过不同的表述。虽然说法不同,却也有一定的共识,如果概括为一个定义,即:教育案例是一个教育情境的故事。在叙述一个故事的同时,人们常常还发表一些自己的看法,也就是点评。所以,一个好的案例,就是一个生动的故事加上精彩的点评。2.教育案例的特征案例是一种写作的形式,那么它与我们平时所说的论文等形式有什么区别,又又有什么特点呢?(1)与论文的区别从文体和表述方式上来看,论文是以说理为目的,以议论为主的;而案例则以记录为目的,以记叙为主,兼有议论和说明。也就是说,案例是讲一个故事,是通过故事来说明道理。因此,从写作的思路和思维方式上来看,二者也有很大的区别。论文写作一般是一种演绎思维,思维的方式是从抽象到具体,而案例写作是一种归纳思维,思维的方式是从具体到抽象。(2)与教案、教学设计、教学实录的区别一般来说,与教案、教学设计的区别比较容易理解。教案和设计都是事先设想的教育教学思路,是对准备实施的教育措施的简要说明;案例则是对已发生的教育过程的反映。一个写在教之前,一个写在教之后;一个是预期,一个是结果。案例与教学实录的体例比较相近,它们的区别也体现了案例的特点和价值。同样是对教育情境的描述,教学实录是有闻必录,而案例是有所选择的。至于怎样选择,就要看案例撰写的目的和功能了。
